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It Is Time To Become The Man I Want To Be.

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Hey guys, my name Is Andrew, I'm 18 and it is time for me to change.

I spent the first 16 years of my life with tons of emotional problems. I turned to self-help stuff during my Sophomore year and it really helped me through a lot of it. I feel pretty happy most of the time, but it is a comfortable type of happy. While I haven't had anything like an enlightenment experience, I've had many times where I unhooked from all the external stimulation, and felt a deeper love for everything. So I know there is more out there for me. While I've studied Enlightenment a ton the past 6-7 months or so and know of the possibility that I don't have to change anything to become the ultimate, I'm gonna leave that on the side right now, cause I've used it as an excuse to not take action for too long. 

I have very big aspirations, although I don't know what they are yet. I also have always had a deep belief in myself to accomplish anything, which I am very thankful for.

So here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to list a set of daily goals for myself, and write a small report every day. 

1) Quit engaging in mindless sexually stimulating content: This includes porn, fantasizing/daydreaming about girls, objectifying girls. I'm also going to include masturbation for now, but may reincorporate it later if I can handle it maturely. 

2) Meditate for AT LEAST 20 minutes a day: Straight forward. I had a good run going during summer, but it has become spotty recently. 

3) Only engage in leisure activities 4 times every 2 weeks: Strangely specific, but this way leaves it more open ended than only twice a week. This one I am guessing will be the hardest, since I am constantly playing video games. Once I am able to do this goal easily, I am hoping to decrease it even further, but we will see how it goes.

4) Cut wasteful internet time out: Also going to be very hard. Not going to put any specific restraints on this one.

5) Practice singing everyday at least 1 hour: Singing is definitely my biggest passion right now. I've been doing it for over a year, and don't feel very competent yet, but I have a feeling that a breakthrough is coming soon.

6) Set aside 30 minutes a day to complete future projects assignments: Straightforward way to combat my awful procrastination habit.

7) Read at least 30 minutes a day

I didn't include anything about exercise, because that is one thing that I actually have down already :D. Alright, I'm ready to do this. 



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   Well I'm off to an awful start. But it is ok, the important part is that I'm back. Here is how I did on my goals these past few days (Stealing format from other user, can't remember his username)

1)Quit engaging in mindless sexual content (8/10) 

Pretty okay honestly. Didn't watch porn or masturbate at all, which are the big two. I did look at my ex girlfriends twitter once or twice, along with a crush I have right now, but that is all honestly.

2)Meditate for at least 20 minutes a day (5/10)

Did it on Saturday, then slacked Sunday and Monday. Today I actually had a couple sessions, which doesn't make up for the missed days, but counts for something. I think it is most beneficial when I meditate in the morning, so I'll do that tomorrow.


3)Leisure activity quota for 10/16-10/31 (1/4)

Went to a friends house yesterday and played Smash Bros for a couple hours. I know it has only been three days, but I feel like I'm actually doing a lot better than I thought I would.

4)Cut wasteful internet time out (-10000/10)

Did very very bad on this goal. Not much else to say, just need to get better the next day

5) Practice singing everyday for 1 hour (7/10)

Did pretty alright on this one, completed on saturday and sunday, and replaced it with practicing guitar yesterday since my throat hurt. Need to complete the hour for tonight still though

6) Set aside 30 mins to complete projects for school (/10)

Didn't do it :/. Honestly it was mostly because I forgot about this goal.

7) Read at least 30 minutes a day (5/10)

Completed this today and yesterday, and that is it


Pretty much started as expected. I think the first two goals in my list are the most important. If I am able to stick to those very strictly, I'm certain the others will follow much easier. It is very hard to stay on track on days where I am completely free, so I really need to find a job in order to fill in some of that time (plus $$$).



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