
A humble suggestion for fellow forum users.

13 posts in this topic

I would like to gently urge all of you to remember to leave your ego, as much as possible, out of your forum posts. We are striving to improve ourselves and help other do the same, we are not vying for Leo's or anyone else's attention.   I apologize for stating the obvious but I have seen this happen before and I want this community to be a positive force for change. Thank you.

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Perhaps a better suggestion would be to acknowledge the ego, instead of leaving it at the door? When you feel triggered or defensive, dig deep to figure out why it's bothering you. If I knew how to get rid of my ego, I would have left it at the dump a long time ago! :D

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2 minutes ago, Sarah_Flagg said:

Perhaps a better suggestion would be to acknowledge the ego, instead of leaving it at the door? When you feel triggered or defensive, dig deep to figure out why it's bothering you. If I knew how to get rid of my ego, I would have left it at the dump a long time ago! :D

This raises a sceptical side of me.

It seems like everyone despises this poor thing, little ego... /:

Would you say that there is a positive side to the ego too?

Endless nuance

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Yes absolutely, I believe my ego has also got me to where I am now. Without my ego, I would have never wanted to make lots and lots of money, Without having made money, I would have never realized it wasn't money I was after. But that doesn't mean I don't still battle it! 9_9

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Just curious, how many of you had honest experience of no-self/not-knowing/emptiness ? Because many folks here talk a lot of stuff about ego, but i do not know if some of them are biased by Leo videos. I find myself biased a lot and i am ''looking'' for insights he talks about and i am honest to realize that. But on the other hand, maybe that is my distraction from doing ''pure' enlightenment work (i will find out when i am there i guess).

But still, i would like to have honest discussions with all of you and not something you ''kinda'' figured out. Anyone here with some sort of understanding on logical level can talk about ego as illusion (personaly i could write an essay on it :P )  but in order to keep discussions on forum more ''interesting'' ( i can not find better word for it), it would be really helpful to see where each one of us is. 

I kinda agree with Rayko, this place should be more about everybody growing into something beyond ourselves. Leo is just here to make it possible by setting the foundations and possibly collect info that will help him turn Actualized.org into something even better for the future. Just imagine what this community can be in 10 years if we all together follow our paths and share our ''golden nuggets''.

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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1 minute ago, Natura Sonoris said:

Just curious, how many of you had honest experience of no-self/not-knowing/emptiness ? Because many folks here talk a lot of stuff about ego, but i do not know if some of them are biased by Leo videos. I find myself biased a lot and i am ''looking'' for insights he talks about and i am honest to realize that. But on the other hand, maybe that is my distraction from doing ''pure' enlightenment work (i will find out when i am there i guess).

But still, i would like to have honest discussions with all of you and not something you ''kinda'' figured out. Anyone here with some sort of understanding on logical level can talk about ego as illusion (personaly i could write an essay on it :P )  but in order to keep discussions on forum more ''interesting'' ( i can not find better word for it), it would be really helpful to see where each one of us is. 

I kinda agree with Rayko, this place should be more about everybody growing into something beyond ourselves. Leo is just here to make it possible by setting the foundations and possibly collect info that will help him turn Actualized.org into something even better for the future. Just imagine what this community can be in 10 years if we all together follow our paths and share our ''golden nuggets''.

I'm kind of in a similar situation, where I feel like I conceptually understand and agree with many of these no-self concepts, but there's still something I'm missing and haven't really had any big "emotional" revelations. I'm starting to accept that I just need to get past the 1,000+ hours Leo says is necessary :P.

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10 minutes ago, Natura Sonoris said:

Just curious, how many of you had honest experience of no-self/not-knowing/emptiness ? Because many folks here talk a lot of stuff about ego, but i do not know if some of them are biased by Leo videos. I find myself biased a lot and i am ''looking'' for insights he talks about and i am honest to realize that. But on the other hand, maybe that is my distraction from doing ''pure' enlightenment work (i will find out when i am there i guess).

But still, i would like to have honest discussions with all of you and not something you ''kinda'' figured out. Anyone here with some sort of understanding on logical level can talk about ego as illusion (personaly i could write an essay on it :P )  but in order to keep discussions on forum more ''interesting'' ( i can not find better word for it), it would be really helpful to see where each one of us is. 

