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09 - Concepts: Mastery

3 posts in this topic

Question I have,

To become a mastery, I need to committed on becoming proficient at my craft and to be the best at it in the world? My fear of this is I will get competitive with my field. How can I focus on my craft when I am worrying that I won't be the best. Or the best is not determined by other's work and progress. If that so, how can I know that I master and the best at my craft?


Pick one thing to master: 

If I were to say vegan baking, am I mastering in science behind the ingredient, or prefect the recipe, or history of the pastry or all of the above or only the topic  that I care about? How about the topic in vegan that I don't really like talking about for example eating vegan treat affected your body compared to none vegan treat. If I want to master the vegan baking, do I need to cover all the topic?




Edited by charnini

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If you want to master the craft of vegan baking (a wonderful field btw :x) you master vegan baking.

No need to learn the history or science behind it. Except if it helps to make you better at baking. This is what you will decide later on.

For example, if you just started you want to tocus on learning the basics in bakery first. Simple techniques and correct form.

Later you might become interested in the history of baking and redoing traditional bakery with only vegan ingredients.

Basically, after a while when you have put in the needed hours for getting really good at your craft you will start to see more and more things which you can learn to help you get better at your craft. Ways in which you can improve. You will then have the knowledge to decide on your own which route to take. And even if you come to the conclusion it didn't add anything to your craft, you can learn from that and make a better decision next time.

The question of what to choose to practice, is part of the process.

Look at what you want to accomplish and what your vision is. Make a bet at what it is that you need to master for this and start there. You can always change and adjust the path later when you become more knowledgeable and experienced. But you need experience first.

Happy baking :)

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3 hours ago, universe said:

If you want to master the craft of vegan baking (a wonderful field btw :x) you master vegan baking.

No need to learn the history or science behind it. Except if it helps to make you better at baking. This is what you will decide later on.

For example, if you just started you want to tocus on learning the basics in bakery first. Simple techniques and correct form.

Later you might become interested in the history of baking and redoing traditional bakery with only vegan ingredients.

Basically, after a while when you have put in the needed hours for getting really good at your craft you will start to see more and more things which you can learn to help you get better at your craft. Ways in which you can improve. You will then have the knowledge to decide on your own which route to take. And even if you come to the conclusion it didn't add anything to your craft, you can learn from that and make a better decision next time.

The question of what to choose to practice, is part of the process.

Look at what you want to accomplish and what your vision is. Make a bet at what it is that you need to master for this and start there. You can always change and adjust the path later when you become more knowledgeable and experienced. But you need experience first.

Happy baking :)

This is such an amazing feedback. Thank you!

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