Girl behaving strange

chungii chang
By chungii chang in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
Hello, ladies and gentlemans. Someone more experienced in this matters may say that is nothing strange here. But anyways I still ask advice. So, the story: I've been working at large firm. There was a girl, she was working in another section but we still met regurlary. I would make her tea sometimes, invite her to my office at warehouse, just talking with her. We were not been showing affection to each other, just friendliness. She had a problems with her job. I saw that something isn't right and tried to strike conversation about it (much later I found that she's been on drugs at that time). I've starting to like her. I said to her that if she's having some problems we can talk about it and maybe I can help. Response was that everyting is okay and she was jus evading conversation.  Missing days, showing negligence towards her duties... Soon she was fired.  Worrying about her, I was asking colleagues her number but no one was willing to give it (still don't know why). Then after a few weeks I too changed a job. After another few weeks I found her account on social media, message her, she seemed happy that I had reached out me her number. She said that when she was returned to take her last paycheck, came to my wokplace but I was already not there of course. Found out that she is sitting at home playing games, no boyfriend and no friends. We agreed to meet at weekend, had few nice conversations. But when weekend had came she just ignored my attempts to contact her. For next few weeks I was trying to pull her out, (with no success) she said that she likes me but have a problems (but I was not moving in this direction then and we were not speaking about such things before. Girl said this just out of context), then learned that she had some "depression". Then conversations become somewhat short (I've seen that she is not interested). The I said that I too like her and let's date and why she is evading me. She agreed to date but like first time when I wanted to setting time and place she just ignored messages. All my calls was rejected. Same day at night she sent me a message that I am too young for her (me 21 and she is 26).  Next day I've met her former colleague and he said that she at the time of her being fired was on drugs, amphetamine. And was seen at night club with some guys, highly inebriated. I knew that they were taking it on work but not paying heed about it. Thought that nothing serious. I've returned to home, voice her about it (we've been often used voice messages). Said that she really matters to me and want to help. She laughed and said that it's bullshit. Then I was pressing her to tell why she is evading me. She said that she don't need friends and talk to anyone, at least now. I was pressing more, said that I can't even know if she is lying. She said "Imagine that I almost married". What? So few weeks ago she had no boyfriend and now that? She said that feel uncomfortable about this conversation. I in my turn thanked her for lying and pretending. That was the story. Now, I not sure what to think or do. Nor I know what I was doing wrong on my part. From other's perspective it's all just childish thing. But I worry for her. On the other side I do not want to break ethical rules between us like yelling bitching moaning and being controlling. Or search her in clubs. Maybe someone will see here someting that I've failed to see. Thanks for reading.
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