
I am God

28 posts in this topic

Hey what's up, I am new to this forum

First of all, English is not my native language, so please excuse me if I make mistakes with my writing or if I am not able to express myself
in a way I really want.

My question: If Leo and other enlighted people say, that I am god and not part of it but the whole god so I am alone in the universe
and everything is one, why I am only experience myself and not for example my friend or some other human being or animal
or plant?

This is a mindfuck which I don't understand, so if I am god and my friends are god as well and everything else as well, why I don't
experience the world from their point of view at the same time? Why I only see the world from my body or mind?

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@JJfromSwitzerland Maybe your friends are imaginary?



Why I only see the world from my body or mind?

Be careful. Why do you assume that you see the world from your POV? What if the world is not actually seen from your POV? After all, you as an ego are imaginary.

Do you see the problem here? You assume you are real. You assume that perception is "yours". What if it isn't?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@JJfromSwitzerland Maybe your friends are imaginary?


Be careful. Why do you assume that you see the world from your POV? What if the world is not actually seen from your POV? After all, you as an ego are imaginary.

Do you see the problem here? You assume you are real. You assume that perception is "yours". What if it isn't?

So if it is the god perception, I am the only one who exists and the friends I hang out with or the women I date are only in my imagination? So the reply you sent me is only my imagination but when you say they are also god, that means I am them and I am you aswell but why I only experience my human life then? Why I don't experience your life or their life? I just imagine the other lifes? This is the question I am struggling with since I am not enlighted and it also kind of makes me almost depressed... hehehe

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17 minutes ago, JJfromSwitzerland said:

So if it is the god perception, I am the only one who exists and the friends I hang out with or the women I date are only in my imagination? So the reply you sent me is only my imagination but when you say they are also god, that means I am them and I am you aswell but why I only experience my human life then? Why I don't experience your life or their life? I just imagine the other lifes? This is the question I am struggling with since I am not enlighted and it also kind of makes me almost depressed... hehehe

It's way more fucked up and twisted than you can fathom.

Remember, your entire visual field is imaginary, including your body. Imagination IS reality. So there is no fundamental distinction between you imagining your friends, you imagining the world, or you imagining yourself. It's all imaginary.

You are thinking of it like this: "Oh, well, if my friends are imaginary, that sucks. That means they aren't real."

But what you're not realizing is that EVERYTHING isn't real. Real is whatever you imagine hard enough. So your friends are real in the sense that you imagine they are. But as soon as you stop imagining them, they will disappear. As will your own body.

So it all boils down to how unconscious you are of your own imagination.

See, Leo is a fragment of your schizoid God-mind. But you don't like hearing that so you imagine Leo is real, and therefore Leo is real for you, as long as you keep denying that Leo is imaginary. So the entire game of life is imagining shit while denying that you imagined it. That's how "reality" is created. Ta-da! :D

The only question is, how deep do you want to see the Truth of what you -- as God -- are doing? How deep can you stomach it? Are you willing to realize that EVERYTHING is imaginary? Or are you gonna cry uncle and play denial games? Since you are God, if you decide to play denial, there is no one in the Universe who can stop you. Only you can stop yourself.

Do you dare become conscious that you are imagining Leo? Or... is that too unnerving?

See, the problem is that just by telling you this I'm already spoiling your fantasy. But don't worry, you will fall back into the fantasy very quickly. Just stop listening to me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's way more fucked up and twisted than you can fathom.

Remember, your entire visual field is imaginary, including your body. Imagination IS reality. So there is no fundamental distinction between you imagining your friends, you imagining the world, or you imagining yourself. It's all imaginary.

Damn, right now I wish I never heard of the whole enlightment God thing and would just continue living as before in the matrix to chase women and money and health and all that because from my point in life where I stand right now, it hurts and confuses me more than I benefit O.o At the same time I am coriuos though and wanna find out more...

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11 minutes ago, JJfromSwitzerland said:

Damn, right now I wish I never heard of the whole enlightment God thing and would just continue living as before in the matrix to chase women and money and health and all that because from my point in life where I stand right now, it hurts and confuses me more than I benefit O.o

Well, you are still very far from enlightenment so you can easily turn back and live your hedonistic fantasies.


At the same time I am coriuos though and wanna find out more...

Yeah... that's a bitch, ain't it? Curiosity kills the cat ;)

If you don't want the Truth then stop asking questions about it :D You don't have to do enlightenment.

