John Iverson

A Mind of a Player of Game A & Game B

A Poll for people who's a Player of GAME A or GAME B    15 members have voted

  1. 1. What Game You Really Inclined Yourself With?

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19 posts in this topic

So i would like this to cut in half by making a poll the other half is Players within Game A and in another Half is Players within Game B

Point of this is make expose yourself the Mind Of a Player of Game A and a Player Of Game B, (your psyches (psychological development), desires, motives, agendas, and your whole survival , for every stage, tell us here where you are coming from, make us understand your inner games you play 

Edited by John Iverson

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I like how well this type B concept stuck in this forum. It was literaly created by Leo's answer to my comment haha makes you think, how powerfull can butterfly effect be.

Edited by Peter Miklis

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Game A and Game B sounds so silly xD 

Basically game A is just people who are single and don’t want a relationship and wanna do pickup ? And game B is people into relationships, intimacy and love? Or ? 

Edited by intotheblack



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Just now, intotheblack said:

Game A and Game B sounds so silly xD 

Basically game A is just people who are single and don’t want a relationship? And game B is people into relationships.  Or ? 


Type B are people in relationships, who are in them with no survival agenda (so, basically almost no one)

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21 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

Type B are people in relationships, who are in them with no survival agenda (so, basically almost no one)

You're wrong about it. Please don't say it is nobody. That's veru close minded to say. Yes there is little to no survival agenda involved in Game B. But that does not mean nobody does it. 

Have you heard about lovers dying for each other or commiting suicide together? 

Have you heard about true stories of a couple who hang around even when the other person got cancer or lost a leg in an accident or is completely disabled? 

Of course for the healthier partner it's a huge burden to carry but they find emotional satisfaction in doing so. 

It's not like a game but a relationship with great emotional intensity. 

A very good example of game B is this video 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@John Iverson game B will not involve any kind of a fixed strategy like game A. It's basically looking for "heart" relationships. 

Such relationships have great love and intensity and dedication and hard work and usually last a long time. 

These are generally faithful monogamous relationships and do not involve chasing for attraction 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India you missunderstood, I meant to say ALMOST noone, you have to admit it is pretty rare. Most people I know would laugh you/me in the face if I told them there are relationships where no one has tanglible benefit.

By no means I'm saying that noone is practicing it. Just sayin', it's pretty rare.

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@Peter Miklis yes its rare. That's why I called it unconventional. But don't say nobody at all 

Because there are examples of people who want to be together even if society does not perceive the union as ideally beneficial. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, Peter Miklis said:

I like how well this type B concept stuck in this forum. It was literaly created by Leo's answer to my comment haha makes you think, how powerfull can butterfly effect be.

Don't mean to pop your bubble but Game A / Game B has been around forever. My understanding is that it's part of the lingo of the Human Potential Movement. Perhaps it started even before then.

The reason it's making rounds on the forum is because Leo has been sharing videos from Daniel Schmachtenberger, who is part of that crowd.



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17 minutes ago, aurum said:

Don't mean to pop your bubble but Game A / Game B has been around forever. My understanding is that it's part of the lingo of the Human Potential Movement. Perhaps it started even before then.

The reason it's making rounds on the forum is because Leo has been sharing videos from Daniel Schmachtenberger, who is part of that crowd.

I see. I didn't know. Gotta check that out.

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I have no idea but we need to define more what these mean it seems everyone has a different opinion lol 



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@John Iverson

6 hours ago, John Iverson said:

So i would like this to cut in half by making a poll the other half is Players within Game A and in another Half is Players within Game B

Point of this is make expose yourself the Mind Of a Player of Game A and a Player Of Game B, (your psyches (psychological development), desires, motives, agendas, and your whole survival , for every stage, tell us here where you are coming from, make us understand your inner games you play 

   Could you first define what is Game A and Game B , some examples as well? It's unclear for me to vote on.

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5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Have you heard about lovers dying for each other or commiting suicide together? 

Have you heard about true stories of a couple who hang around even when the other person got cancer or lost a leg in an accident or is completely disabled? 

@Preety_India But its still agenda they stay in these relationship because it gives them for example sence of purpuse or something else or they just cant leave because they would feel guilty. There is always agenda in relationship but in healthy relatioship its about satisfying both sides as much as possible.

If i get cancer and my partner want to leave me because of that i would be happy if she does because i want her to be happy.

I have a feeling that you think that conciouss relationship must be long term, exlusive, deep and intimate. But you can have all kinds of relationships on different values and it can still be highly conciouss. Someone can value more freedom and someone can value more comitment and both are equally valid.

Edited by AdamR95

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Just like any poll, no one has any idea what their voting for. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 hour ago, AdamR95 said:

@Preety_India But its still agenda they stay in these relationship because it gives them for example sence of purpuse or something else or they just cant leave because they would feel guilty. There is always agenda in relationship but in healthy relatioship its about satisfying both sides as much as possible.

If i get cancer and my partner want to leave me because of that i would be happy if she does because i want her to be happy.

