Richard Alpert

Re: The Dark Side Of Meditation : Spiritual Ego & It's Delusions Vs Enlightenment

82 posts in this topic

Leo helped me a lot in a variety of points. Mostly he helped me to understand that truth is in reality not in thoughts.

There are things that I don't completely agree with him,  but it's all good.  We are different,  so we have our own experiences and influences. That's normal.


Raly has also very good points,  I learned from him and from everyone.  And Emerald is also a good teacher,  she has solid points and the most important thing. All are very honest.


And this post is getting very helpful.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Here's why:

13 hours ago, Azrael said:

I hope for some spiritual warfare in the future...

No. There will be no spiritual warfare here. It's juvenile and unproductive. I have no interest in engaging in it, nor do I have any interest in moderating such debates.

I have no problem with anyone who wants to constructively discuss nonduality, but not for purposes of debate or self-promotion. You can do that somewhere else.

Please keep in mind that the ultimate form of nonduality doesn't nitpick and fight with duality or other methods of nonduality, but comfortably includes all and understands the diversity and challenges of any teaching that tries to get across something so challenging, nuanced, and ethereal.

I encourage anyone who is a student of nonduality and really cares about truth, to not make this about anyone or anything but yourself. Turn inward and explore your own behaviors, your own consciousness, your own projections, your own ego. A huge trap in this work is making it about personalities, sects, philosophy, rivalry, taking sides, questioning other's motives, name-dropping, etc. Resist that urge and seek to understand the full picture of what's going on. I don't exclude myself from this advice.

Stay open and do not make this journey ideological. There are MANY valid and diverse forms of nondual practice and theory. No one form is suitable for all people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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