
share your millionaire ideas here

20 posts in this topic

Maybe you have a cool outlandish far fetched idea, but you won't act up on it. Share it here and plant the seed in someone else's mind. Or let's just have cuppa' laughs.


Here are some ideas :

  • Patent an external hard keyboard for smartphones. something like the old blackberries but better.
  • For men with patchy beards : Create a business around some kind of DIY overnight facial cast. ( for example, wearing a cast on your broken arm during a period of time is the exact environment to stimulate hair growth )
  • Scale the business of renting out people to do nothing : 




Code an app like Uber that allows people to pick up your kids from school 


okay nevermind that last one, you get the idea. Post your juiciest  ideas here. ( inspiration from )

Edit : more

Offer your services of physically beating someone up with your group of friends if the customer doesn't get done what he wants to get done by when he wants to get it done. He better stop procrastinating by then. 


Create micro camaras that you can attach to pigeons recording " drone footage " that you can upload as stock footage.


Create a school to train pigeons to deliver small packages. Call it " deliveRoo" . Figure out how.


Revolutionize the archaic school system and college. Boi that's a hefty one.

Edited by mmKay

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Create an app that promotes people exchanging objects / services without the need for money, somewhat like the old barter economy.


Create an app / website that allows you to work for someone for free as a way to learn , sort of like an unpaid internship or the old guilds


Create a computer operating system / piece of software that is specifically designed for hyper-productivity


Create an app / service / infrastructure for old people to take care of orphans, killing two birds with one stone (?)


In Spain there is this APP  called blablacar that allows you to give people a ride that want to go closeby to where you are driving as well, splitting the gas money and possibly making friends. Scale that if it's not in your country yet.


Edited by mmKay

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Talking about being innovative and creative;

This guy embeds wisdom into music. Listen to this song, it's a great little education on how to start having great ideas.


"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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Cool concept that your idea muscle can atrophy because of lack of use. I've seen this in actual people.

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Some ideas (you heard it here first):

Create a phone app that detects when someone falls and detects no movement, and then automatically calls for help.

Train an AI neural network to control a robotic face, where it learns realistic facial movements by looking at itself through a camera.

A super accurate dead reckoning accelerometer for patchy GPS, say indoors or tunnels.

An intelligent battery or device that harvests all forms of energy: electromagnetic, kinetic, thermal, solar, air movement; to keep itself charged.

A wearable device with Lyrebird type software that auto translates into another language in your own voice.

Inspiritual the new social network for actualizers (non profit). I know it's not new....but it's catchy.

A universal written language that can be read in your native language.

Holographic VR headset (come on it must be possible by now).

The Dream Machine which can both record and induce dreams from a computer. I'm thinking Total Recall style.

Edited by LastThursday

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Pretty sure I accidentally discovered a biodegradable plastic alternative that can be made from the goop inside pumpkins. Not for plastic bags and stuff, but things you want to quickly dissolve like the wrapper on dishwasher tabs, or gel caps for pills.

But without an extensive knowledge of chemistry, how would I go about isolating it and turning it into a uniform product? Pretty sure you can't patent something without a process to actually create it. I can't pay thousands of dollars to hire a lab to investigate it, and even if I could, I don't even know how to instruct them as to what to look for.

Plus other biodegradable alternatives like plastic made from corn starch already exist, so is it worth creating another one?

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A sex machine that stimulates the prostate xD

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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On 8.3.2021. at 1:51 PM, Megan Alecia said:

A sex machine that stimulates the prostate xD


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Decaf Chocolate.

Remove Theobromine. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@datamonster +1, thats a good use of AI, but we will have to see how that plays out, what if it stimulates them to act it out? 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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On 08/03/2021 at 2:40 PM, datamonster said:

Here's my highly controversial idea:

AI-generated porn for people with taboo and illegal fetishes like pedophilia. 

These "sick" people won't disappear just because we demonize them. People don't choose to be pedophiles or something like that, so they can't really change it, only surpress it, and this is extremely dangerous.

They are sick in a sense and it's problematic because they can't satisfy their sexual needs without harming others.

Nevertheless they will keep looking for ways to satisfy them because sexual energy is an extremely powerful force.

