Bailey Lawless

The dark world of new age gurus

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Can't be bothered with the video. His video normally has lots of fillers, lots of ads and rantings. 

Edited by hyruga

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Dude don't look too qualified to speak about dark truths at all lol

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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I watched this video & gained nothing felt pissed that I spent 40 minutes listening to obvious common sense. 

Whole point of the video : There are some scammers & MLM schemes out there, don't be a fool. 

Don't bother. 

Edited by Striving for more

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@Peter Miklis Leo is one of the most immature spiritual leaders. His work seems to be helpful on the surface but eventually it will get people more lost and tricked. 

Forget about all the beautiful realizations, insights, etc. If the source you get the truth from is not awake, you are simply shooting yourself in the foot. Why? When the source is unawake, even if he make good points, he is prone to make guiding mistakes that will backfire any progress do. He doesnt have the total divine vision to do such work yet. Its coming from his mind, Its only partial. 

Contemplate this. You are asking how to live an awaken life from an unawake person. How much can you trust someone afraid of embodying what he teaches? 

His ego is getting bigger and bigger each day, which means he is asleep as fuck. And it doesnt even matter how much 5 meo he does. He is trapped in his own net. 

I am not hating on leo, but on his immaturity. He may have good intentions on helping out, but truth leadership doesnt work like that. And everyone here need to be ware of this, specially newbies. 

Truth is not for smart or intellectual people. It is for courageous ones. It is a matter of courage vs fear. Leo doesnt have the courage yet. Life will eventually teach him to get some. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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@Bailey Lawless

He has some good points.

My biggest issue with the law of attraction is often the lack of collective / systems thinking that takes place. Government and geopolitical realities don't matter, just manifest ya'll. And the people with all the money, like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, they're just more in abundance than you. There's nothing else to consider here.

Needless to say, I feel sorry for anyone who swallows the law of attraction without taking a nuanced, critical view. I do think that can be a recipe for disaster.

But there are problems with this guy's video as well. He chalks the whole thing up to pseudo-science and "anecdotal evidence", as if anecdotal evidence is inferior. It seems fairly obvious to me that he has not had serious awakening experiences. If he had, he might be singing a different tune.


Here are the principles laid out by Phineas Quimby, the father of New Thought that he points out:

1) "God or Infinite Intelligence is "supreme, universal, and everlasting";

2) "Divinity dwells within each person, that all people are spiritual beings;

3) "The highest spiritual principle [is] loving one another unconditionally... and teaching and healing one another";

4) "Our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living"


Not only are these accurate metaphysical statements one can realize through awakening, these are the same principles that are found throughout every major religion. Even before organized religion, these ideas existed in Animism.

So ironically, there's nothing "new" about the New Thought movement.

Now, have these principles been corrupted over time by devilry? Of course! Just like every religion has been corrupted. The mistake is to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I feel that is where this video misses the point.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 hour ago, aurum said:

@Bailey Lawless

Needless to say, I feel sorry for anyone who swallows the law of attraction without taking a nuanced, critical view. I do think that can be a recipe for disaster.


What would be a nuanced critical view ?

My take is that IT WORKS > But only if I plan + take action after the visualizations. 

It works as in " it primes my subconscious mind to constantly think about + focus on what I desire > leading to the right actions > results. 

What else is there to say isn't that it ^ 

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@Kalki Avatar  YES 900% !! more people should expand on that !

I pointed that on previous comment and on on a comment on his "conspiracy" video .

I have been thinking for a while shooting a "smart" and fair critics video of the Actualized "teachings" (most critics out there are rather mainstream or low consciousness)

The main issue with Leo is the "speculative" fallacy (in latin speculum means mirror ...), an understanding which is only mental keeps you stuck in a sort of  glass bubble from which you are not even aware ...  : a very common disease among highly intelligent and "deep" people interested in spirituality ... had I not met my mentor back when I was 18 (I am 32) I would have fell head first into that . One of the main red flag is that he doesn't have any proper esoteric (symbolism, hermeticism ,traditional metaphysics etc) culture and doesn't even seem to grasp how crucial it is to understand TRUE spirituality. He comes from the stage orange individualistic, self-help approach and SD yellow which views intellectual sophistication as a quality in itself . 

He is very "American" ;) in the  sense of naïve, self righteous arrogance and blindness towards his own biases (modernism, relativism, lack of connection to nature (both naturata and naturans ), belief in the almost satanic (non serviam) tabula rasa approach etc ...

By his total ignorance of the true Initiatic science , lack of sensitivity towards the game of psychic influences (do research on egregores and "wandering influences ), lack of purification  and the egotic pride to become an iconic brand he has almost trapped himself in a maze game from which only true humility, sincerity and total commitment to Truth can save him ... : we live in a wicked wicked world and you don't get to 1M subscribers on Youtube without certain ... hum ... "accommodations" to the Truth ... but most people are so lost or naïve the don't even suspect that ...

The question is : Leo Gura, if your commitment to Truth required you to admit your mistakes, shortcomings, possible harm done to other and to reshape, reshape or even suppress all that you have done would you do it ? ... or do you think that you already know it all and better than eeeeverybody else ? xD ... open question  ...