That's right, enlightenment won't benefit "you". But imagine how powerful you would be if you no longer needed a personal benefit from anything, ever. Dare I say, you might become God-like -- hehhehehe.... :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@JJfromSwitzerland  watch this episode , maybe it will help you to experience non-symbolic awareness and experience some unity

The thing is it's a very swisted paradox and a strangeloop.

You are simultaneously the whole grape cluster and simultaneously a single indivudial grape and simultaneously absolutely nothing at all.


Edited by mmKay

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If everything is one, there isn’t a you and a universe... which you are in. (That’d be two). Likewise, and myself would be two. “I” and “myself” are thoughts awareness is aware of. It can be helpful to write those thoughts on paper and look at them. Makes it easier to recognize they are thoughts. 

Similar to a dream...it seems like you’re in it, but you’re dreaming the dream, and ‘doing’ so of yourself, or, by being the dream, or simply put, dreaming.  

How would you experience two points of view simultaneously while making it seem like you are experiencing one? By appearing (analogously, dreaming) as somewhere to experience and someway of experiencing the somewhere you are being. 

In being experience, you forget your infinitude. Your true nature. ‘Who’ (more so what) you really are. 

But you’re still you, regardless of what arising thoughts you believe or identity with. 

If you frame the thoughts and beliefs as conditions, and are seeking the unconditional truth, ‘listen’ to your intuition and sensation. If conditions (thoughts) don’t feel good to you, focus on what does instead. 

To expedite, and enjoy life to the absolute fullest, express fully. 



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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The only question is, how deep do you want to see the Truth of what you -- as God -- are doing? How deep can you stomach it? Are you willing to realize that EVERYTHING is imaginary? Or are you gonna cry uncle and play denial games? Since you are God, if you decide to play denial, there is no one in the Universe who can stop you. Only you can stop yourself.

@Leo Gura  Hey Leo <3 I don't see a problem with the fact that everything is imaginary, you can still enjoy your imaginary life and be happy.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's way more fucked up and twisted than you can fathom.

Remember, your entire visual field is imaginary, including your body. Imagination IS reality. So there is no fundamental distinction between you imagining your friends, you imagining the world, or you imagining yourself. It's all imaginary.

You are thinking of it like this: "Oh, well, if my friends are imaginary, that sucks. That means they aren't real."

But what you're not realizing is that EVERYTHING isn't real. Real is whatever you imagine hard enough. So your friends are real in the sense that you imagine they are. But as soon as you stop imagining them, they will disappear. As will your own body.

So it all boils down to how unconscious you are of your own imagination.

See, Leo is a fragment of your schizoid God-mind. But you don't like hearing that so you imagine Leo is real, and therefore Leo is real for you, as long as you keep denying that Leo is imaginary. So the entire game of life is imagining shit while denying that you imagined it. That's how "reality" is created. Ta-da! :D

The only question is, how deep do you want to see the Truth of what you -- as God -- are doing? How deep can you stomach it? Are you willing to realize that EVERYTHING is imaginary? Or are you gonna cry uncle and play denial games? Since you are God, if you decide to play denial, there is no one in the Universe who can stop you. Only you can stop yourself.

Do you dare become conscious that you are imagining Leo? Or... is that too unnerving?

See, the problem is that just by telling you this I'm already spoiling your fantasy. But don't worry, you will fall back into the fantasy very quickly. Just stop listening to me.

Who knows what I will do, if I will continue denying everything or not. The problem with that is, I feel like I always knew since a I am child that there is something other than I was indoctrinated with, I just could not figure out what the point of the whole life is, so I tried to forget but I couldn't - this is since I can remember thinking. Everything made no sense and was confusing, but I tried to forget and continue to live. As I got from one of your videos, it doesn't matter if I will seek/find the Truth or not because me as god wants to experience everything - also devil. so I will see what's gonna happen.... Maybe I will seek enlightment, maybe not. I will definitely continue meditating, that's all I can say for now...

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12 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If everything is one, there isn’t a you and a universe... which you are in. (That’d be two). Likewise, and myself would be two. “I” and “myself” are thoughts awareness is aware of. It can be helpful to write those thoughts on paper and look at them. Makes it easier to recognize they are thoughts. 

Similar to a dream...it seems like you’re in it, but you’re dreaming the dream, and ‘doing’ so of yourself, or, by being the dream, or simply put, dreaming.  