I kinda agree with Rayko, this place should be more about everybody growing into something beyond ourselves. Leo is just here to make it possible by setting the foundations and possibly collect info that will help him turn Actualized.org into something even better for the future. Just imagine what this community can be in 10 years if we all together follow our paths and share our ''golden nuggets''.

The only time I ever have a true feeling of no self is when I do my readings. Let me explain: I am a medium and I communicate with "energies or souls" who have "died". This was never something I woke up and wanted to do, but through therapy learned was happening. Now, I do readings for people here in they physical world and connect them with their passed loved ones. These people, are now energy and they somehow create images in my mind of very specific stuff to connect the two people. In some ways, I am simply a telephone connecting the living and dead. When I do these readings I actually feel like I am on another realm. I do not feel like I am in my body and I feel like I just am. I feel like an observer of my life and death where I can literally see both living energy and energy on the other side. Outside of these readings I have trouble! Though it might offer a different kind of answer to your question. 

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16 minutes ago, Neill Bolton said:

I'm kind of in a similar situation, where I feel like I conceptually understand and agree with many of these no-self concepts, but there's still something I'm missing and haven't really had any big "emotional" revelations. I'm starting to accept that I just need to get past the 1,000+ hours Leo says is necessary :P.

I do daily focused meditations with ''observing'' what is in my awareness. I had some really hard breaking points where some really weird stuff was going on (btw this happens after 30 mins into meditation). I am carefully observing what is really going on and i am trying to find true experience but i it always turns into really hard tension like state when i feel my mind is vibrating. If someone had some similar experience, it would be most helpful. 

Anyway, i will probably open new topic about this, because this can turn into offtopic. I would like to see other people insights regarding meditation and enlightenment. 


Interesting experience.

Well, like i said, i will open new topic for this. I think it would be nice to discuss it.

Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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I have had 3 awakening experiences that I am able now to maintain as a way of life... Ego and old programming still throw punches at me, still trying to convince me there's more to clear.. Ego adores work. It adores creating and solving problems. It adores PAST and FUTURE... it adores knowing, factual information that it can debate, it is thirsty for drama and "logic"... But when the Knowing of Nothingness is there, it has less and less power to trip us into the story. Once we see through it, Ego becomes a channel, a sort of tube through which Grace flows. 

The most unfortunate thing is that fake spiritual movements, capitalized on the terms that enlightened people have used in trying to describe how it is like - so now, even if we hear them, they are devoid of meaning and substance. They became just another story.. another doing.. 




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With ego being soooooo ingrained into the very social fiber of our being, it seems almost impossible to realize the fact that is just a thought and that the self is all in our imaginations.  It going to take lots of practice to get to that point where the ego is brutally crushed and the authentic self can emerge.  I can't wait, I have to practice mindfulness to get me in the habit.  I'm in my head a lot, which means not in the moment.  At times I can easily get caught up with trying to fix things and not being enough, but it really is ALL ego.  The truth is that everything is in divine order and there's no need to control anything because we're not in control anyway.  There are things happening way outside of our fields of consciousness that we have no control over, but are entirely subject to.

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19 hours ago, Rayko said:

I would like to gently urge all of you to remember to leave your ego, as much as possible, out of your forum posts. We are striving to improve ourselves and help other do the same, we are not vying for Leo's or anyone else's attention.   I apologize for stating the obvious but I have seen this happen before and I want this community to be a positive force for change. Thank you.

I completely agree with you. It`s as simple as moving away from the "Facebook-style" where liking and popularity are so important. Whether ego is a good or bad thing is another question, it´s more about keeping to the focus of this forum: concentrating on the goals and not on people.

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On 2/4/2016 at 6:02 AM, Rayko said:

I apologize for stating the obvious

It's not the obvious to most.

Most people know that "most people" should watch out for their ego and be more conscious.

But most people don't think they personally have to watch out for their own ego.

Most people think they're more conscious than most people.

And I also do.


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@Rayko I would persoanlly like to see more real stories..

People give allot of view points and information they have learnt but not many examples of how they apply and what the results are..


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