But to not sounds as I am slaying him here's a list of some amazing qualities I found in Leo :

- sharp lucidity in questioning everything including big institution and ideologies as science for instance

-keen sense of complexity and paradox

-ability to connect, draw lines between seemingly distant or unrelated topics ("Nexus")

-pragmatism: I give him he is aware 90% people's problem are mostly mundane and down to earth  

-marketing/reach to all kind of audience, perspective and problematics ( SD yellow ability to assume a situation under several perspective)

-good will : I genuinely think Leo is authentic in his quest through all the energy and time he dedicated in it

-aware of the staggering depth of self-deception ... and yet still dangerously underestimating it !! ...


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@aurum  2 points :

1: The "horizon of the black hole paradox" > you will almost never hear of the deepest, highest, most advanced teachers and researchers (or after they passed), they will seldom market and sell themselves out there , and almost never take time to criticize others (even if it's justified ) because : "most average people would just not understand "  . You will only (mostly) see/ hear the slick talkers, marketers, summarizers ... the dwarves on the shoulders of giants 

2: The Pandora's box (see my above comment on Leo) : you'll very often find genuine people who had some authentic inner experience, insight, ah-ha moments but, through lack of embodiment and deep knowledge of human nature and psyche ( such knowledge you'll only get by true initiative science and deep contemplation) underestimated the power of the devil to twist and corrupt their teachings ... most of the times they are half-baked cakes ...

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1 hour ago, Striving for more said:


What would be a nuanced critical view ?

My take is that IT WORKS > But only if I plan + take action after the visualizations. 

It works as in " it primes my subconscious mind to constantly think about + focus on what I desire > leading to the right actions > results. 

What else is there to say isn't that it ^ 

It's what I said here:

2 hours ago, aurum said:

My biggest issue with the law of attraction is often the lack of collective / systems thinking that takes place. Government and geopolitical realities don't matter, just manifest ya'll. And the people with all the money, like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, they're just more in abundance than you. There's nothing else to consider here.

But I'll clarify if that didn't make sense.

Essentially, my sense is that LOA has gotten wrapped up in stage Orange individualism. People only understand it from that level of the spiral, and that leads to problem.

When you do spiritual work, you quickly realize that you are not just an individual. Any demarcation you've made is just a concept with not actuality.

Therefore, who is the one "manifesting"? Me as a separate, individual ego? No, that's impossible.

There is no way to actually separate yourself from the rest of your experience. I am you, you are me, and everything in between.

But what some people do is take the LOA and think they can separate themselves. They think "I don't need to think about politics. I don't need to think about our systems or institutions. I don't need to think about history or corruption. I don't need to think about what anyone else is doing. I can meet all my needs as an individual". Which is pure fantasy.

Whatever is happening in Africa or Antarctica might as well be happening in your backyard. It literally makes no difference from a broad enough perspective.

So essentially there is a collective reality that humanity is manifesting. But that doesn't sell books or courses nearly as well. That's really complex, nuanced stuff to think about. Much better to sell to people if you can make them believe all their problems are individual problems that they must solve as individuals.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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3 hours ago, Peter Miklis said:

@Kalki Avatar I am not that involved in spirituality and becoming enlightened at this point in my life, so I can't really speak for Leo in that area. But, when it comes to purely materialistic self development and finding and actualizing life purphose, he is the G.O.A.T. without the doubt. Like I said, noone comes close.

No he is not

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@aurum  Perfect response, both sides go too far, sounds like every other debate in Human History lmao. 

I like this guys videos, he does a good job calling out BS, teaching people the basics of wealth creation etc, but it's very easy to see he's a typical Stage Orange kinda guy, with hints of Green. 

Basically, if there isn't 10000 peer reviewed scientific papers proving this Metaphyscial & LOA points, then it must all be BS. 

He does have GREAT points though about the Commodification of LOA, like these clickbait titles 'Do this to manifest your Ex back in 48 hours' is just bullshit. 

As you said, Awaken first, then 'Manifest' from the Space of Universal Consciousness & Love, and if that means you also want a few cool things like a nice car go for it, but as you said the problem with modern day LOA is its fallen for the 'Material things are all you need in life' Kool aid. 

In reality, happiness is only truly found in awakening, and then life becomes a celebration and we can create whatever reality we want for the fun, joy and love of it. 

@Nahm I think its about time you got a YouTube channel to show what true LOA & reality creation techniques look like ;) 

But, sadly telling the truth wouldn't sell MILLIONS of $ worth of courses, events, books etc

As @Leo Gura says in his marketing video, Conscious Marketing is 100x harder, hence why almost nobody does it. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Pateedm Legend, thank you for posting this! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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14 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Forget about all the beautiful realizations, insights, etc. If the source you get the truth from is not awake, you are simply shooting yourself in the foot. Why? When the source is unawake, even if he make good points, he is prone to make guiding mistakes that will backfire any progress do. He doesnt have the total divine vision to do such work yet. Its coming from his mind, Its only partial. 

Contemplate this. You are asking how to live an awaken life from an unawake person. How much can you trust someone afraid of embodying what he teaches? 

You have, and are your own Source. If you follow someone who lacks understanding, that's reflected in yourself. All true teachings seek to connect the student with their own Source, the teacher is a means to an end, so is the student. If a teacher forgets that they are Source and believes or makes others  believe that they need them it might be a harsh lesson that's unlikely to be forgotten. Source is still the only teacher. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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