Content generated by AI could give them a relief without the need to harm a real human being. And I'm sure people will pay good money for this!

Also marketing would be super easy because such a controversial platform would naturally draw lots of media attention, which is basically free publicity regardless of whether they write positively or negatively about it.

Most importantly, I believe it would help improve society by offering a (partial) solution to a big problem and be detrimental for sex traffickers and all sorts of horrendous illegal sex businesses and crazy shit that exists on the internet. So, I believe it would make the world a little bit better and safer for everyone.

Any good AI-engineers here who are up for it? ;D

Had the same idea. 

The amount of data would be huge to generate photorealistic videos and you need all the legal rights for the datasets. Millions have to be spent for this. You could look for investors. However, there are better ideas to pursue. 

And I don't think it is a good idea to do this for pedophiles, because this could lead to an societal insensitivity regarding unhealthy sexuality in terms of traumatising people. 

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Why is sick under ""? 

Why would you think about this in the 1st place? 

Yes pedophiles are sick bastards don't give a fuck what anyone says and you can relativize as much as you want. 

Thank goodness they really have awesome time when they find themselves in jail. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@datamonster if you really think that by creating AI generated pedo porn, pedophiles sexual drives would decrease, you'd be in for a rude awakening. In fact, they would probably increase. You see it everywhere with other sexual fetishes, they don't just dissapear once they find an outlet. That's not how it works.

Unless we discover technology needed to perform structural transformation inside the brain, the only sensible solution for now is to put them in jail, for the good of rest of society. 

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On 3/8/2021 at 7:51 AM, Megan Alecia said:

A sex machine that stimulates the prostate xD

Take my money ? 

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2 hours ago, datamonster said:

Do you have any evidence for that? Research appears to support the opposite.

Here's an interesting read summarizing research about the link between porn consumption and sexual assault:

With all the porn available on the internet I don't think finding enough data is gonna be a problem. However, we don't want to do anything illegal. So, we can only use legal images for training, while we want the output to be something that would normally be considered "illegal" if it was real.

Hence, we need to create something like synthetic samples, for example. This is a big challenge, for sure, but not impossible to solve.

Personally, I don't rely on other people's paper researches. And it's not just about the abuse, it's obvious that such a service would achieve nothing. It would be the first step towards paedophilia becoming the norm. And it helps to open the door for toxic political movements. In general, I don't know if such virtual porns would even be legal at all even if they would be synthetic. And it's not about the orientation, it's about the unhealthy background. I also think it's unfair to demonise people who don't really have a choice. It's sad and something should be done about it, but not in this way.

There are all kinds of algorithms that can recognise the data you use to train your neural networks. If this were to become big, it is very likely that you would get into big trouble. By legal images, I mean those that you are allowed to use for commercial purposes. And for that you usually have to ask and pay.

I think porn has done in general more harm to humanity than good.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

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A better idea would be an app or service that is innovative and aims to connect people in real life. I mean directly in real-life without scrolling through profiles and stuff. But not like a blind-date, a more AI-based approach. And not only dating-apps but group meetings as well, but better than meetup.

Without static photos or profile texts. That would be new, the other stuff is worn out. This whole dating app thing is so fake and annoying. Everyone is trying to paint a picture of someone that the person really isn't. Then you have to date them only to find they are inauthentic. Sometimes you can get lucky, but then talking to people directly is a better use of time.

There is also no way to weed out these people. You can't really judge someone just based on pictures and texts. These apps lead to a people-consumer mindset and diminish empathy and these personality tests are also idiotic.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

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40 minutes ago, datamonster said:

So, you prefer connecting a real pedophile with a real child in real life instead having the guy look at pixels on a screen?

lol No, that would not be a good idea. I think something else needs to be done to solve this. There are all kinds of suffering in the world and honestly I don't feel like I want to help on this site. Because this paedophile thing disturbs me a bit. I don't want to focus on that. I met all kinds of people with all kinds of problems and ailments in my life. Want to see experience something good now, which has nothing to do with disturbing shit. This is only what I feel, other people might not and that is of course equally ok.

And I hope you got that if you generate such videos, you have to look at them. Nearly every week, probably for a few years. I could imagine a better work.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

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If you feel this is worthwhile to pursue, do it :)

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