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Aaron p

Massive wave of energy, literally put me on my ass (+progress report)

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Ok so admittedly, I did hit a bong like 5 to 10 minutes prior. But I've hit 100 bongs before. This was just a tiny one for old times sake with a friend. And I was fine...

But roughly 10 minutes afterwards, I had to go. So I said my goodbyes and stood up to leave and as I walked towards the outside exit...WAM...this absolutely huge wave of confusion and what felt like delerium hit me. Felt like I was tripping hardcore for 30 seconds. I somehow got through the door and walked away a little bit but couldnt walk in a straight line and fell right on my ass. I'm never like this, I can usually always stay on my feet. 

This was soooo strong. Also having loads of fear of death. Doing well in standing in fearlessness as much as possible. 


I'm developed enough to recognise these things as signs of growth. But it's really fkin intense man. Phew.

Difficulty being motivated to meditate consistently, but when I's much deeper than usual. 


I'm finding this intuitive guidance in what feels like the eye of a storm. Wisdom growing significantly. More and more of a desire to push through with 5meo. 

It feels like like de-ja-vo. Feels I've been here before. And also like I'm not controling anything and that everything is happening perfectly. Life is changing. I can instinctively tell that it will be rewarding to push through with 5meo...but just taking it easy for now.

I'm hitting my weight loss goals, eating healthier, using vitamins, friendships and relationships are better than ever. I'm noticing improved focus and improved efficiently. It's like I can see things clearer. I'm also ironically noticing my certain still present negative habits begining to decrease naturally.


In conclusion: Feeling good, my body can tell it's getting closer to awakening and I'm learning to submit. To not be afraid. I trust in God. It's led me this far, it will continue to lead.

Edited by Aaron p

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Weed is like that sometimes. In life you may make lots of progress and feel really "tapped in" and then other times you'll feel like you're going nowhere and "what was all that progress about anyway?" Good job on your work :)

Edited by Flowerfaeiry

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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You Don't have an ass (kidding). 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Weed is like that sometimes. In life you may make lots of progress and feel really "tapped in" and then other times you'll feel like you're going nowhere and "what was all that progress about anyway?" Good job on your work :)

Felt like 5meo, except with no 5meo

4 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

You Don't have an ass (kidding). 


I have a great ass, thank you very much

Edited by Aaron p

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Damn weed is definitely stronger than back in the days lol

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I have found that weed is quite a powerful psychedelic for me now after having used psychedelics. Many years ago, before using other psychs it had a very different effect on me compared to now. 

I would bet that if someone like Leo who has tripped extensively tried a strong sativa, he would have a powerful psychedelic experience from it. But I could be wrong

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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