
US dollar is about to collapse

43 posts in this topic

As you might have surmised, I've had a few heated discussions about such matters to the point that words like "printing" are triggering...

While I do apologize for reflexively biting your head off, I also recommend more care when it comes to reposting dis/misinformation.

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Well of course his talking about it, everyone is talking about it, and its for a reason:

Look ar US Debt, and look at how much money gets printed, the government is basically turning your hard earned money less and less valuable. I do believe that people want and need an option to stand against inflation. Thats why we need Bitcoin in this age of information.


Fig 1-637237873258671564.jpg

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3 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

look at how much money gets printed

Words arise in your mind, and you think they mean something about the world. Yet you can not explain what it is exactly they mean in the world. They're merely conceptual triggers.

Can you for instance tell me why it is some people used to argue that the Fed buying bills isn't "printing" while buying bonds is printing even though it works exactly the same way?

7 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

 Thats why we need Bitcoin in this age of information.

Do you enjoy destruction for its own sake or is it hatred of all living things that animates you?

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10 minutes ago, commie said:

Can you for instance tell me

No, I can't.
You sound triggered and I'm not sorry. Take a look ar how much purchasing power you loose when you hold cash. And just take a little peak at Bitcoin, not onlt now but for the last decade, lol.

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So your purchasing power is all that matters? Such a fine life you're leading.

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@commie all good, though it was very entertaining, definitely should have explained things. 

@datamonster thought we already figured out that I don't listen to anything people tell me. :) 

@meow_meow what id like to know is how far they can push it until it becomes an issue, why and how long will it take? Should be able to calculate this. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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How long can you get away with beating your wife? We should be able to calculate this.

And would that rhetorical question be more convinving if I also posted a picture of a beaten woman? Or would that insult the intelligence of my readers?

Edited by commie

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@commie AHAHA, is that the equivalent of what I've said?

Is the point here that Ive fabricating an issue that doesn't exist? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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6 hours ago, meow_meow said:

Well of course his talking about it, everyone is talking about it, and its for a reason:

Look ar US Debt, and look at how much money gets printed, the government is basically turning your hard earned money less and less valuable. I do believe that people want and need an option to stand against inflation. Thats why we need Bitcoin in this age of information.


Fig 1-637237873258671564.jpg

The value is all make-believe anyway. If people all around the world unanimously decided that the US dollar is worthless and to invest elsewhere, it would be worthless. We keep printing more money and going farther into debt because of the level of confidence that it won’t happen. There’s no limit as long as people agree to it.

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20 minutes ago, integral said:

Is the point here that Ive fabricating an issue that doesn't exist? 

To put it mildly, questions about what does or doesn't exist are very rarely worth pursuing.

And like I said earlier, I'm no psychic. So I can't tell what you're fabricating when all I have to go on is "they" and "it". While you did repost conspiratorial material about (((bankers))), you sound like you might have something less malicious in mind... in that case, I could perhaps address it if you were to spell out this issue you're fabricating. The more you elaborate, the less guesswork I have to do.

21 minutes ago, Willie said:

The value is all make-believe anyway.

Exchange value is always make-believe. The thing is, the IRS has the might to make you believe.

21 minutes ago, Willie said:

We keep printing more money

Use a word people understand to describe something they don't, and people think they have it figured.

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32 minutes ago, commie said:

To put it mildly, questions about what does or doesn't exist are very rarely worth pursuing.

loool pure gold.

32 minutes ago, commie said:

And like I said earlier, I'm no psychic. So I can't tell what you're fabricating when all I have to go on is "they" and "it". While you did repost conspiratorial material about (((bankers))), you sound like you might have something less malicious in mind... in that case, I could perhaps address it if you were to spell out this issue you're fabricating. The more you elaborate, the less guesswork I have to do.

Why are bonds selling off? I want a map of the system, all its connections. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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30 minutes ago, integral said:

Why are bonds selling off? I want a map of the system, all its connections. 

There are way too many connections. If that wasn't the case and someone could "calculate it", they'd game the system which would add connections until it became unpredictable again.

But you can still draw a big picture. In that picture, the typical reason bonds are "selling off" is the same as the typical reason bond prices rise: people expect government policy to change, domestically or abroad. And why do they expect policy to change? That depends on the government but in the case of the US that usually has to do with inflation and unemployment (since that is what the monetary policy mandate is about). Concerns about future inflation are the main driver these days, which isn't surprising or problematic since that's how the system is supposed to work when officials proclaim they're going to bring about more inflation using whatever means necessary. What was more unusual was that people didn't react that way to these pronouncements at first, but you may recall that COVID thing which was undermining the credibility of said officials somewhat.

Edited by commie

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You have to consider US debt in relation to the size of the US economy.

And you have to take into account what would happen to the economy if no stimulus was made.

It's all counter-intuitive and not so easy to unravel.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why they killed Kennedy after he issued executive order 11110 ? It is all about FED. He crossed the line. People knew that dollar will fall utimatelly. 

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18 hours ago, Willie said:

The value is all make-believe anyway. If people all around the world unanimously decided that the US dollar is worthless and to invest elsewhere, it would be worthless. We keep printing more money and going farther into debt because of the level of confidence that it won’t happen. There’s no limit as long as people agree to it.

Well I do beleive that people are loosing faith in dollar. There is no currency in history that has survived trough all times, then why would dollar? Me, personally - I am extremelly pissed that I'm loosing the worth of my money, so by purchasing Bitcoin, gold or whatever I'm voting for it to have worth, and so do others, because we worked hard for our money.

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20 hours ago, integral said:

what id like to know is how far they can push it until it becomes an issue, why and how long will it take? Should be able to calculate this. 

Becomes an issue for who? I believe its already an issue and I exchange my dollars for bitcoin, and therefore I vote that I want bitcoin to have worth, not dollars.

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There is of course zero evidence that anything unusual is happening to the value of anyone's dollars. But the scum is of course always out there trying to sell their scams, and this insulting drivel is part of the sales pitch.

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19 minutes ago, commie said:

There is of course zero evidence that anything unusual is happening to the value of anyone's dollars.

Yes - Collapse of a currency is nothing unusual.

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If all currencies are as you're implicitely suggesting equally likely to collapse, that's no reason to hold one over another. And if you did understand which currencies are likely to collapse, you wouldn't push bitcoin unless you were trying to harm others. But of course anyone pushing mined currencies such as gold or bitcoin is actively hurting others regardless of how likely they are to collapse anyway...

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People are losing trust in government institutions. 

Since dollars are government-issued paper, people will soon start losing trust in this paper.

The collapse of the dollar might not be sudden, but it is inevitable. 

The real problem is not the dollar itself, but the centralization of power into the institutions that govern the issuance of money. Once society gets to a certain size, the centralized issue of money gets corrupted by people who sit closer to the center of these institutions (Banks, Hedge funds, etc). 

The only viable way going forward is to have decentralized issuance of money. This is what Bitcoin attempts to do. The problem then becomes, how do you invert the monetary system of the world without crushing the whole system? The answer is slowly, in cycles.

Bitcoin rises and falls in cycles every 3 years. This year is part of the rising cycle. During the next cycle, around 2024, Bitcoin will gain over 10 Trillion market cap, which will be sufficient to invert the system, and Bitcoin(or Bitcoin alternative) will become the base layer of money for the world. 



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