
Teal swan - what a woman needs from a man in a relationship

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3 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

No, it's less pain and less heartbreak for YOU. Get it right.

And there are millions like me? What about them? 

We are all one at the end of the day. 

When someone says they have cancer, millions have it too. 

By singling me out, you're also singling those who represent me or those who I represent 

You can't simply reject a whole part of the world. Everyone is a piece of this giant pie. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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It's the guys who are naive not women. 

So don't listen any women ever regarding this stuff. Make yourself a service. 

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38 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

 @Leo Gura so, are all off those skinny runway model women who have flat chests and flat asses a great actually not as physically attractive as female celebs and supermodels who are busty and have a sexy bubblebutts?

Isn't that obvious?

What guy actually likes those toothpick tomboy fashion models? They are good for some avant-garde pretentious art shows, but they are not what the average guy wants to nail.

If you want to know what average guys find hot and high-value, go to a porn site with user voting and search for 5-star rated videos. There you go. Not much mystery to it.

What guys like is very obvious. The problem is that women really dislike knowing what guys like because most of them ain't it :D

And hey, I get that. If I was a woman I wouldn't like it either. I would think its "gross" and shallow.

Women just want to be loved regardless of their looks. Unfortunately that's not how most men work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Preety_India No disrespect, but the fact that you argued over the haircut for a week and that you wanted to prove something, shows that you still cared deeply about what he thought about you. 

It seems like you wanted him to love you despite whatever you would choose to do, so it's a trap and it doesn't seem true that you didn't care at all. 

This is not a judgement at all, because I believe we all care about what other people (especially our close ones) think of us. But I think it's important not to bullshit ourselves. 

In regards to your point about us not being honest and therefore you not being able to trust us, what came first the chicken or the egg? You implied it yourself: if we walked straight up to you and told you we find you sexy and want to fuck, you would consider us a weirdo and reject us at best. At the same time you demand 100% honesty. How can we be 100% honest if it doesn't work and how can we expect you to trust us deeply if we aren't. It's impossible. But we are both to blame for this dynamic, not only men.

Coming back to the point of the thread, I agree that none of us can see the whole picture and we're always biased by our own experiences and ego. 

Personally, I'm not ONLY interested in sex and looks, but it certainly is one of the first things that ignites my attraction towards a woman. However, I also want a deeper more intimate connection for a long term relationship.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Isn't that obvious?

What guy actually likes those toothpick tomboy fashion models? They are good for some avant-garde pretentious art shows, but they are not what the average guy wants to nail.

If you want to know what average guys find hot and high-value, go to a porn site with user voting and search for 5-star rated videos.

It's clear as day that the whole point of model physique is for designer clothes to fit better. Models are basically human hangers, wearing clothes specificaly tailored by gay designers.

Would be interesting to see MISS competition made out of pornstars lol. Imagine views and money that would make.

Edited by Peter Miklis

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19 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

It's clear as day that the whole point of model physique is for designer clothes to fit better. Models are basically human hangers, wearing clothes specificaly tailored by gay designers.

Gotta love this no BS dudes. 

19 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

Would be interesting to see MISS competition made out of pornstars lol. Imagine views and money that would make.

Thanks for an idea. 

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Lets not forget the penis problem, women want big dicks and they cannot lie... oh wait they all lie about it...

Maybe this honesty thing is tricky? 

A girl was very honest with me once and said "if you have a big dick ill sleep with you". Had no choice but to admit defeat, 

Complete honesty is brutal. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Even if I grant you that (which I don't, because in fact your ego cannot handle the raw truth of such things as you believe), the reality is that most women cannot handle the raw truth of it, so games will be played.

You are not one woman in the world. You are part of 4 billion other women, and men's dating strategies will not revolve around your exceptional case but around how average women react. And average women react very poorly to truth about male attraction. You yourself reacted poorly to it earlier in this thread by calling it "gross".

When you call a man's deepest desires "gross", can you really blame him for not being truthful about it with you any more? Men would love nothing more than to be honest about their desires for women and not play games. But life has taught men never to be so foolish or naive. Being honest and direct hurts men's survival. Which is why they are not honest or direct.

The reality is that most women require plausible deniability and anti-slut narratives in order to sleep with a man. Hence games are played. If a man walks up to a woman in front of all her friends and say, "I like you. Let's go fuck." and she says, "Yes" she will forever be disgraced and excommunicated from her social circle. Which for a woman is about as bad as death. So she is forced to say, "I'm not that kind of girl", even though she wants to fuck him. And hence game is born.

