Phyllis Wagner

Some asked Eckhart "You became Enlightened by accident wtf do you know about it?"

46 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Twega said:


Yes... Crowder's Law, or Shapiro's Law, or Tucker's Law ;)

57 minutes ago, Twega said:

@Leo Gura May I ask what are your "spiritual weaknesses"? so to speak.

My mind is wired for extreme creativity, which makes it very difficult to meditate, or concentrate on a single thing, or empty the mind. So meditation techniques are very ineffective for my brain type.

My mind is wired such that I receive a near-constant follow of creative imagery, visions, ideas, and insights no matter what I'm doing as long as I'm not asleep. And it is almost impossible to stop this torrent of imagery. It's like a constant creative noise. This is very good for creativity but very bad for meditation.

52 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Leo Gura .few questions please........

How to define enlightenment such that you can say 'the person is and that person isn't enlightened' ? It's not like a scientific term that has a clear definition.. like an oxygen atom (an atom that contains exactly 8 protons)..

There is a distinct threshold that consciousness can pass at which point it "awakens". But just because you pass this threshold does not mean you cannot become even more conscious and more awake. You can become orders of magnitude more awake than that. But you at least need to cross that threshold to enter woke territory.


You consider yourself enlightened

I don't.


because you are conscious of certain things and you judge other teachers as 'weak sauce' or not enlightened enough because they don't meet your criteria.... And I consider my own truths that I'm conscious of to be the highest and I do see others who can't get what I'm saying as idiots and so forth (just like you do)... So isn't there different degrees of enlightenment and they are all valid??... And who's to say what's the highest?...

These are all good questions you should contemplate and pursue your own answers to.

From certain levels of consciousness that I have accessed it is obvious to me that most other people have not accessed it. That doesn't mean it is impossible or that only I can do it. It just means that most human brains are not suited to accessing the highest levels of consciousness in the same way that most cameras are not suited to photographing x-rays. And most humans are unwilling to modify their brains.


After all.. What good is telling people 'you are God and you are hallucinating the entire universe'..

I care about what is true, not about what people want to hear.

Oh, btw, Truth and Good just happen to be identical ;)

50 minutes ago, Snader said:

But man you don't have to be a monk to endorse some of that stuff or the wisdom behind it.

Not a monk, but you gotta be crazy, like a fox ;)

37 minutes ago, Tim R said:

Yeah but that's the way it has to be.

Everything is the way it has to be ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I don't think actualized is really that offensive or radical. What is offensive to the mainstream is stuff like blatant racism. Some of the young people that are doing your life purpose course right now will probably end up well known and I think they will give you props in a decade or two. Celebs have definitely endorsed more controversial stuff like Scientology. There are also tons of stage green celebrities who are into spirituality.

I think it will happen sooner or later and then the forum will get swarmed by some of their fans. You can't deny you appeal to the mainstream at least a bit by the way you speak, the style of your videos etc. Some dude just casually rambling into a webcam would not get to 1 million subscribers after all. But hey, I totally get the mainstream bias and I tend to agree with you, most of that stuff is definitely whack.

Edited by Phyllis Wagner

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

My mind is wired for extreme creativity, which makes it very difficult to meditate, or concentrate on a single thing, or empty the mind. So meditation techniques are very ineffective for my brain type.

My mind is wired such that I receive a near-constant follow of creative imagery, visions, ideas, and insights no matter what I'm doing as long as I'm not asleep. And it is almost impossible to stop this torrent of imagery. It's like a constant creative noise. This is very good for creativity but very bad for meditation.

@Leo GuraI have the same issues when I meditate, I am a very good visualizer and I always visualize things constantly when I read a book or think about anything. Any advice on how best I should approach meditation? I really struggle with quieting my mind because of the constant influx of visuals and thoughts.

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1 minute ago, Twega said:

@Leo GuraI have the same issues when I meditate, I am a very good visualizer and I always visualize things constantly when I read a book or think about anything. Any advice on how best I should approach meditation? I really struggle with quieting my mind because of the constant influx of visuals and thoughts.

Ever tried visualization techniques? Practices including the visualization of energy flow might work wonders for you. Kriya Yoga or Qi Gong maybe.

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46 minutes ago, Twega said:

Any advice on how best I should approach meditation? I really struggle with quieting my mind because of the constant influx of visuals and thoughts.

The only solution I know is:

A) Psychedelics

B) Very rigorous week-long retreats where you meditate nonstop using something like labeling. It will be hell and you suck it up and do it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@EmptyVase if you can link me to any sources where I could learn more, that would be great.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The only solution I know is:

A) Psychedelics

B) Very rigorous week-long retreats where you meditate nonstop using something like labeling. It will be hell and you suck it up and do it.

Why does taking shrooms feel like torture to me? Even microdoses. Will it ease up and become more enjoyable the more I take them and meditate?

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@Craigxt22 nobody can answer that I guess. Only did microdoses but Shrooms always feel good to me. If it feels like torture dont do it, easy as that.

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1 hour ago, Phyllis Wagner said:

Gura I don't think actualized is really that offensive or radical.

I think that most people would be shocked to know about a place where extreme potency drugs are promoted among young people to be able to realize that you do not exist and that reality is a dream. you have to be really brave to promote this, it's not a jocke

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Two authors are mentioned throughout this thread: Santata Gamana and J.C. Stevens. As for Qi Gong, I don't practice it myself, but a lot of people have positive experiences with it. Can't give you resources on that one, sorry.


