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Non Dual State.

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so in meditating I had a samadhi experience of a cat and upon reflecting on that the only way samadhi expeirence could work is if we all are on unified whole and that is truth i get that. But the Kicker comes in why does it happen when it happens. Because we all know there is no enlightenment to attain it has to be already present in us to be possible, we do self inquiry we can see  that our true self is always present and when you get a experiential first hand look at this, what makes the difference in permanent non dual states and and not permanent? You take a psychedelic and meditate instantly you can be thrusted into the non dual state, you can feel it your home your one. but then you meditate day after day you deal with the hardships but you rarely get to that level of consciousness and if you do its very random and sporadic, Its like you opened the door you return, then you lost the key again... but how is it possible if you have seen and experienced that not to have it permanently, we can clearly see it always present in everything. I mean all spiritual teachers play this trick on you if you let them, There is nothing to attain we are the same as them and operate under the same principals of the universe and you see them you can see yourself and within introspection you shine the mirror of awareness and get a look at whats really going on, so WTF Leo why cant we all just stay home? lol

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Who says your current state isn't nondual? 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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Touché however the experience of everyday life is not even close to the lucidity of mind in a flow state and the question is why not , it's been experienced and seen it's always present, why isn't every conscious second of the human experience like that where is the disconnect.

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