I get emotional here yes 

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3 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

I get emotional here yes 

Few tears dropped here too . So beautiful. 

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@Leo Gura okay but now help me out with this : 

WHY am I attracted to a certain size and shape of titties , a tight ? peach ass and a cute "symetrical" face? 

I just cant crack it.

I've spent LONG time contemplating booties and I can't figure out why do I get so turned on and attracted when I see it.

I just do. And IDK why. But when I see it I instantly know if it would be smash or pass. 

I guess that has to do with an eternity of evolution and genetical intuition into what is considered high social value for my status and future kidz

I've trained myself to see the beauty even in a dead pigeon but man there is no piece of art more godlike than a good piece of ass. 

And I don't know why. It's just gonna be another mystery of the universe for me. 

Pd: like I've had numerous chubby girls attracted to me and even though they have a cool personally that's just as irrelevant as some Beats By D. R. E to a deaf dude


PPD: are we trying to collecticely smash our way to the most beautiful kids and human race possible by doing a kind of natural selectionselection of the cutest geneticall material? 

Edited by mmKay

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@Leo Gura

Leo so I did that (clicked on Top Rated) and this is what came up as the first option

Title - Cum Twice. Oral Creampie and Cumshot at Boobs

[link removed]

Guy has small dick and hairy brown legs, just a yuck reaction all over. chick isn't a pure redhead, my first girlfriend tried doing that because she wanted us to look similar I think, its a bad look. Cannot believe this got such high rating I'd never watch it

You love generalisations because you love to seek absolutes, there's cons to that and its showing in this convo 

You've got survival agenda over here ___x space___ and then you've got a plethora of other reasons people come together ___ y space ___, x space doesn't at all define y space, it only influences y space. Just notice that tendency

Edited by Leo Gura
Inappropriate link

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@Origins can you be a bit blunt and a bit specific?, I'm not good with metaphorical and figurative language 

Just wanted a clearer elaborate explanation of your point. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Etherial Cat said:

You keep repeating everyone that relationships are inherently biased towards survival. You frame absolutely everything towards this agenda, and dismiss any attempt to bring consciousness/love and truth to them.

Yes, there can be some love and consciousness.

I have no problem with "feminine containment". I encourage guys to do that. But doing that requires the guy become stronger and more grounded in himself. Less of a nice guy. Which is how this whole debate got fired up.


Mind you, if you would hold this discourse in any other section (which you don't) I might not consider that you hold double standards. But check out how when it comes to business and politics, which are equally survival oriented, you're fostering and enforcing a position of conscious politics/businesss.

Yes, you may be right. I have my biases and my experience with pickup certainly gave me a certain highly pragmatic and realistic POV. It's a bit like being a solider who comes home from Vietnam. He has a very stark view of the brutality of that kind of game.

When one does a lot of Game A, one starts to see Game B as unrealistic.


What appears low consciousness and survival oriented to me is to boil down women primarily to their sexual value. Big tits and various explanation about reproductivity (which I really wonder why someone who doesn't want kids insist upon somewhat... much logic).

I can flip that back around on you. Why would a women be interested in confidence and intimacy if she doesn't want kids? Why have sex at all with condoms or birth control?


And I have the feeling to be beaten in the box of wanting "Strong Emotioneless alpha Chad" as a justification for the low consciousness standards. 

It's both. It can be a justification for guys to be assholes sometimes. But it's also true that women are attracted to that kind of behavior. So it's hairy.


The truth is when I read this thread, I have the feeling that someone conscious as you are is just falling upon a myriad of self-deception mechanism so he can justify his devilry and keep on banging hot girls with big tits. And this doesn't look much conscious because it simply isn't, hence the heavy enforcing suddenly on survival...

I have sex very rarely. I invest most of my energy into my work, my contemplations, and my awakenings. So be careful what you assume. Few men in my position have sacrificed as much sex as I have for a higher cause.

Do I like a hot girl over the opposite? Of course. Any guy does. Notice how you dismiss the male's natural attraction, as if there is something wrong or shallow about it.

An enlightened master will still enjoy some big tits. Consciousness does not mean you start blowing homeless people under the bridge. You still have standards and preferences. You got yours, and I got mine. The difference is, you try to make me feel bad about mine whereas I don't try to make you feel bad about yours. If you want love and intimacy with a guy, great! That's your agenda. If you were a man, you would be here typing as most of the men do. Recognize that.

