
Does dating multiple women hurt your chances?

38 posts in this topic

You asking such a question only shows that you give a **** what women think. Don't fall for the women's perspective. Have your own perspective. And if she likes your perspective, that is good. If not, just keep spinning the wheel until you find one that will.

If she is interested in you, and you are interested in her, you can settle down. That is a whole different topic. Unless she doesn't settle down, she has no say in what you did or what you are doing or what you will be doing.

Men need to develop the same selfishness that women have but obviously you can overdo it so be careful.

Edited by StarStruck

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3 hours ago, Derek White said:

It seems, according to you, men have to be strong and independent providers to attract women. But why would you need a relationship if you are that independent, especially one in which you are like a parent? It seems you would only be in the relationship for her body. I guess that's the whole point, to not be needy and get in a relationship on your own terms.

@Derek White The goal is develop your self as a person so that you become high-value.
Once you're in that position you won't have to be needy to a particular woman since you'll have many options.
With that said, everyone has psychological and physical needs. The point is to get yourself to easily satisfy those needs(call it sex or finding love), with having to behave like a doormat because you're in scarcity mode. All of this assuming that you want sex/romance in your life.

3 hours ago, Derek White said:

How do you explain popularity of Kpop singers and other feminine men like Michael Jackson?

Being high value doesn't exacly corrispond to the Conan The barbarian-prototype.
Being succesful in entertainment + good-looking automatically makes you high-status regardless of you being feminine.

3 hours ago, Derek White said:

Why does your advice sound like traditional conservative advice, it seems like Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Crowder would agree with your advice to men?

You are confusing Conservative's sense of responsability and work ethics with what Pick-Up advises.
Your average Right-wing politician would tell you that to be a good man you have to be able to protect and being loyal your family, pray to the Lord and handle your job well. it is more community-oriented and assumes that you stick to norms and taboos.

Pick-Up wants you to challenge those taboos, and social conventions.
Ben Shapiro would never tell you to hit clubs and approach 10 times a night:D

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if its just texting other girls then no.

But sleeping with more than one at the same time isn't cool.

so always be honest.





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6 hours ago, Derek White said:

@Leo Gura Read your recent posts on dating. 

It seems, according to you, men have to be strong and independent providers to attract women. But why would you need a relationship if you are that independent, especially one in which you are like a parent? It seems you would only be in the relationship for her body. I guess that's the whole point, to not be needy and get in a relationship on your own terms.

This is a more general paradox of non-attachment: those who are most needy get the least, while those who are not-needy get the most.

For example, people who need money the most end up having the least of it. Because desperation is not a good place to earn money from. Likewise, neediness for sex or relationship is not a good place to get quality sex or relationships from.

In general, when you are in a negotiation the one with the least attachment has the advantage. And sexual relationships are certainly a negotiation.

You can be strong and independent but still interested in relationship and communion. It does not have to only be for her body.


Does this advice apply to all cultures and all generations?

Pretty much. Females are always attracted to high-value males regardless of culture.


How do you explain popularity of Kpop singers and other feminine men like Michael Jackson?

You're conflating things. These kind of celebrities actually tend to be very assertive with their agenda. MJ manipulated people into sex way more than any PUA.


Why does your advice sound like traditional conservative advice, it seems like Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Crowder would agree with your advice to men?

Because attracting women requires a certain realism and pragmatism. You don't get laid on fairy tales. Women will ruthlessly cull you out. Women are ruthless about this stuff despite their stories and excuses. As a man you gotta we wise to their games otherwise you will end up jerking yourself off to sleep in tears.


What are you basing this theory off of? Your limited personal experience, research papers, what? 

The collective experience of the entire attraction community. I started out as the biggest nice guy and I went through much pain to learn not to treat women like princesses. A big part of becoming a strong and high-value man is learning how to set your own frames and not letting any girl sway you with her games.

5 hours ago, Asma said:

when I smell the vibe of playfulness, even If I'm really attracted to the guy, I choose to backup

Sorry, I don't buy it.

You are trying to logic your way about attraction and that is not how attraction actually works. Your logic flies out the window in real-life attraction scenarios.


but why does it have to be the woman that is slightly more engaged ?

Because otherwise she won't respect the man. For a woman to be attracted to a man she needs to feel that the man is higher value than her.


Why shouldn't men or women follow their intuition and the product of their thinking instead of rigid rules that are impossible to break ?

I did not give rigid rules. I gave general principles of attraction from the male POV. This is what men need to understand to properly get laid. If they don't understand these things, they will end up suffering.


