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Epiphanies About Conscious Work

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I was thinking about reality in terms of a system of perceptions and had the following epiphany. Life or conscious experience is a work of development or progress, at least at my stage of psychological or spiritual development. When you see, hear or stimulate yourself with new things you add to your system new things. If you sit down and relax for a bit, things will start to bubble up. As you become more aware of them, some things will become released and go away, some things will integrate better with your core. The more you meditate and chill out the more integrated, peaceful and relaxed you become. But when you stimulate yourself two things can happen. If you somehow find in the external world a match to your subconscious inner conflict you will become more aware of it and it can be released or integrated. I think, if you relax a little bit and try to become aware of your authentic desires you can find such things. If you just stimulate yourself with random staff with just a craving for novelty and escape you just add more things to the unbalanced system that you have.

Awareness is the first part of the process. Another part is doing what you can. But doing things have at least two problems: laziness and fear. In case of laziness you can try do not distract yourself with other activities and contemplate your resistance or just do it, I don't have an opinion of what is better yet. In case of fear you do what you can to cure and prevent what you are fearing not only in yourself but also in others. This way you do not escape reality but thy to accept it and deal with it.

I think this process is a healthy therapy, at least it helps me very much. Interesting thing is, the more slowly I try to do it the better things come out in the end. If I try to hurry I actually slow the process and make it less effective, at least in my subjective experience.


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