Love, consciousness, and intimacy are also important for men, but physical attractiveness is a higher priority for many men. That does not mean intimacy never happens -- which is how many of you ladies interpret it. It still happens. Men are not single-minded. Just because we like big tits does not mean we don't also like companionship and intimacy and relationship. Just like how you like humor, that doesn't mean you will only have sex with comedians and there will be no intimacy or anything else. You like humor + confidence + strength + muscles + leadership skills + intimacy + financial security + passion + consciousness + etc.

It's actually worse than you think. Both men and women want the FULL package. Nobody is fooled by a single good trait. One good trait ain't good enough. That's like going to buy a car and only caring about the wheels. Buying a car is a complex holistic decision. Likewise with finding a mate.

The thing you ladies don't get about intimacy is: intimacy is easy! Intimacy can be built with literally any bum on the street -- if you really wanted to. But of course you would never do that. For a man, prioritizing intimacy is not important because it will automatically happen regardless of what girl we choose. No matter what girl I end up choosing, I know that I will build crazy deep intimacy with her. Hence I don't even need to consider this factor when choosing a girl. So I screen based on other factors that I care about.

Now, many guys have intimacy problems. So I highly encourage them to work that out and go for deep intimacy with the girl of their choice. Nothing I say is anti-intimacy or deep relationship.

45 minutes ago, Origins said:

@Leo Gura

Leo so I did that (clicked on Top Rated) and this is what came up as the first option

Title - Cum Twice. Oral Creampie and Cumshot at Boobs

[link removed]

Guy has small dick and hairy brown legs, just a yuck reaction all over. chick isn't a pure redhead, my first girlfriend tried doing that because she wanted us to look similar I think, its a bad look. Cannot believe this got such high rating I'd never watch it

You love generalisations because you love to seek absolutes, there's cons to that and its showing in this convo


You took my point a bit too literally.

My point still stands. You just have to be intelligent about how to apply it. Visit a quality paid porn site, not some freebie porn sewer full of sexual deviants and degenerates watching homeless people fuck.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 07/03/2021 at 11:00 AM, modmyth said:

How many guys end up picking women a lot like their mothers in some way or another?

@modmyth No clue, sure as hell hope I don't. Too much paranoia and theatre, not that theatre isn't fine in small doses 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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21 minutes ago, Origins said:

@Leo Gura

Leo so I did that (clicked on Top Rated) and this is what came up as the first option

Title - Cum Twice. Oral Creampie and Cumshot at Boobs

[link removed]

Guy has small dick and hairy brown legs, just a yuck reaction all over. chick isn't a pure redhead, my first girlfriend tried doing that because she wanted us to look similar I think, its a bad look. Cannot believe this got such high rating I'd never watch it

You love generalisations because you love to seek absolutes, there's cons to that and its showing in this convo 

You've got survival agenda over here ___x space___ and then you've got a plethora of other reasons people come together ___ y space ___, x space doesn't at all define y space, it only influences y space. Just notice that tendency

Dude, this was a little bit of an asshole move, don't you think? Some people here are trying to quit porn, not watch it

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@Leo Gura sure. just find this discussion kind of blah though. It just feels like a lot of resistance here

@Peter Miklis i never got the porn addiction, i've tried to get myself into porn as an experiment. You have a porn addiction? make a thread, peeps will help out all good 

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31 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Origins can you be a bit blunt and a bit specific?, I'm not good with metaphorical and figurative language 

Just wanted a clearer elaborate explanation of your point. 


in short, subtract awareness and all you have left is the survival agenda. 

@Leo Gura what r ur recommendations? just so everyone other than those with addictions @Peter Miklis they're trying to get over

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3 minutes ago, Origins said:

@Leo Gura 

@Peter Miklis i never got the porn addiction, i've tried to get myself into porn as an experiment. You have a porn addiction? make a thread, peeps will help out all good 

I used to have, but not anymore, I handled it myself, it took couple of years. But, it's very easy to fall into it again, it's a slippery slope. I don't wanna censor anything or anyone, just sayin', these links don't help.

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16 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:


Gender wars. 


Who is this cute guy? Not too masculine, not too brutal, not too arrogant (just look at his underpants - cute :) ) That one would attract me

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