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Taking over the World, Sherlock meets his Everest: Extreme Openness

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I’m on iPad at the moment so I’m limited. And I know I said I wasn’t doing more than stated journaling but this seems like a pretty good addition.

Openness is probably my greatest strength, a weapon to wield against a failing society and a mediocre philosophy on life against the billions of dredging souls trying to make what little sense they can of what would otherwise mostly remain an incomplete ephemeral picture of life that sits just in front of their eyes but like Harry Potters snitch zags away from them in a less than a glance and in Lethal Weapons sequel only makes its way only down Mel Gibsons alcoholic throat while having a few laughs on a boat. So on my evil rise to enslave the rest of humanity to my will... Okay I just kid (at least I’ll try to make it appear that way).

I see all kinds of journals, I’ve seen all kinds of suggestions on the web about the benefits of particular kinds of journaling one can do but I’ve never, for whatever reason in light of the fact it’s the tits of the problem of the human race, breast feeding stupidity from racism to Mt Kilimanjaro of police brutality, misplaced political activism, anti-disclosure governmental and cultural projects to just plain never picking up the “book of life” (the philosophy section, which means “to philosophise” not to just “digest and repeat) on a bookshelf even though it could save you years of wasted time.

So here I am, spastic with neurons smashed up against an artists canvas filled with creativity spewing out of a madman’s double revolver in a bitch bar fight over a woman worth it let’s take 10 steps forward back to back and see who’s got the fastest gun in the West, or should I say, the Cowboy universe seeing this is a journal on Openness.

How can I be more open minded?
But more importantly, how can I be more open minded in the way that I ought to be open minded? Which seems like a far more interesting question.

And what would I be more open minded about?

This is to extreme openness, that which I already have but how far can I extend it? That seems like a worthy Tour De ?? France and I don’t even need any steroids to win it Neil Armstrong, just the Will to direct my focus in the direction of this t-Rex to bite a little harder down on the Titanic that doesn’t want to float philosophy to the finish line of that “book of life” that we as a human race are part of the endeavour of exploring its ending to the end of our extinction. Recent Newline reads: “Humans and all of life extinct in 1 billion years on earth due to oxygen shortage”. Really. This is the world of openness, where you enjoy comic claims rather than social gossip even if they miss striking the cue ball of reason cleanly enough to say something completely true, true enough though to get your attention.

This is the world we live in in 2021. This is our book of life to complete together with the most amount of intelligent openness (not ball busting dribble that puts you on a cloud while you get your stuff stolen by the Reptilians from Arch Angel orbital Arch Ziegfeld of space - Mr Icke, yea David and Alex Jones don’t worry I’m not calling you out here, I’m just saying your names) we can generate from our Tesla death rays of imagination and sensitivity to the rawness of life, thank you Romeo and Juliet.

Now let’s see what I can do on autopilot without the iPad. Stay tuned philosophical crooners .

Edited by Origins

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"If @Origins is planning on taking over the world that means that there is a new world order, just not the one I was expecting".

Yes of course there is, with or without me. Should be obvious if I'm just totally and up front and honest about my intentions that there would be plenty that are just not up front and honest about their intentions. I've thus far given my fellow species too much credit, overestimated their capabilities. Now it's time to simply work to take matters into my own hands.

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