
What is Enlightenment?

24 posts in this topic

I honestly don't know what Enlightenment is anymore. I thought I did but, it always is not enough. My current assumption of what Enlightenment is, is:

those high level realization states as baseline state, because one has realized/seen those high level realizations so deeply, that it is impossible to naturally go back to unseeing that anymore. It would be so incredibly obvious that you can't forget it anymore, unlike awakenings which are probably not deep enough, therefore you lose em.

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"Wer ist der Gral?" - "Das sagt sich nicht. Doch bist du selbst zu ihm erkoren, bleibt dir die Kunde unverloren."

"Who is the Grail?" - "It cannot be said. But since you're destined for its call, it won't elude you after all."

- Richard Wagner, Parsifal (Act One) -

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Enlightenment refers an extremely advanced conscious state of being.

But that's not accurate either because any words or symbols are not capable of conveying being 

Like Lao Tzu said, its the Tao that you can speak of, its not it... or something like that..

Everyone there interpretation and they vastly vary. But ultimately its just a human mouth sound with various individuals prefered meaning attached.

If you really want the answer... pursue some mystical experiences. Then you will have a taste of the true meaning.  Otherwise you're going to be limited to human mouth sounds and random definitions

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