It makes me uncomfortable when I see rules in dating for both sexes, what we need to have in my opinion, is general principles that we follow, rules can never match every situation and every person (man or woman).

There are principles to attraction. I didn't invent them. Attraction works how it works.

Don't forget, dating and mating is a bit of a bloodsport. It is not all rainbows and butterflies. It is survival first and foremost. There are painful lessons for the ego to learn in this game.

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@Leo Gura so what's your opinion on men Integrating the feminine? Shouldn't they? 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura so what's your opinion on men Integrating the feminine? Shouldn't they? 

Of course they should.

But still they gotta keep their balls about them.

It's a tricky balance. Takes lots of trail and error and experience to get it right.

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2 hours ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura so what's your opinion on men Integrating the feminine? Shouldn't they? 

And from what I've experienced it becomes much easier with the combination of self-awareness that comes through personal development work and confidence that comes through first becoming fully in touch and experienced with your masculine.

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1 minute ago, Snader said:

And from what I've experienced it becomes much easier with the combination of self-awareness that comes through personal development work and confidence that comes through first becoming fully in touch and experienced with your masculine.

It will be a huge error to straight up integrate the feminine without integrating the masculine first. There will be no polarity. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Just now, Preety_India said:

It will be a huge error to straight up integrate the feminine without integrating the masculine first. There will be no polarity. 


Yeah. The feminine you express will only cripple you when the masculine isn't there to have your back.

I went through that phase and I can say it was really frustrating but also rewarding in the long run.

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Just now, Snader said:

Yeah. The feminine you express will only cripple you when the masculine isn't there to have your back.

I went through that phase and I can say it was really frustrating but also rewarding in the long run.

You are right 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Leo Gura We've talked about what kind of men women want. 

Now tell us what kind of women men want?

(My guess is a completely submissive woman with nice bod, but I don't personally want that, or a harem full of such women, Genghis Khan style.) 


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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32 minutes ago, Derek White said:

@Leo Gura We've talked about what kind of men women want. 

Now tell us what kind of women men want?

(My guess is a completely submissive woman with nice bod, but I don't personally want that, or a harem full of such women, Genghis Khan style.) 


Yes, as sexist or misogynist as this sounds, most men deep down want a woman who is usually submissive to her man and is willing to support whatever goals and life purpose he has. A woman should never argue or question a man she just dating or having sex with. If she wants to be your girlfriend and your humble advisor then she must prove her worth, prove her loyalty, prove that she is ready for at least a year. This is especially true if she wants to marry you.

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@Hardkill That is a one way ticket to get blocked by her, if she really is into you she will be hurt and think of you as a asshole player. I feel like this advice you are giving me works for very hot, very desired girls that have 20 simps texting them all the time. I am not talking about these girls , i am talking about pretty but not super hot/popular girls.

Maybe you are right guys, idk honestly.  I will just not talk about it and if they bring it up i will just brush it off and tell them how amazing and great they are (if it is manipulation then so be it). Once we sleep together or she wants to be with me or is really really into me then i might make her my only one.

Problem solved.

Edited by Karmadhi

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@Derek White Kind caring sweet honest sexual submissive girly soft nurturing independent passionate intellectual fit and looks at you as a king. Just my taste :)

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On 8.3.2021 at 5:04 AM, Karmadhi said:

Keep in mind we are talking about european girls here, they are not as sexual and wild as american girls.

limiting belief

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@Loving Radiance Well most relationships i know had no sex before they actually started, just kissing. So i am basing it in what i have heard from a lot of guys not just my own thoughts. Hook ups happen but it is usually with drunk girls that may regret it the next day.

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7 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Hook ups happen but it is usually with drunk girls that may regret it the next day.

limiting belief ;)

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

In general, when you are in a negotiation the one with the least attachment has the advantage. And sexual relationships are certainly a negotiation.

Thank you sir!

On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

You can be strong and independent but still interested in relationship and communion.

Yes I can


On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

MJ manipulated people into sex way more than any PUA.

I saw part of the documentary: Leaving Netherland. Man those boys loved MJ


On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

Women are ruthless about this stuff

My dating coach uses the expression: ''Cut throat''

On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

Sorry, I don't buy it.

Me neither, sorry.

On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 AM, Leo Gura said:

Because otherwise she won't respect the man. For a woman to be attracted to a man she needs to feel that the man is higher value than her.

Yes, it is called hypergamy

On 3/8/2021 at 1:56 PM, Karmadhi said:

girls that have 20 simps texting them all the time.

Social media has turned (almost) all girls into this type of girls.

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