
What do you guys think about this vegan timelapse video?

59 posts in this topic

9 hours ago, integral said:

10:50, how did she go everyday for 5-6 months with a headache and not realize it was the detox? Or how did she not realize she had to stop immediately?

As someone who once used to buy to this idea that all symptoms of self-starvation are detox symptoms, I can kinda understand where these people are coming from. Most of these fruitarians are bought into the agenda that your body is filthy, toxic and that you have this black toxic layer all across your intestinal walls (I actually see this argument appearing on the forum fairly frequently, remember the dude who used to post his shit pics all over the journal section?). And so they end up cleansing forever an never rebuilding, the body is chronically switched into katabolism, adrenals running on overdrive, BDNF shut down completely, slow and gradual starvation, malnutrition, loss of muscle, loss of fat, loss of collagen tissue, hair loss, iron levels borderline low and yet all of it is perceived in these communities as detox --> like they will say stuff such as "until you are shitting black toxic moldy stuff you are not detoxed" or that "you need to see parasites and worms crawling in the poo otherwise you are not detoxing"

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9 hours ago, The0Self said:

You misunderstood. I'm not advocating more animal products. Just saying cutting them out entirely is irresponsible and actually arrogant, ironically. Not to mention dogmatic. This is not the place for it.

I challenge you to see how ironically dogmatic is what you just said here.



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6 hours ago, Soulbass said:

@integral what do you want to hear?

Ideally this "oh didnt see it that way, i thought cutting these foods would improve my health but really 99% of aging happens with systemic health issues not spot."

If your able to digest eggs, eating them or not will have 0 effect on your health, eggs are a problem when there is a problem. 

Its the same when eating mcdonalds, the impact it has on the body of the healthy young is almost negligible. But the impact it has on someone whos system is compromised is significant. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

As someone who once used to buy to this idea that all symptoms of self-starvation are detox symptoms, I can kinda understand where these people are coming from. Most of these fruitarians are bought into the agenda that your body is filthy, toxic and that you have this black toxic layer all across your intestinal walls (I actually see this argument appearing on the forum fairly frequently, remember the dude who used to post his shit pics all over the journal section?). And so they end up cleansing forever an never rebuilding, the body is chronically switched into katabolism, adrenals running on overdrive, BDNF shut down completely, slow and gradual starvation, malnutrition, loss of muscle, loss of fat, loss of collagen tissue, hair loss, iron levels borderline low and yet all of it is perceived in thee counties as detox --> like they will say stuff such as "until you are shitting black toxic moldy stuff you are not detoxed" or that "you need to see parasites and worms crawling in the poo otherwise you are not detoxing"

Makes sense, missed the shit pics what a shame :) - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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2 hours ago, datamonster said:

I believe you. That's what happens if you watch too much sv3rige. It distrorts your vision and you start overgeneralizing from a few nut cases to the whole population thinking that this is just how they are.

I don't watch him. 

This video is not even about him. 

And what I don't get: some say the sick people in his videos are all fruitarians. No no! Only some are. 

I agree that not all vegan diets are the same. That is why some last longer than the other but let's not fool our selves. Reality will catch up and it will cause horrible health problems. Unfortunately for most it will be too late. Too indoctrinated or too decayed for salvation.  

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12 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I don't watch him. 

You clearly do, otherwise you wouldnt have posted this. 

You know this guy stabbed a classmate, punched an innocent women on video, and likes to eat raw meat thats years old right? Pls find better sources. 

Its like youre trying to find good things to say about Jews and then posting a speech from Hitler.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I started vegetarian diet 2 weeks ago and I was pretty shocked how nutritionally low some of the foods I googled were, no wonder there are vegetarians/vegans who get sick when they eat like shit.

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2 hours ago, datamonster said:

Bro, you've just posted one of his videos here.

Curb your anti-vegan propaganda. You're fooling yourself.

I can't stand Goatis (or whatever his name is). His voice is annoying and he is ignorant. It doesn't mean he can't make good compilations of vegans decaying 15-30 years in 4 years.

There is no ideology in making relapse video of vegans and putting them back-to-back with a nice soundtrack.

58 minutes ago, Hansu said:

I started vegetarian diet 2 weeks ago and I was pretty shocked how nutritionally low some of the foods I googled were, no wonder there are vegetarians/vegans who get sick when they eat like shit.

True, it is an epidemic. There will come a point that people will rally against rigid vegan ideology and dogma.

I mean, an adult can do whatever they want but they are forcing kids to do this madness and destroying their body and mind. Mal-nourishing kids should become a crime.

Necessary legislation is needed. In some European countries it is already in place but they are not very strict. More awareness is needed for saving kids before the government can become more proactive against vegans.

2 hours ago, Rilles said:

You clearly do, otherwise you wouldnt have posted this. 

You know this guy stabbed a classmate, punched an innocent women on video, and likes to eat raw meat thats years old right? Pls find better sources. 

Its like youre trying to find good things to say about Jews and then posting a speech from Hitler.

I meant, I don't listen to his ramblings. I do watch these compilations of vegans.

Edited by StarStruck

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14 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

True, it is an epidemic. There will come a point that people will rally against rigid vegan ideology and dogma.

I mean, an adult can do whatever they want but they are forcing kids to do this madness and destroying their body and mind. Mal-nourishing kids should become a crime.

Necessary legislation is needed. In some European countries it is already in place but they are not very strict. More awareness is needed for saving kids before the government can become more proactive against vegans.

