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Overcoming drug addiction with psychedelics

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My friend wants to start a retreat center that combines Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Program with psychedelic treatments to help break addictions to street drugs and alcohol. It would be a longterm residency program. He is a recovering addict himself and has had success with Ayahuasca and Iboga to help uncover some severe childhood trauma that was likely one of the root causes of his addiction. 

I told him I would ask on this forum if others here have had success breaking their addictions via psychedelics and would be willing to share their stories and advice for others looking to do the same. Feel free to message me privately if you'd prefer.

Interestingly, apparently Bill who founded AA used LSD to help him overcome his alcoholism, though it isn't talked about much nor is widely known. Many (perhaps most) people in AA feel psychedelics are breaking sobriety, so it is heavily frowned upon, perhaps in part for good reason as obviously they can be abused. My friend is hoping to prevent this by creating a strong container with a holistic treatment approach in a longterm residency setting. Curious to hear peoples thoughts on this. Thanks! 

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