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creation is the result of inspiration

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if creation is only possible from inspiration, is that 100% or just 50%, the other 50% being  the joy in actually doing it ?

i got the concept from teal swan

so say i love the way someone draws and that inspires me, but then I go ahead and try it and i don't like doing it, should i continue doing it even if I don't enjoy it or how does it work ?

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Its 100% true that creation can come from inspiration since I have already been through such a thing. I was always inspired to be the best in badminton since my friends would always beat me in badminton. I was so inspired that I would practice everyday until I became really good. Later I actually made my inspiration into reality since I became the best among my friends. 

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Yes I believe it's true 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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13 hours ago, levani said:

if creation is only possible from inspiration, is that 100% or just 50%, the other 50% being  the joy in actually doing it ?

i got the concept from teal swan

so say i love the way someone draws and that inspires me, but then I go ahead and try it and i don't like doing it, should i continue doing it even if I don't enjoy it or how does it work ?

It's the intentionality towards love that brings out the inspiration to create things out of inspiration. So it's always 100%, anything else is just resistance you're transmuting towards a higher frequency of love. We don't know the full depths of love, one moment you think you've reached the peak and then in the next you've just ramped it up to an entirely new level. Why does inspiration and love go hand in hand with true creativity? Simple. Inspiration is the effect of the higher vibrational and even cellular frequency produced by love, the former that as an effect is a mental creation and the latter the cause from the bodies cells including neurons harmonising together at a higher level (meaning you're literally using more energetic mind and body power, that's literally what inspiration is, like they say you only use 10% of your brain power (which is false) analogously this is using more than 10% of both your mind and body through inspiration).

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@levani No aspect. And I mean that as literally as possible. No aspect of life should ever be uninspiring. Meaning you should never be uninspired. But by the same token, you should never uninspire your uninspiration, meaning don't punish yourself for being uninspired. This is the level that you can get to by learning to use and leverage your awareness and the powers that create it to move towards increasingly greater depths of love which produces that natural flow of inspiration.

But let me explain briefly...

Uninspiration or lack thereof simply describes a physiological state in which the cells are not singing together, so once the human body with the power of awareness and through that free will, learns to increasingly advance the degree to which it can produce the frequency of love those cells within the body will begin to singing better and better together, much like a choir, thus producing a natural state of inspiration that we refer to as flow.

It's really as simple as this. Sure, it'll take some practice. But that's a dream worth having that can be created regardless as to ones past. All one has to do is implement. Totally up to them. Can't do it for them.

Edited by Origins

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The reason you're inspired is because you enjoy creating, and watching someone express themselves in that way makes you want to do it. The thing being created doesn't matter. 

Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my 15+ years of personal spiritual exploration using psychedelics, meditation, mindfulness, personal development and somatics. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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