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What happens if I let go completely ?

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Hi, yesterday I was with a friend, she knews nothing about spirituality etc... we watched a movie "the invention of lying" good movie :) .
After the movie, she was lying on me, head on my knees.

I putted my hand on her forehead and I was in a pure moment of presence and I knew I sended "energy" to her. One moment I got so deep that I saw a white light, felt more purity, more love but I didn't wanted to go deeper because somehow I felt/knew that I would never come back to myself, my false identity that I experience now.

My friend said how do you do that ? Because she felt like a "force" that was pushing her thoughts away and she felt something really "weird" to use their words.

Do you guys know what would happens if I was going deeper ?
And do some of you did something similiar (transfer of energy) I don't know how to call this, it was my first time doing this on someone

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6 hours ago, Gabith said:

Do you guys know what would happens if I was going deeper ?

Always safe to let go as deep as you can because it's already the case, there is only illusion of control.

6 hours ago, Gabith said:

And do some of you did something similiar (transfer of energy) I don't know how to call this, it was my first time doing this on someone

Look at Reiki, but first heal yourself ;) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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