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Help on overcoming sex addiction

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When I was in my mid twenties I was quite heavily into pick up, I use to be shy and insecure so it was a big relief to be able to get a handel on my dating life. However at the time I didn't realise it but I started developing a sex addiction as a way to advoid pain. I eventually ended up having a deep spritual awakening and also wised up to the toxic nature of pick up and distanced myself from it. However I still find it very hard to overcome the addiction to sex with multiple people. Luckily from strong disicple I very rarely give in to my inpulses but the urge us very strong. 

I recently downloaded a dating app and was shocked at how east it was to get sex and found the addiction started to come back, I'm unsure if I am actually just supressung a healthy natural urge or if it is actually a problem but i know I will find it very hard to be with one person. I actually had to leave my last relationship because of it. 


Is this all down to a deep trauma or I'm just supressing urges and would actually be more beneficial to actually just honor it and go get laid alot and hopefully the urge will die down? 

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David Deida says it's natural for the masculine to want many partners.

What he does about that desire, is his own responsibility.

There's no right and wrong here.


If you are fine with being single and enjoying it, I can recommend learning to feel the difference of where impulses come from. Is this an addictive impulse? Am I being needy, greedy, or running away? Or am I just having fun and enjoying freely?

Then decide on a case by case basis whether or not to follow an impulse.

Making a rule is too simplistic. That's what was tripping me up for a long time.


Alternatively I can recommend falling in love, you won't see the point in doing any more pickup.

Edited by flowboy

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