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lonely today

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Does anyone else here feel lonely?


31 years young homosexual male Mexican with good living conditions and happy family speaking here.


I have been fasting for 3 days now and took a “small” dosage of LSD, this is not my first time fasting or in psychedelics.


While I am sitting here completely alone in my home it has come to my attention how very very lonely, I feel right now.


My stomach is eating itself; it would be so easy to alleviate, an my mother is visiting town today, I could call here at any time and she would come happily to help me with this loneliness.


And still, I do not want to do that. Why is that?

Why is it that I crave this… self-suffering?


This hunger that I feel at this moment is nothing besides how lonely I feel, I wish I had friends.


I am lucky in many other aspects of my life and have been devoting myself to the realization of the truth for almost a decade now. And see clear benefits now, I am self-sufficient, and disciplined person. but that is not what I am looking for, its just the way... that´s how I feel right now


Relationships have always been lacking in my life and I do not know how to get out there and start making friends and meeting people again. I have a good job, but I do not see many people.


Funny, I now remember a situation like this one where I wanted to post something here, probably similar to this but could not since I needed the authorization to be able to post.


Now thanks to that I can post this here now.

Edited by RodN
corrected misspelling error

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