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@Phyllis Wagner I saw this the other day and thought the entire thing was really, really good. I especially loved how he described the two extreme viewpoints on how to get awakened, that you can force it into being or that there's nothing you can do. The "suffering helps too a little bit *chuckle*" remark really got me. xD 

6 hours ago, Phyllis Wagner said:

Well I disagree, I am following for 5+ years and I still get mind-blowing insights from time to time when I read his books that just didn't compute with my previous understanding. if he is truly enlightened or not - I don't care honestly. 

I think he is underrated here because his popularity somewhat cheapens his teachings. Granted, It's formulated in very accessible language, but I think that is also the appeal of


I immersed myself in his books and videos years ago. He had the deepest teachings I'd ever found that were making an enormous impact on my life but I had no spiritual community to speak of or any knowledge of other teachers. That was probably for the best at the time. Once you go back to listen you realize the depth of understanding was a limitation of the filter of "you" more than the teacher. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Craigxt22 said:

Why does taking shrooms feel like torture to me? Even microdoses. Will it ease up and become more enjoyable the more I take them and meditate?

No idea. Everyone reacts differently.

You are probably carrying around a bunch of lies, wounds, trauma, and egoic shit in your mind which the mushrooms are trying to surface.

As you purify your mind trips should get deeper and more blissful. But there can be a long purification process. It all depends on how dirty your mind is.

Or maybe you just have a negative physical reaction to mushrooms for some weird genetic reason. In which case you can try other psychedelics to see if they fit you better. Mushrooms are pretty squirrely.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Craigxt22 said:

Why does taking shrooms feel like torture to me? Even microdoses. Will it ease up and become more enjoyable the more I take them and meditate?

Try a different psychedelic. Or use cannabis/THC to control the trip. Terence McKenna spoke on this. I’ve exited my worst trip into a divine experience by taking a couple hits of a vape pen. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On Eckhart Tolle. It’s possible that there is something to reincarnation and that it takes several lifetimes to become enlightened. You don’t know what path Eckhart walked to get where he arrived.

Also, effort does not necessarily get you anywhere. There is a Zen story, a young man visited a Zen master and asked him, if I become a monk how long will it take me to become enlightened? Ten years, replied the Zen master. And if I really work hard at it? Twenty years. 

I’ve heard the proces of enlightenment being compared to relaxing a fist that has been held tightly clenched for so long that it refuses to open on its own. It’s not about effort, it is about achieving a natural state of quiet, ease, understanding and relaxed surrender. And then you wait... it’s not you who does this, there is a grace associated with it.


“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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You consider yourself enlightened

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't.

@Leo Gura But Leo! how come you don't consider yourself Enlightened after so many doses of DMT?


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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is why I generally don't like any mainstream teachings. The more mainstream they are, the shallower and more watered-down they must be.

There is an inverse correlation between depth and popularity.

Can you give us a few examples of spiritual teachers that you consider having depth ?

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44 minutes ago, Bodhitree said:

On Eckhart Tolle. It’s possible that there is something to reincarnation and that it takes several lifetimes to become enlightened. You don’t know what path Eckhart walked to get where he arrived.

Also, effort does not necessarily get you anywhere. There is a Zen story, a young man visited a Zen master and asked him, if I become a monk how long will it take me to become enlightened? Ten years, replied the Zen master. And if I really work hard at it? Twenty years. 

I’ve heard the proces of enlightenment being compared to relaxing a fist that has been held tightly clenched for so long that it refuses to open on its own. It’s not about effort, it is about achieving a natural state of quiet, ease, understanding and relaxed surrender. And then you wait... it’s not you who does this, there is a grace associated with it.


I once seen, "it's all a lie!" That's how my mind processed it. The illusion was all a big lie!

I suppose this was the fruit Eve eat in the garden.

Currently I see the whole universe as a fractal, a simple mathematical equation that spun out of intelligent nothingness, like you see in a vacuum where quantum particles come into existence. A simple perfect mathematical formula that keeps repeating over and over creates everything in our universe.

This is the blessing!

All the pain and suffering, happiness and joy, had to be this way for it to work. 

There is no real grace except the grace of existence itself.  Grace permeates this world. 

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"You are Awakening, and if you are Awakening then you may feel that pull towards that. The mind may misinterpret it. It may say: 'I need to become fully awake', but you're Awakening already. It's already happening." – Eckhart Tolle

What a beautiful message, thanks for sharing the video ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Wisdom only speaks to the ready ear. When I first came across The Power of Now, I read a few pages and tossed it aside as new age drivel. After a few years of suffering, I picked it up again, and it resonated. Another few years of suffering, and it rocked my world. The book never changed during this time; I did. I have been tortured and taunted by my mind most of my life. Finally, I realized there is a way out.

Sometimes the deepest truths are the most simple. The mind doesn't like simplicity. It gets bored easily. Even in the "spiritual" path, it seeks cataclysmic, but always conceptual experiences. Surely Self-realization must be mind-blowing?

As it turns out, awakening is exactly that. It is the end of being ruled by the mind, and it is entirely non-conceptual. Tolle's message is the same message that was realized by the ancients. The mind is hell. Awakening from the mind is the beginning of the end of suffering. It is only by realizing that you are not thoughts, but are the Awareness in the space between the thoughts, that you will be free.

I have read all of Tolle's books, and watched many of his videos. His message is simple, but so was the message of the Buddha. If you find them boring, maybe ask yourself what you are truly seeking.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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33 minutes ago, Moksha said:

His message is simple, but so was the message of the Buddha. If you find them boring, maybe ask yourself what you are truly seeking.

"Simplicity is very difficult for twisted minds." – A Course In Miracles

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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