How would you experience two points of view simultaneously while making it seem like you are experiencing one? By appearing (analogously, dreaming) as somewhere to experience and someway of experiencing the somewhere you are being. 

In being experience, you forget your infinitude. Your true nature. ‘Who’ (more so what) you really are. 

But you’re still you, regardless of what arising thoughts you believe or identity with. 

If you frame the thoughts and beliefs as conditions, and are seeking the unconditional truth, ‘listen’ to your intuition and sensation. If conditions (thoughts) don’t feel good to you, focus on what does instead. 

To expedite, and enjoy life to the absolute fullest, express fully. 

Thanks, what you say I find a good advice, especially this one:

If you frame the thoughts and beliefs as conditions, and are seeking the unconditional truth, ‘listen’ to your intuition and sensation. If conditions (thoughts) don’t feel good to you, focus on what does instead. 

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@JJfromSwitzerland You still can have an awakening experience discovering that you are everything/God or discovering Love and then go back to your imaginary life and enjoy it more than before, loving more Yourself (everyone everything), less judgements...

I had a couple awakenings and I'm more happy than before, I don't feel the need to go deeper and consecrated my life to know the Truth. I meditate everyday 30 min / 1 hour, I use my imaginary body to enjoy Reality and loving more.
So I can say I don't regret at all my experiences

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Just now, Gabith said:

@JJfromSwitzerland You still can have an awakening experience discovering that you are everything/God or discovering Love and then go back to your imaginary life and enjoy it more than before, loving more Yourself (everyone everything), less judgements...

I had a couple awakenings and I'm more happy than before, I don't feel the need to go deeper and consecrated my life to know the Truth. I meditate everyday 30 min / 1 hour, I use my imaginary body to enjoy Reality and loving more.
So I can say I don't regret at all my experiences

Cool, thanks for letting me know

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

@JJfromSwitzerland  watch this episode , maybe it will help you to experience non-symbolic awareness and experience some unity

The thing is it's a very swisted paradox and a strangeloop.

You are simultaneously the whole grape cluster and simultaneously a single indivudial grape and simultaneously absolutely nothing at all.


Thanks, will check it out

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@Leo GuraWhich posses important question. 

Why continue life in which you have zero beleif in, anymore? 

It's only interesting when it's "relative to" or "from within" then it makes sense. 

Lost in illusion. That's how your human gets formed in the 1st place. 

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@zeroISinfinity That's where the fun starts. When you stop having belief , sense making, logic and rationallity as your main operating system you switch to Feeling and Intuition as  your guiding mechanism.

Not that you stop being rational or stop thinking, but you use those as tools rather as the reins for your life. And this way you tap into your more" Authentic Self ", where you do things that you simply feel like doing, and are " naturally " drawn towards. Not because of shoulds and beliefs or because it's logical.

You can reduce your thinking to 10% and simply operate with your gut feeling, and 9 times out of 10 you would be actually more functional because you'd be more in touch with yourself. Or if you can't manage to think less, just dettach more from the thought's authority and give it to your intuition.

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2 hours ago, JJfromSwitzerland said:

only my imagination 

I just imagine the other lifes?

It is not your imagination.

It is not @JJfromSwitzerland 's imagination. He is what is being imagined. Just like Leo, roopepa or the hot girl sucking ya dick.

"My POV" is being imagined just like "the hot girl".

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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14 minutes ago, mmKay said:

@zeroISinfinity That's where the fun starts. When you stop having belief , sense making, logic and rationallity as your main operating system you switch to Feeling and Intuition as  your guiding mechanism.

Not that you stop being rational or stop thinking, but you use those as tools rather as the reins for your life. And this way you tap into your more" Authentic Self ", where you do things that you simply feel like doing, and are " naturally " drawn towards. Not because of shoulds and beliefs or because it's logical.

You can reduce your thinking to 10% and simply operate with your gut feeling, and 9 times out of 10 you would be actually more functional because you'd be more in touch with yourself. Or if you can't manage to think less, just dettach more from the thought's authority and give it to your intuition.

@mmKay There is no life anymore. I think you don't get it. 

Doesn't matter still have to play it out with very deep desire this stuff never happens ever again in any of the future dreams. 

Atleast I don't give a shit what anyone says anymore. 



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42 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

 Why continue life in which you have zero belief in, anymore? 


It's only interesting when it's "relative to" or "from within" then it makes sense. 





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