I have a feeling that you think that conciouss relationship must be long term, exlusive, deep and intimate. But you can have all kinds of relationships on different values and it can still be highly conciouss. Someone can value more freedom and someone can value more comitment and both are equally valid.

Of course. There are all kinds of relationships 

Im talking about the nature of the relationship. You're talking about implications. However whether the relationship has agenda or not is immaterial. These are specific types of relationships that stray from normal ones. That was the whole point. Why those relationships exist or whether they are healthy or not is irrelevant. The only point was to find them and explore them 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@John Iverson

   Could you first define what is Game A and Game B , some examples as well? It's unclear for me to vote on.

Ask them to define it, and refer to the comments here about what are their thoughts about Playing in Game A and Game B, let them define it while they are exposing itself here  

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On 09/03/2021 at 9:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

It is true that we can and should pursue higher stuff. Game B. But we also have to recognize that we are deeply stuck in Game A right now, and that is not easy to ignore. Most guys are barely able to survive playing Game A such that Game B is like talking calculus to a mule.

And here's the thing: most women are playing Game A too. Very few women are playing Game B. So few that it is not a viable dating strategy to tailor your game to Game B women.

The ladies on this forum are advocating for Game B dating and relationships. That's great. But that can only happen in rare cases. Most men here are concered with getting laid, and for that purpose Game A is most effective. So we have here not only a male vs female bias issue, we have a Game A vs Game B issue.

Leo also said - 

““Game B is a great ideal. Unfortunately is barely exists in today's world and it is unrealistic to expect it. You are free to play Game B if you want, but don't be surprised when most people are playing Game A as you play Game B. This is what keeps Game B from being commonplace. We are stuck in a precarious survival situation, an arms race.

It is helpful to appreciate and accept that. That, in fact, is a necessary part of escaping Game A.””

- - - 

game A -

learning attraction, getting laid, pickup, casual relationships, exploring, learning how to understand the opposite sex, survival instinct based, more self absorbed, pleasure oriented, can also appear more shallow from both genders. Shallow friendships.

Also, this would include working on shadows, hidden biases, judgement, becoming a more loving and rounded being.  

Both women and men go through this stage to different degrees.. women can appear to go through it faster than men (getting tired of casual relationships, not only wanting to have sex) so they might move faster towards game B...

but that still doesn’t mean they will be embodying game B.... game B requires A LOT of previous inner work and understanding of your own issues and shadows. That is why you need game A for growth and becoming a better human.  Otherwise you’ll stay stuck in game A.  

You might also quickly move through this phase if you have little or no trauma... which is very rare, hence why most dating is this way. 

once you have exhausted this area you would be ready to move on to game B.  

game B is a continuation of Game A and is still self actualising, you just understand the limits that stage A brings you.  

You are now interested in something more and feel ready to explore a new terrain.  

game B -

transcending your relationships, sexual exploration with another, growing with another, deep connection, building intimacy, letting go of relationship views you once had, communication, openness, letting go of needing something from the other, learning to judge the other person less, having the others best interests at heart, companionship. 

this can be the same for friendships aswell as sexual relationships. You are basically learning to appreciate the closest people in your life. 

Letting the other person feel free to express themselves and be without expectations, Creating a safe space.

Being in a relationship because you genuinely care about and want to spend your time with the other person.... this is important and why it can be hard to find the right partner....  most people aren’t spending time with the right people.  You know you can survive alone but are choosing to be with the other person, choosing to give your time to them. And vice versa.  It should be a mutual feeling. 

people in game B can still have aspects of game A and they are working to transcend that. It’s not good or bad.

you might be at game B and seeking a relationship with someone who is still at game A, but you would notice this and understand that the other person isn’t ready yet. 

Game B doesn’t mean having to be in a relationship forever, it means you understand that if the time comes when you have both outgrown the relationship you will move on but keep that person as a part of you and learn from it. 


game C -

... to be continued


feel free to add anything, but from what Leo said this is what I gathered. Maybe I’m wrong.   Just giving my thoughts. 

Edited by intotheblack



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Game B: Mentor, Friendship, Lovers, Co-Creation, Inter-Being

1. Tier consciousness (divided consciousness): Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange and Green.
This group of people have only partially developed their consciousness.  This means they are divided into what they believe they are and what they believe they are not. This results in indifference, projection, denial, and placing guilt outside one self. Our male leaders are Orange and our female leaders are Orange an Green.

Infidelity is very present in 1. tier consciousness. Mostly at the lower stages and much less at Green stage.

2. Tier consciousness (non divided consciousness): Teal and Turqoise.
This group of people has been through all the levels which means all major parts of their unconsciousness has surfaced. They are healed to a greater extent than the first group. These people know themselves a lot better and tend to become more responsible. These people work, think, and feel in a greater interest than on a personal level. They are not controlled by the Shadow (fear or anxiety). Our future leaders will emerge from these levels. People on these levels are often accused of being naive as their values and moral comes directly from the heart, but when we look at where these accusations comes from – Red, Amber, Orange og Green, it becomes clear that these people does not know what they are talking about as they have no or only little contact with the Teal level – The Heart. Instead of raising them selves to the next level, they are trying to pull the next level down to where they are and then the greater qualities are lost! You have to grow to learn. So who is naiv here?


