
Visual censorship

11 posts in this topic

I have a list of questions regarding visual censorship on sexuality:

  1. Why does age matter at all? I don't mean participating in paedophiliac sex. I mean why aren't children allowed to see explicit materials?
  2. What does the age 18 represent? Why is it different from place to place? And why didn't our ancestors have similar age standards? Is this possibly related to birth control and over population?
  3. Why are people judged according to how much they show of their bodies?
  4. Why is sex in public considered taboo? We don't hide while eating food, so why should we hide during sex?
  5. Why are there standards regarding what to show and what not to? Why does this discrimination exist in the first place?
  6. Why are certain things considered off by certain communities/producers but not others? For example, most communities/producers forbid showing female nipples, genitalia, and buttholes. However, some of them allow nipples, but not the rest. While others, like GOT, allow everything.
  7. Why do humans project values on clothes that aren't necessarily needed or true? I believe the reason behind clothing was mainly to get us through the winter. But now it seems more like a dogma.
  8. I understand that a lot of this is probably due to religious beliefs and moral judgements. But why do these beliefs and judgements exist in the first place?
  9. I've read somewhere that female slaves were always naked and were never allowed to cover their bodies without the permission of their owners, and that people used to distinguish between female slaves and free ladies through their clothing. Does this story have any merit and does it make any sense?

What do you think about all that? I'd like to hear your thoughts as a highly conscious and open-minded community.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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It's a mix of common sense and moral beliefs and class virtues. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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But thank God this censorship exists. Because I won't be able to live in a society where there is no censorship. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Obviously there are other reasons beyond this, but the following is my reasoning.

  1. Sex is something extremely complicated emotionally, socially, and physically given our current society, historical context, biology, etc. It takes a lot of emotional maturity to properly navigate sexual relationships. By preventing children from viewing explicit materials we slowly expose them to the sexual as their development allows them to create healthy models of sexual behaviour. I am into BDSM and polyamory. There is no way in fuck I should have been exposed to these things before the age of 16, and probably 18. They are far to complicated to effectively navigate while respecting one's own health and boundaries, and the boundaries of others involved.
  2. 18 represents an agreed upon age when people, on average, are supposed to have the education and life experience necessary to navigate sexual complexity. I think 18 is a good age, but I don't agree that we do enough to prepare people. As to why our ancestors didn't do this, it's because they didn't have the maps of understanding that must be used to navigate the complexities that arise from our current technology, population, etc. 
  3. Again, historical context. I don't think anyone should be judged for showing any part of their body. However, I know that some people have beliefs about being shown body parts such that seeing those body parts creates a lot of emotional trauma. I can believe that they are wrong for being susceptible to such trauma, but I do not have the right to subject them to my views of sexuality and the body. Time will see an ease in sexual laws, but for now it is better to respect people's right to emotional health. 
  4. It's an extremely intimate act not only given the historical context, but also just the act itself. Again, sexuality is a complex reality to navigate. I do not want to have sex in front of people just like I don't want to shit in front of people. Why should we be okay with people having sex in public? That just seems like an odd hill to die on if anyone here is trying to die on it. 
  5. Historical context, biology, the standard fair. 
  6. The last few questions can really be answered by historical context, biology, the standard fair. Biology in the sense that it was evolutionarily advantageous to engage in mate guarding. I guard my female so as to ensure paternity certainty. Over time as we evolve the cognitive complexity necessary to create cultural traditions, this is embedded into culture as dogma. Obviously the truth of the matter is far more complex than this, but that is one example. We can't be reductionist. 
  7. See above. 
  8. See above. 
  9. I don't know if this is true, but if it is true, then it's likely because they're not considered as human as free women. 
Edited by Elevated

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@Elevated Interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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10 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

What do you think about all that?

It's all the same: patriarchy and hypocrisy. Unfortunately people rarely understand what patriarchy means anymore so if you're not into history, you probably have no idea what I mean. Certainly I don't care if you understand what I mean as long as you refrain from annoying me with your hateful prudishness.

Edited by commie

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8 hours ago, commie said:

Certainly I don't care if you understand what I mean as long as you refrain from annoying me with your hateful prudishness.

Lol I agree.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit It´s obvious. Because sex scenes and view of naked bodies arouse and distract. And you don´t want to be aroused and distracted all the time, do you? Or vice versa after some time they stop to arouse and distract. And you want sometimes to be aroused and distracted, don´t you?

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@Hulia I think it's the other way around, or at least not that simple. I mean, for example, I get aroused by a bikini more than a fully naked body. The curiosity, counter-intuitively, increases the attraction.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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8 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

I mean, for example, I get aroused by a bikini more than a fully naked body. The curiosity, counter-intuitively, increases the attraction.

I think there is actual science to back this up, also true IME

Anyways, here is a Vsauce video on the topic:


Describe a thought.

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@Osaid Interesting video. Although he does not discuss things like cultural differences. He's mainly talking about the modern western culture from an evolutionary perspective.

Religions, in general, have more strict rules regarding clothing and sexuality as a whole. For example, Most Muslims consider women's hair something to be covered and not seen by men whom with she can have an intercourse. But it's okay to show her hair to her most close relatives, i.e. father, grandfather, uncles, and brothers. Other Muslims who are more extreme don't even allow showing the face to strangers. So that's an interesting discussion for me. Why do these cultural differences exist?

On the other hand, it all seems arbitrary. For example, male nipples are okay but not female nipples (even though now they're kinda getting normalized). As well, the bellybutton is okay even though it's intimate too (maternal cord)?

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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