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Shift in consciousness during meditation

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Holy shit. During my meditation I started to notice that the duality between the inside world and outside world is just a point of view. You could easily say that what we see is an outside perspective and the silence is inside. But on the other hand you can easily switch and say that what we see is inside and the silence (you know what I mean) is outside. It's the same when I say what we perceive with our senses is everything there is and the silece is nothing there is, but because it's the other side of everything it's every thing. In a sense it is the same with life and death. The moment you see something it dies but the silence is also  a form of death from the opposite point of view. The same goes with something and nothing, they are also interdependent and we know exactly what nothing is. During meditation the mentioned pov's started to oscillate and became in a sense one thing. Then the mind became restless and I felt the urge to write it down before I'd lose it. Hmm… shit when I read it over it doesn't make sense anymore and I feel quite confused. Am I on the right track though? 


Best regards

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You are always on the right track. You can't loose it. And yes, inside / outside is a fiction, no separation.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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6 minutes ago, Seeker531 said:

shit when I read it over it doesn't make sense anymore and I feel quite confused.

lol I can relate so hard when it comes to explaining insights or meditative / psychedelic / mystical experiences, usually I end up just not posting it.

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Thx. Often I feel like I am in my own way. 


Yeah, that's why I'm usually quite reluctant to opening a thread and also because I don't want to post nonsense. 

Oh, and a few minutes ago while listening to music I recognized that there is only a imaginary difference between nothing and something. It's a ever changing continuum. There is ever present knowing. So nothing and something are the same. I didn't see that listening is unity. ?

Maybe that post will help someone else a little bit

Edited by Seeker531

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