
What is the cost of True Growth?

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When I connect the dots, it seems like making true growth is the hardest thing you could do, and will be the most counter intuitive thing you could do, because it's literally like staring you in the face and killing the current you, and that takes going the complete opposite direction to the mind and what the mind is used to doing (externalizing)

In a sense, I think of it as literally choosing Truth, or God, over anything and everything else no matter what. Is there any video Leo's that explains this process in depth and how to really do True Growth? Not sure exactly which one.


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Get a good foundation for a start. That means health in my opinion. Diet, fitness, sleep and removing addictions. I'm still in this stage. Then get the booklist and start reading! (and applying) 

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@goldpower123 There's a world that exists inside your mind, you call this reality. You call it truth and the value assignments you make in the context of growth you hierarchically assign as "true growth", the cost of which is simply the exclusion of all those tertiary and lesser elements that don't accord with that mental template. The only cost to true growth is the cost of not understanding what it is and doing it.

I want to genuinely take over the world, and I genuinely have the ability to do so because people like yourself won't commit to understanding what true growth is and following that ethos that lands them in that position. What are you going to do once I've cornered people like yourself and built a prison that you're not even aware enough you've bought into because you've followed the herd as to what's true and false? Are you just going to kindly walk into the cage I've built for you or are you going to see the masterplan I've built for what it really is and begin to defend yourself? 

I will make great playpens for you don't worry. Just let me do the work. Sit back, relax and wait for the full inception to take place. 

Most people on this site will never realise their true potential let alone begin to properly start on that adventure. Will you be one of those people? 

Either way it'll be okay. Remember, the prison I'll build will be a fun rat playhouse for you to have endless entertainment in you won't even realise is a prison.


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Becoming a mind-body warrior :P

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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