
Pets Can Sense Calmness.

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So I have a dog and a cat (yes they live  together peacefully).

Usually when I am meditating I sit on the sofa with a small lamp providing some low light. I prefer meditating when I am alone in the house or when others are sleeping or busy, so they don't disturb me, but I don't lock my pets away to an other room and they can roam freely. Well I have noticed that when I am meditating they become more attracted to my presence. In way that it's unusual to their "normal" behavior. The cat might come sit on my lap and the dog might rest his head on  my foot. It's strange because when Im on the computer or studying they won't come near me unless they want a walk or food. I just sit there not moving and they take a nap until I finish.

Anyone else?

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Very cool about your pets! I think you are doing them a service, meditating near them :) I don't have a pet currently (my user pic is of my favorite deceased pet). I know years ago when I had cats, one could sense I was in emotional turmoil and would come to comfort me. 

Here's something....not a pet but people have come to my apartment, and tell me this place feels very peaceful, they can feel it :) That made me happy, I am a fairly regular meditator.

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I don't know about sensing calm, but my old cat used to certainly sense when people around her were frantic, disturbed, or angry from the tone of the conversations in the family household.

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  On 2/10/2016 at 3:33 AM, Leo Gura said:

I don't know about sensing calm, but my old cat used to certainly sense when people around her were frantic, disturbed, or angry from the tone of the conversations in the family household.

My cat senses when someone in the family feels bad or is ill, the  he comes and "heals" that person. Also he is attracted to calmness and being at peace, just like Lorence said. He then comes voluntarily to cuddle and sit/sleep next to that grounded person. On the other hand, he feels when someone is out of alignment, needy and has a negative aura, then he is repelled and tries to get away from that person. 

I don't know about dogs (I always assumed dogs are stupid creatures) but cats are magnificent creatures. they are truely zen master and I believe they can see right inside your soul. They feel you. Cats are very intelligent animals.

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I don't want to mix intelligence with high senses of animals. There many kinds of "intelligence" in every one of use including animals. Either emotional, good memory, problem solving and many others. 

I certainly agree with the fact that animals respond different in a tense environment. When there is a fight or even some loud talking, the dog may lecture the one yelling by barking at him (which can make things a bit worse) while the cat always want to get out and starts meowing for someone to open a door or window.

Im certain not all dogs or cats or other animals take the same roll, but the least you can say is that they have "grown" some human characteristics. 

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Something I noticed is that when you want to pet your cat, she doesn't come to you. When you don't want her near you, she does come. I think she could sense if humans are being needy.

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Animals just know. They react so intuitively to how you feel about them. After meditation sessions I've attracted plenty ofmoths! It's as if they come to you when you stop trying to make them do it. In fact, once i opened my eyes to find this little 2 x 5 winged moth on my arm, I'd never seen anything like it! My Uncle bought a dog. I saw it & thought/ felt "I love you" & the cheeky little fella started humping my leg shortly after I'd given it a stroke. They know where they're wanted. Needless to say, he left shortly after that! :P

10 wing moth.jpg

Edited by Binary Encoded Sunset

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