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Are we alone in the universe?

Do you think that there exists other living creatures in the universe aside from our shared earth?    30 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that there exists other living creatures in the universe aside from our shared earth?

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29 posts in this topic

There exists in Our universe 4.5 trillion galaxy... Think about how crazy big this is.  I find it weird and more than just a coincidence that only this little planet evolved life forms and intelligence and conscious beings.. How lol? In fact I'd think that there is definitely other living beings in the universe.. And even more intelligent and advanced than us.. Maybe even they brought us here in the first 

What do you think? 

Edited by Someone here

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I listen to a being called Bashar, he is being channeled by a guy, and he says he is an alien. And the things he says are pretty wise and high frequency. And once they put some devices on the channeler's brain and they saw that his brain was working very differently when he was in that channeling state. So I say why not? Bashar can be such a being who is aware of oneness of being and telepathically send information in that way. 

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Definitely check out

We are not alone

Edited by The0Self

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Look at "The Law of One", you are Infinite Creator ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 minute ago, The0Self said:

Haha ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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4 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

I listen to a being called Bashar, he is being channeled by a guy, and he says he is an alien. 

He is good. Looks pretty human to me tho. 

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7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

He is good. Looks pretty human to me tho. 

Well, not that simple. 

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I just had that thought lol. 

How weird it must be.. Only one planet in the middle of infinity contains life.. There must be (even statistically) other planets that have perfect conditions to sustain life.. 

Measured edge to edge.. the universe as we know it stretches some 93 billion light-years across. That unfathomable expanse contains 4.5 fucking trillion galaxies.. each shining with millions of stars and dotted with more planets than you can imagine. Given all that real estate.. it seems unlikely we're alone. Yet in all of human history.. we've found nothing to suggest otherwise.

Scientists who have spent their careers searching for any sign of an otherworldly civilization concede it’s possible we’ve got the cosmos to ourselves. Still.. they highly doubt that’s the case.

Edited by Someone here

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@Vibroverse channeling is another topic for another day. We're not necessarily searching for deities. A biological life forms might exist somewhere in this universe. I find it weird that only one planet /Infinity contains the necessary conditions (water.. Oxygen.. Soil etc) to grow and sustain life. 

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46 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Scientists who have spent their careers searching for any sign of an otherworldly civilization concede it’s possible we’ve got the cosmos to ourselves. Still.. they highly doubt that’s the case.

Many wildlife preserves have animals that are more or less unaware of humans (or at least lack the capacity to tell we are some kind of higher life form). Same thing with us. Just as we respect nature and allow it to develop naturally when we can, other civilizations do the same to humans, but since they already have the technology to travel to or affect other planets light years away, they are FAR more effective at this than we are with animals — they are able to remain unseen exactly as long as they wish, and seen exactly when they wish.

And btw, they are in fact choosing to reveal themselves to some of us. Increasingly, these days. There are probably quite a few on this forum who’ve either been contacted in dreams, on psychedelics, during meditation, or just looking at the sky with an open mind. Or in any situation, really.

Consider the empty distinction between ET’s and angels.

Edited by The0Self

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If there were a hundred thousand paintings on earth, would you find it odd that there are a hundred thousand paintings on earth, and none in direct experience anywhere else? Direct experience seems kinda, obvious and normal in this way, no? 



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46 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Many wildlife preserves have animals that are more or less unaware of humans (or at least lack the capacity to tell we are some kind of higher life form). Same thing with us. Just as we respect nature and allow it to develop naturally when we can, other civilizations do the same to humans, but since they already have the technology to travel to or affect other planets light years away, they are FAR more effective at this than we are with animals — they are able to remain unseen exactly as long as they wish, and seen exactly when they wish.

And btw, they are in fact choosing to reveal themselves to some of us. Increasingly, these days. There are probably quite a few on this forum who’ve either been contacted in dreams, on psychedelics, during meditation, or just looking at the sky with an open mind. Or in any situation, really.

Consider the empty distinction between ET’s and angels.

The proplem with your theories is you seem quite certain. Weird enough there Zero actual evidence of any life in the universe. Despite the zillions of planets. 

Scientists debate just how many of those planets could host life.. but a common estimate suggests 20 percent of the 250 billion or so stars in the Milky Way may shine on rocky worlds temperate enough to allow liquid water. Do the math.. and you’re looking at tens of billions of Goldilocks planets in our neighborhood alone where the gears of life could start grinding.

Could does not mean did.. of course. Yet many astronomers say the complex biochemistry that created intelligent beings on Earth surely occurred more than once in 13.7 billion years...given the tens of billions of opportunities to do so in just one galaxy out of trillions. To suggest otherwise defies physics and the mediocrity principle..which states tha..from a probability standpoint..our solar system is more likely a common event than a rare beast. 

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20 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If there were a hundred thousand paintings on earth, would you find it odd that there are a hundred thousand paintings on earth, and none in direct experience anywhere else? Direct experience seems kinda, obvious and normal in this way, no? 

More like.. If the 100000 paintings are all encapsulated in a Nanometer.. Because the painter thought that the whole earth was not enough space! Lol.. 

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When the scientists say how many galaxies there are and how big the universe is.. They are only talking about the observable universe. The actual universe is even bigger, probably infinite.

Of course we are not alone.

This picture (Hubble Legacy Field) shows a tiny patch of the sky. Everything you see in this picture is a galaxy:


Higher resolution version, up to 25500x25500 1.19 GB available here:

Btw, the James Webb Space Telescope (successor to Hubble Space Telescope) which will get launched on 31 october will see even further, it will deliver even nicer pictures and reveal new stuff about the universe.

Edited by Blackhawk

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I mean, there are reports of people meeting DMT aliens so

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Hold on, did anyone disprove flat earth already?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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6 minutes ago, Dryas said:

I mean, there are reports of people meeting DMT aliens so

That doesn't mean that what they experienced was real actual things.

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