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random dude

Leo, why did you say that revolutionists are stage red in your video?

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Can you please elaborate why you said that revolutionists are an example of stage red in your stage red spiral dynamics video?

Just for some background: I was born and raised in Syria for 16 years and then moved to the United states.

I honestly felt triggered and surprised when you said that revolutionists are stage red ,because in a sense, the only hope for Syria to become a better country is by a revolution that can effectively change and reform the corrupt system that we have there.

In Syria, we have the mob family "Al Assad" that has been ruling us for 50 years with brute force and fear.

The only hope for us Syrians to rise to higher stages of development , is by a revolution that can eliminate the corrupt core structure made up by the dictator that we have there.

Of course I'm not  talking about armed revolutionists because it gets so complicated and I don't want to get to the politics side of this topic.

It's just that the mere idea of a revolution is way higher than stage red because how could you change a system of dictatorship and corruption without a full blown revolution? 

Of course Syria did have a revolution beginning in 2011 as the Arab spring spread, the regime dealt with it brutally. 

But what other choice did the Syrian people have? In a sense I feel that we as Syrians wanted to evolve to higher stages of development but there is a deep built-in corrupt foundation in the Syrian "government " because this "government" has been hijacked by the Assad  and Makhlouf families for decades  and those families control most of the wealth in Syria. 

to be a compassionate honest human being in Syria ,there is just no other choice than to be a silent revolutionary against that ruthless regime.

And please don't tell me that without Assad, we would have ISIS;  I bet you that ISIS was created by the Syrian and Iranian regimes to put an islamic mask on the Syrian revolution. In 2013, Assad released dozens of radical and ideological wahhabist prisoners on purpose and those radical prisoners ended up becoming  military leaders of ISIS. I hope you see the connection there.

Assad did that on purpose so he can point his finger in front of the world at ISIS as terrorists so the world can be sympathetic with the biggest manipulative terrorist there is!!: Bashar Al Assad. 

Sorry got off topic. Hope this read didn't feel like a rant.



Edited by random dude

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@random dude

Can't speak to Leo's perspective on this, but I'd say revolutionaries can possibly be Red.

Keep in mind there is nothing inherently wrong with Red. If we say "that person is Red" or "that country is Red", it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that country. Red might actually be a big step up from Purple.

I don't know the situation in Syria, but it sounds like you're confirming what I'm saying. You're basically saying that a stage Red revolution is necessary because that's the only way to topple an oppressive stage Red regime. Exactly! So Red can be important and necessary.

Red's biggest problem is when Red is out of the context and environment where it is successful. You run into hard and fast limits when it comes to Red as the environment moves up the spiral. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have its place in development. It exists for a reason.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@random dude What exactly did I say? I don't remember saying that.

Provide an exact quote and the context in which I was speaking so can look at it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Has it not been said about people who followed Lenin and not today's more or less peaceful revolutionaries?

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Generally revolutionaries tap into their RED to be able to accomplish their goals, its like a last resort when ORANGE and BLUE dont work. Its not fully RED though, only a few of the values, a fully RED person might be attracted to GREEN revolutionaries though, for his own gain. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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