
relationships are always conditional

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My thoughts on unconditional love and relationships:

I often see people confusing unconditional love with unconditional relationships. Everyone has its own conditions to accept a relationship and its a good thing because sometimes the most loving thing is to leave the relationship when its not serve you both.

Everyone has its own prefeneces and in healthy relationships everyside benefites from it. When sucrifice is made it should be only because it benefites everyone in a longrun. When relationship doesnt benefites everyone its more loving to leave.

Very often one side demonize preferences of the other side because he/she should love them as they are but thats selfisness and hypocrisy. We should respect each others preferences and undestand that we have no right to judge preferences other has. And the other person is free to leave if he/she isnt satisfied.

And the last thing is there si no good or bad preferences. Someone has more emotional preferences and someone more physical. Someone wants exclusive relationship and someone dont. All preferences are ok if we respect each other and dont force our agenda on the other.




Edited by AdamR95

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thats why you ground yourself in spirituality within yourself.


If you try to ground yourself in people alone you will always disappointed.

But if you ground yourself in spirit enough

someone can even but a bullet in your head and you will still be happy and fulfilled.


It's not that theres anything wrong with people. It's just that no one can live up to the unrealistic expectations

you set on them.

Edited by Byun Sean

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16 minutes ago, Byun Sean said:

thats why you ground yourself in spirituality within yourself.

@Byun Sean i 100% agree with this


17 minutes ago, Byun Sean said:

It's not that theres anything wrong with people. It's just that no one can live up to the unrealistic expectations

you set on them.

@Byun Sean I can set as high expectation as i want if i am ok with possibility that i probably gonna have hard time to find someone who is like that.

I am not speaking from place that i want to complain about relationships or want to jugde people, because i am happy in that area of my life. I just wanted to share my point of view about this. 

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