
Migraine, cure with psychedelics?

63 posts in this topic

Dude, maybe you should help her with this first. If you don't eliminate the root cause, the problem won't disappear.

18 hours ago, OBEler said:

She has food problems and this has a direct link to her head he said


Edited by Superfluo

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@Superfluo She will eliminate this food problem but it is just one of many problems. the root problem is probably her childhood trauma. Most people with trauma have migraine, there is a link there. 

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@OBEler Okay. It would be wise to tackle the problem also with techniques done sober, like journaling, emotional vipassana, etc. Because a fundamental part of reintegrating the psyche is gaining insight into the trauma, understanding the mechanism of the coping strategy so that one is aware of how the coping mechanism starts and operates and can navigate through the layers to arrive to the root. Maybe LSD works best when you are at least to some degree aware.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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@Enlightenment I told my girlfriend about 5 meo dmt. Do you still use 5 meo for migraine? can you tell how often you take it, how much of the migraine symptopms are reduced and how many days it last?

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On 25.04.2021 at 9:36 AM, OBEler said:

Do you still use 5 meo for migraine?


On 25.04.2021 at 9:36 AM, OBEler said:

how much of the migraine symptopms are reduced and how many days it last?

It lasts only hours, not days. 6/10 reduced after about 10 mg snorted

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@Enlightenment ok that sounds no very promising.

My girlfriend took 125 micro lsd on sunday with migraine symptoms. she met Jesus and jesus told her there is a bigger god than him. He introduced her to Zeus. Very powerful experience, she merged with the earth and cosmos. Migraine is gone so far.



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update: last Sunday she took 80 microgram LSD. Met Gaia, the Mother of earth. No migraine so far. LSD clearly helps agains migraine!!!

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How does she meet these spirit guides? Is she doing something particular to channel them or it just happens?

Would be cool to have a spirit guide myself ?

Edited by acidgoofy

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@acidgoofy she just can do it. she channeled so far in following order:

Maria magdalena (mother of jesus)




Gaia (mother of earth)

She never was religious, or interested in any of these gods until she channeled them. Each of them has their own strength. Maria magdalena for example is warm and give her unconditional love. Zeus is very powerful and gives her strength. She did not know of these gods until she described me exactly how they looked and what their spirit was, then we googled it to find out and it was exactly like she met on LSD. She was totally shocked

As she first met jesus, she even did not asked for him. he was showing himself to her. he was a litte sexual to her she felt. Because this was too much she said to him he should go away the first times she met him (it was in a church, no LSD). Later on LSD she had direct contakt to him. As I said, she is not religious she just visit church because it is a quiet place

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@acidgoofy yes they give her healing support

However this does not effect her mood/Depression or childhood trauma in any signifikant way so far. No significant impact on daily life therefore

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22 hours ago, OBEler said:

However this does not effect her mood/Depression or childhood trauma in any signifikant way so far. No significant impact on daily life therefore

The best would be to go to a psychotherapist and in combination do psychedelics at home. The hard part is to really go into your nightmares when you do psychedelics at home, as I said, your intention has to be very clear.

My perfect dose for LSD is around 200ug but sometimes I do 400-500ug. And I noticed that only on those high doses, the deep unconscious trauma will come to surface. If she is ready to go there, then she should slowly up her dose. So if she did 100ug last trip, do 150ug next trip until it shows.

Set and setting is key so as I already said, get the intention very clear and create an environment with as little distractions as possible. So just lay down in darkness accompanied by music.

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@acidgoofy When she meet her trauma, can she then really heal it ? Did it work for you?

So far with 100 microgramm she just has various insights about union, god and reality (which is nice, but has no influence at all for her daily life struggle with her childhood trauma)

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Yeah once you recognize the root, work trough it and accept everything as it is, healing takes place.

In my case I didn't have severe trauma, more like standard stuff that everyone has and facing this already was utterly terrifying. So keep in mind when someone has some heavy trauma like being abused as a child or something, it's going to be rough but it's worth it for sure.

Stan Grof did lsd therapy with around 2000 patients and if I remember correctly, I think he said that there was not one case they couldn't resolve. But as I already said he worked with high doses around 500ug.


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@acidgoofy @acidgoofy ok this sounds heavy.

Do you think it is possible with moderate doses of lsd doing it 50 times to have the same healing effect (just slower)? I recognize her trauma feelings are showing up more frequently lately during the day. She dont have access to the memory or cause of it. It is just showing up

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@OBEler you have to slowly increase your dose and play the long game

On 10.5.2021 at 7:36 AM, OBEler said:

Do you think it is possible with moderate doses of lsd doing it 50 times to have the same healing effect (just slower)?

No, in my experience it's not possible.

The lsd experience is very different for me once I go above 400ug, almost like a different drug. Maybe it will work for her, I don't know. Also maybe your girlfriend is much more sensitive then I am and she only needs 200ug to go that deep.

You have to take some risks and experiment on your own since it's not legal in germany and I doubt it will be legal in the near future.

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@OBEler If she has deep trauma I suggest you look to my posts. I have quite some stuff on healing that could be useful to her.

But in short, if she has trauma surfacing easily and doesn't have the memory, that's a wonderful chance to do bodywork or the completion process (it's a specific exercise).

Not having memories of the trauma, if trauma really happened, usually comes from the brain preventing the person from being flooded by intense emotions. It's a safety mechanism that prevents your mind from being overwhelmed and shutting down in response of an intense emotional charge. In this period I'm experiencing on myself the issue of blocked memories, and this shows up as a throat/neck/back blockage for me.

Also, it could be helpful to learn about characterology (lowen and reich work, you just google lowen characterology and look around).


Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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@acidgoofy Ok yesterday she took first time 150 microgramm LSD. She wanted to know why she cannot be good at playing music (she is a music student). She always has the feeling that she is not good enough. This feeling is about anger and sadness because she tries so much to be a top music player but often times she does not play good. Her ego sabotages her  not only by commenting that she is not good but also  by taking away the sounds of her music when she plays. It sounds to me like a form of dissosiation. This sounds heavy and I dont know how she can cure from this


Anyway, she faced the feeling of being not good enough. It was a total struggle, her ego died. but at the end she accepted it. Then she was ok. She also was automatically singing (it sound sad, like a cat which cannot go into the house). This dose did not face her childhood trauma but this was not her goal. She wanted to know whats about this feeling. She had no meeting of god this time, but I think she met her shadow. Althoug it was a heavy trip, she is fine now. She is thinking about doing 150 microgramm at minimum in the future. I think maybe she should do a candiflip (Mdma + lsd) or just MDMA next time for visiting her childhood trauma.

PS: one interesting thing, she saw the first human being god built. it was an african man. She became this one and she said the first humans were only men, woman came later. 
Another interesting thing, she said I dont exist (this insight during the trip was no shock for her. she just said it to me like it was nothing special "Do you even exist? ...No you dont exist. Okay.") . I already know from leos teaching that I dont exist, but I cannot comprehend what she saw and how this feels. I would be totally shocked if I realize my girlfriend does not exist. How can she be so cool about this.



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