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Seeking opinions on Life purpose

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I want to start this off by saying I have not finished the life purpose course.
I'm currently at "Values Assessment Pass #5" I can only assume I became "stuck" at this because I'm scared of committing to the wrong ideas which probably is why I created this post
after having resistance win and not finishing that assessment 
I began self-analyzing about what do I really want out of life using a lot of Intrinsic vs Extrinsic thought 
I posted quite a bit ago asking if day trading on the stock market was a life purpose

I see very clearly now why it's not now I believe I have a slight glimmer of what my life purpose is 
I have an intrinsic curiosity for peoples mental struggles and personal lives which in the past I viewed as a negative now I see that as a gift and have noticed that talking to others about their problems and Life/Philosophy puts me into the flow state where a 20-minute conversation feels like 1 minute
This realization leads me to believe my zone of genius is therapy 

Now I know what's important is setting the goal and not worrying about the how but just realizing that therapy is something I want to do doesn't let me go do it now to pay the bills
from my small amount of research I need at least a Masters ideally PhD to do this which I know I can achieve however, I will have to work full time to support myself through the time span of completing the degree I currently work at Amazon as a wage slave doing physical labor and not surprisingly don't enjoy it 
this makes me want to find a way to support myself where I have more time to focus on what matters not giving away 50 hours of my week for nothing I know there is a lot of ways I can do this but I'm struggling to find a way to do this while staying true to a higher purpose the Idea bouncing in my head currently is
take the maximum allowed classes/credits per semester to achieve the necessary degree to practice psychotherapy instead of working at amazon or another 9-5 start using the stock market temporarily as a way out of wage slavery taking my earnings and investing it into a youtube channel making videos very similar to this 

- Give money to people that really need it like the homeless if the videos are able to generate income stop stock trading start giving away all the money each video makes and keep expanding from there.

I'm open to any suggestions on skipping the stock market step

I know people on this forum are a lot more experienced than me and I want to see if anyone sees any glaring issues with anything I've said I appreciate any time taken to read/reply to this post

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