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The Voice Behind The Voice

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So I've been meditating each day for a couple of weeks now, and something interesting happened last night.

Everyone here will know what "the voice" is. I've become pretty decent at emptying my mind and can go 30+ seconds at a time without a thought, but last night something weird happened and I saw through the silence between thoughts. There was another, more faint voice underneath the silence.

This second voice was quieter but a true "monkey mind." The regular voice has a thought arise, then there is silence/pause between thoughts, then another thought arises. I've always thought I had good control over my mind and it was easy enough to silence thoughts, but this voice is uncontrollable. This second voice is just 100% constant crazy babble nonstop. I'd describe it like Gollum from Lord of The Rings, not in a nefarious way but just that level of constant crazy muttering to itself. I can't seem to silence or influence it, only observe it. If we describe the regular ego as a "drunk stung monkey" then this base level is like a schizophrenic drunk stung monkey on crack and PCP. It's like regular meditation on hardcore mode. It's almost like a deeper source that the ego is getting it's information from.

I can only catch glimpses of it, then it is drown out either by silence or the regular more prominent thoughts.

Is this a known phenomenon with meditation? Is there any name for this either in secular meditation or Buddhism? How do you address and silence this "inner INNER voice"?

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6 minutes ago, Yarco said:

So I've been meditating each day for a couple of weeks now, and something interesting happened last night.

Everyone here will know what "the voice" is. I've become pretty decent at emptying my mind and can go 30+ seconds at a time without a thought, but last night something weird happened and I saw through the silence between thoughts. There was another, more faint voice underneath the silence.

This second voice was quieter but a true "monkey mind." The regular voice has a thought arise, then there is silence/pause between thoughts, then another thought arises. I've always thought I had good control over my mind and it was easy enough to silence thoughts, but this voice is uncontrollable. This second voice is just 100% constant crazy babble nonstop. I'd describe it like Gollum from Lord of The Rings, not in a nefarious way but just that level of constant crazy muttering to itself. I can't seem to silence or influence it, only observe it. If we describe the regular ego as a "drunk stung monkey" then this base level is like a schizophrenic drunk stung monkey on crack and PCP. It's like regular meditation on hardcore mode. It's almost like a deeper source that the ego is getting it's information from.

I can only catch glimpses of it, then it is drown out either by silence or the regular more prominent thoughts.

Is this a known phenomenon with meditation? Is there any name for this either in secular meditation or Buddhism? How do you address and silence this "inner INNER voice"?

During my second "enlightenment experience", I believe that I experienced what you're describing. I have always identified as a good person. But during that experience, I didn't care about this identification. So, I was able to allow myself to perceive many thoughts that I would normally ignore because of emotional discomfort. So, I experienced that I had these two different voices that were at war with one another. There was one voice that wanted all good things and wanted everything to end happily and sunshine an rainbows and all that. There was another voice that was the opposite. It was giving me all kinds of destructive urges and thoughts. It even gave me an image of myself pushing my thumbs into someone's eyes. But none of this bothered me and I was able to just observe them without identifying with them. It was like watching an explosion from afar. It was amazing and volatile and beautful.

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All the so called voices are still the same voice, read Uspensky and  Gurdjieff, they describe pretty well all possible faulty "I" you can hold on to.

You subconscious mind can play so many tricky things and while at meditation, your psyche can unfold unrevealed parts that went to subconscious level long time ago. ;)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Yarco I think Shinzen Young calls it Subconscious Processing. If you focus on it , soon you will "see" the source of it.

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