Game A blends into Game B in-between green and yellow. 

Being genuinely happy and fulfilled without a partner is unquestionably the best place from which to enter a new love relationship, because you will not come from a place of emotional, economic, sexual, or social neediness, but from a sense of contentment, fullness, satisfaction, abundance, and wholeness.  People in this phase of their life have usually arrived at stage four of their anima/animus development and orange and above, which is quite an accomplishment that should be celebrated.  Unfortunately, especially in New Age circles, these stages are often hailed as the ultimate level of personal development by men and women who conveniently overlook that any integrated personality development appears in intimate self-other relationships and that most of their living western spiritual teachers and evolutionaries of caliber live in committed partnerships.  It is therefore a good idea for them to look at possible pathologies that show up as fears of being in a partnership, and their unhealthy desire/attachment to being alone.  Both can be expressions of denial, repression, or narcissism.  Once their underlying wounds are healed and they realize that human beings are always partial and already whole, they can fully open up to invite a compatible partner into their life.

It can be a fine line between the neediness that originates from a sense of lack and deficiency that insecure people try to fill with sex or romance, and the desire of mature singles who want to share the joy and richness of their life, body, mind, heart, and soul with another human being in an intimate love relationship. 
The former is indicated by compulsive serial dating and a desperate behavior towards the opposite sex that dominates the afflicted people's lives and overshadows any other activity.  Their sense of urgency causes repetitive cycles of highs when falling in love, clinging while in partnership, heartbroken when abandoned by a lover (or abandoning others), and desperate searching when alone.  These people are perfect candidates for "SLAA"-Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. 
The latter represents the healthy yearning of the soul to find a mate and is experienced as openness towards potential partners that are good for him or her.  This yearning leads to a consciously focused approach to find/attract him or her while living one's life purpose, often by working with a dating and relationship coach.

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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3 hours ago, integral said:


Game B: Mentor, Friendship, Lovers, Co-Creation, Inter-Being

1. Tier consciousness (divided consciousness): Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange and Green.
This group of people have only partially developed their consciousness.  This means they are divided into what they believe they are and what they believe they are not. This results in indifference, projection, denial, and placing guilt outside one self. Our male leaders are Orange and our female leaders are Orange an Green.

Infidelity is very present in 1. tier consciousness. Mostly at the lower stages and much less at Green stage.

2. Tier consciousness (non divided consciousness): Teal and Turqoise.
This group of people has been through all the levels which means all major parts of their unconsciousness has surfaced. They are healed to a greater extent than the first group. These people know themselves a lot better and tend to become more responsible. These people work, think, and feel in a greater interest than on a personal level. They are not controlled by the Shadow (fear or anxiety). Our future leaders will emerge from these levels. People on these levels are often accused of being naive as their values and moral comes directly from the heart, but when we look at where these accusations comes from – Red, Amber, Orange og Green, it becomes clear that these people does not know what they are talking about as they have no or only little contact with the Teal level – The Heart. Instead of raising them selves to the next level, they are trying to pull the next level down to where they are and then the greater qualities are lost! You have to grow to learn. So who is naiv here?


Game A blends into Game B in-between green and yellow. 

Being genuinely happy and fulfilled without a partner is unquestionably the best place from which to enter a new love relationship, because you will not come from a place of emotional, economic, sexual, or social neediness, but from a sense of contentment, fullness, satisfaction, abundance, and wholeness.  People in this phase of their life have usually arrived at stage four of their anima/animus development and orange and above, which is quite an accomplishment that should be celebrated.  Unfortunately, especially in New Age circles, these stages are often hailed as the ultimate level of personal development by men and women who conveniently overlook that any integrated personality development appears in intimate self-other relationships and that most of their living western spiritual teachers and evolutionaries of caliber live in committed partnerships.  It is therefore a good idea for them to look at possible pathologies that show up as fears of being in a partnership, and their unhealthy desire/attachment to being alone.  Both can be expressions of denial, repression, or narcissism.  Once their underlying wounds are healed and they realize that human beings are always partial and already whole, they can fully open up to invite a compatible partner into their life.

It can be a fine line between the neediness that originates from a sense of lack and deficiency that insecure people try to fill with sex or romance, and the desire of mature singles who want to share the joy and richness of their life, body, mind, heart, and soul with another human being in an intimate love relationship. 
The former is indicated by compulsive serial dating and a desperate behavior towards the opposite sex that dominates the afflicted people's lives and overshadows any other activity.  Their sense of urgency causes repetitive cycles of highs when falling in love, clinging while in partnership, heartbroken when abandoned by a lover (or abandoning others), and desperate searching when alone.  These people are perfect candidates for "SLAA"-Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. 
The latter represents the healthy yearning of the soul to find a mate and is experienced as openness towards potential partners that are good for him or her.  This yearning leads to a consciously focused approach to find/attract him or her while living one's life purpose, often by working with a dating and relationship coach.

Good stuff! 



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