I agree that children should not be on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, but I dont see that people would ever rally against vegans. People are too self-centered to do so. The average person is more likely cheering that in their perspective, they are better at raising their kids.

Until we have a societies that are capable of doing quality research, what we need is to increase education around healthy vegan diet, and around effects of malnutrition. Even in Finland the schools dont teach much about malnutrition, except the obvious stuff like vitamin C deficiency (Yeah, you probably are malnutritioned if your teeth fall out, duh)

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33 minutes ago, Hansu said:

I agree that children should not be on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, but I dont see that people would ever rally against vegans. People are too self-centered to do so. The average person is more likely cheering that in their perspective, they are better at raising their kids.

Until we have a societies that are capable of doing quality research, what we need is to increase education around healthy vegan diet, and around effects of malnutrition. Even in Finland the schools dont teach much about malnutrition, except the obvious stuff like vitamin C deficiency (Yeah, you probably are malnutritioned if your teeth fall out, duh)

In some countries kids get taken away if they are not nourished properly. How would a healthy - natural - vegan diet look like according to you (without taking supplements)?

I don't believe in supplements. If it is not organic, the body doesn't absorb it very well.

16 minutes ago, datamonster said:

If you really believe the people shown in these videos are representative of the vegan population, you are diluted.

It shows that you clearly aren't interested in an open discourse or learning about veganism if it doesn't confirm you're mental image of it. This is basically what ideology means.

So, it's pointless to argue with you as you've already closed your mind to the topic and don't even realize it.

There has never been a multi generational vegan society that lasted. Probably there is a reason for that. In other words, it is too early in the game to determine the long term effects of veganism on humans. Only after you did veganism, and your kids do and their kids do, we can compare your vegan kids (if they survive that process) to non-vegan kids.

The thing is this:

You are talking out of your ass as much as I do. We don't know what happens to the body and society on a vegan diet. The vegan diet is something new. In couple of generation there will be more clarity of the effects of veganism to the body and mind, health and reproduction.

My predictions is that there will be massive public rallying against veganism (i.e to save kids from malnourishment). Especially against "mainstream" veganism, that is ideological, rigid and that has low consciousness about health and diet.

Edited by StarStruck

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20 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

In some countries kids get taken away if they are not nourished properly. How would a healthy - natural - vegan diet look like according to you (without taking supplements)?

I don't believe in supplements. If it is not organic, the body doesn't absorb it very well.

I cannot comment on how a healthy vegan diet looks, because I am not vegan, and even my knowledge in vegetarian diet is lacking. But I know that vegetarian diet and vegan diets are healthy if done correctly, because people who know more about nutrition than I do has said so. And I respect their opinion.

There is no one diet to rule them all, we all come from very different cultures and background, and I believe that is a big factor in what type of food our bodies thrive on. I cant imagine what happened to an Inuit if you forced one on a vegan diet.

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7 hours ago, Bogdan said:

I challenge you to see how ironically dogmatic is what you just said here.

The more you know about what you're talking about (or the more you think you know), the more dogmatic you'll sound. We're all doing our best. Nutrition science is truly a mine-field.

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7 hours ago, Hansu said:

I cannot comment on how a healthy vegan diet looks, because I am not vegan, and even my knowledge in vegetarian diet is lacking. But I know that vegetarian diet and vegan diets are healthy if done correctly, because people who know more about nutrition than I do has said so. And I respect their opinion.

There is no one diet to rule them all, we all come from very different cultures and background, and I believe that is a big factor in what type of food our bodies thrive on. I cant imagine what happened to an Inuit if you forced one on a vegan diet.


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29 minutes ago, StarStruck said:


Im not name calling.

Lets just say that those whom I trust about this matter are not fanatical about veganism or vegetarianism. I dont listen to fanatics.

Edited by Hansu

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@integral there is nothing wrong with eggs, it's just not designed to be eaten by humans.

you probably like eggs (emotions) tho the cortex is sitting on top of the limbic system so you're trying to find justifications.

number 1 cause of death in usa is cardio-vascular diseases.
number 1 cause of cardio-vascular diseases in food industry : trans fat
number 1 cause of cardio-vascular diseases (non-industrial) food : the yolk in eggs
(michael greger says, eating 1 egg a day for 10 years = smoking 5 cigarettes a day for 10 years)

tom campbell says entropy is quite low when it comes to health, which means consciousness have a great impact on it.

there is too much money, too much information, everyone is lost and that's on purpose.
have you heard, drinking 1 glass of wine a day have health benefits?

if your diet is the "default" choice in the western world, then you're most likely to be in trouble at some point.

peace :)


Edited by Soulbass

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This video is just a compilation of cherry-picked unhealthy and sickly looking people, how can you fall for such obvious propaganda lmao?


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3 hours ago, Roy said:

This video is just a compilation of cherry-picked unhealthy and sickly looking people, how can you fall for such obvious propaganda lmao?

cherry picked? the guy has SIX videos, basically an hour worth of different YouTube vegans physically deteriorating. 

We are not even considering the amount of EX-vegans he interviewed that are not in those compilation.




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7 hours ago, Roy said:

This video is just a compilation of cherry-picked unhealthy and sickly looking people, how can you fall for such obvious propaganda lmao?

Uhm what? ?Give me an example of a vegan youtuber who did vegan diet for 5 years straight and didn't ruin his health or bit the dust. 

There is no such example. 

Stage green ideology and dogma is becoming toxic and is ruining the health of millions of people. 

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