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Is a part of enlightenment full surrender and acceptance of pain and joy?

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Hello lovely people

I have considered myself awake for quite some time now, in the sense that I believe that my life is some kind of cosmic dream, a vibration in an all encompassing whole. While meditation gives me peace in my life, I have never really had any meditative experiences and I believe it may be due to the “comfort” I have in my life, and my unwillingness to completely surrender to the idea that when I die, I may experience a life a thousand times worse than mine. I truly struggle with the question:

"if I am the universe experiencing itself (the only way existence could ever be), does that mean that joy can only exist when an equal amount of pain does? 

While I find myself on most days loving the world and all it’s beauty on most days, I always wonder if true enlightenment is a full surrender to the most noblest of truths which is that for all of the goodness of my life, there must exist an equal amount of badness. 

Has anyone else come to this conclusion? I ask because I truly understand the power of love and surrender I just wonder if it is not the entire picture. 

Edited by CBDinfused

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If you have questions, you're not awake by definition. A question, or a doubt, is a wanting to arrive at Truth, which by definition means that Truth is seemingly missing. If you are awake, it will be completely obvious that what you really ARE is incapable of asking a question.

I have a very comfortable life as well, but I've been awake multiple times. Don't let yourself make this an excuse. What needs to happen for you is to see the futility of thinking and questioning. Thinking can only go around in circles. What you need to do is to rise above thinking, by observing the process of thinking, as opposed to thinking that you're thinking.

46 minutes ago, CBDinfused said:

While I find myself on most days loving the world and all it’s beauty on most days, I always wonder if true enlightenment is a full surrender to the most noblest of truths which is that for all of the goodness of my life, there must exist an equal amount of badness.

Stop trying to make an accurate concept of how life is operating. You don't have to stop, but it won't lead you anywhere.

Edited by cuteguy

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8 hours ago, CBDinfused said:

"if I am the universe experiencing itself (the only way existence could ever be), does that mean that joy can only exist when an equal amount of pain does? 


While I find myself on most days loving the world and all it’s beauty on most days, I always wonder if true enlightenment is a full surrender to the most noblest of truths which is that for all of the goodness of my life, there must exist an equal amount of badness.

In a sense, enlightenment is about transcending the dualities of "goodness" and "badness".

Essentially, you realize that infinity contains all. But we are biased and make preferences for things as finite beings.

When you make that leap, you move to a meta-level sense of peace, joy and happiness.

It's not a peace or joy that depends on things being a certain way. That would be biased and conditional. This peace is unconditional. You love everything exactly as it is. Even the things we might consider vile or evil right now.

So yes, you could say that an equal amount of bad must exist for all the good. That's duality, that's Yin/Yang.

The question is, what's on the other side of that surrender?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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