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Effectiveness: To read into Avaita or Neo Advaita?

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There is no right or wrong with this, take a look into both and see what you resonate with. Advaita is a teaching of becoming, Neo Advaita points out that there is no one to become. If you are here to better yourself then Advaita, If you are here for Advaita then Neo Advaita. 

I had to edit my post and point out what I mean when I say Advaita and Neo Advaita. When you search on Google for Neo Advaita teachers, Rupert Spira and Gangaji show up, they may be Neo Advaita I'm not sure, but they were not who I meant by it.

With Advaita I mean teachers such as Mooji, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, you know the famous bunch. 

With Neo Advaita I mean speakers such as Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Andreas Muller. 

Edited by traveler

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Neo advaita is the most direct path. Because it teaches that fundamentally there is no path towards who you are. You are already enlightened and perfect blahblablah.  Pretty effective :)

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19 minutes ago, traveler said:

With Advaita I mean teachers such as Mooji, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, you know the famous bunch. 

With Neo Advaita I mean speakers such as Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Andreas Muller

Advaita means nonduality. As a teaching it points to the original teachers and resources (ramana maharshi.. Rama Krishna.. The vedas etc) all the teachers you mentioned above are neo advaita. 

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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Advaita means nonduality. As a teaching it points to the original teachers and resources (ramana maharshi.. Rama Krishna.. The vedas etc) all the teachers you mentioned above are neo advaita. 

Maybe, but there is a fundamental difference between the group of people that I mentioned. Tony Parsons and people alike are often referred to as Neo Advaita by the aforementioned teachers. The label means little, the difference is most important. 

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Here is one of my favorites Robert Wolfe, who seems more of a neutral figure but interestingly enough told me on the phone that Tony Parsons is a great teacher.

Any teaching that cuts directly through the illusion is key. ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I have found it tricky to differentiate between the two, it’s a question of just trying a few things and seeing what resonates. I read Papaji’s book of satsang questions, The Truth Is, and I found that helpful. Papaji was the student of Ramana Maharshi and in his turn the teacher of others. I’ve investigated a few of the rest, Mooji, Rupert Spira, Robert Adams, a few more but there wasn’t a strong connection.

You read this material, and there is an instinctive recognition for certain things that they are true. Other things you may be inclined to think they are horse manure. I am not inclined to just accept all of it at face value, some of what they claim is quite outlandish. Test the teachings as if you were a goldsmith buying gold at the market, as the Buddha would say.

Edited by Bodhitree

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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