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I awakened today and I don't want to go deeper

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Hey ... I awakened today I realized my ego is my imagination, thoughts and I can disappear if I'm not thinking about the "physical me"

I realized I was creating my reality... and that most people are unconscious just like I was.
This shit scare me and I want to go back to my "imaginary life" and just doing good, be better with people and giving more love.

But I don't want to go deeper I will medidate everyday a little bit for practical benefits trying to enjoy my life in the now, within this body and false identity...
I feel like if I go deeper in this I will go crazy

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It’s often thought of as important to strike a balance between insight (seeing everything as impermanent, unsatisfying, and not you) and stillness/happiness (coaxing well-being as if it’s a fire you’re building over time). Also forgiveness and gratitude are very important. And inquiry and surrender can be powerful.

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So it's not even worth the trouble? I get the impression that the view from the summit does not meet people's romanticized expectations.:)

Edited by Nomad13

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@Gabith Give it time, you'll get over it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Gabith said:

I feel like if I go deeper in this I will go crazy

Most human beings are already insane. The whole point of Self-realization is to escape the asylum of the conditioned mind, and simply be.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Gabith said:

This shit scare me and I want to go back to my "imaginary life" and just doing good, be better with people and giving more love.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Only, I am not sure where you are "going back to".

You can never arrive at home.

And you can never leave home.

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Hehehe, wait till you actually go more insane. 

Just kidding, everything will be back to normal if you want it to ;)

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