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Self-inquiry advice: draw-line technique

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So here's Leo's explanation of how to do the technique:


Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience.

Locate a distant object in your visual field. Any object will do, like a tree, a car, a sofa, a lamp, a book.

Now, take your index finger and try to draw an imaginary line from that object to "you".

Draw this line using your finger, but go very slowly. Move backward from the object to "you".

Pay extra-careful attention to exactly when and where your finger reaches "you".

Notice that it never actually reaches "you", because there's no you there!

The line always terminates at nothingness.

Become deeply conscious of this until your identity as a self starts to break down.

If you think the finger reaches you at the skin threshold, look more closely. In your direct experience do you actually perceive skin between the object and "you"? Be very careful here. There is no skin between object and eyeball. For that matter, there is no eyeball 

My question

So, I take my finger from the object to what exactly?  Like I tried actually touching my eyeball, is that right?  Then I just poked the skin around my eye, like on my nose and cheek.  Is this right?  Where exactly on my face or body am I supposed to be bringing my finger back to "me"?


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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12 minutes ago, Matt23 said:

Where exactly on my face or body am I supposed to be bringing my finger back to "me"?

Hehe, you sneaky bastard.


That's the point!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ha.. I heckin knew that would be the reply as soon as i was writing it.

I guess the closest thing to a perceptual shift, which took some work to stay concentrated on, was being aware that my finger would disappear when out of view while also not falling for the concept of it being out of view, and also noticing a different perspective of  the sensation of my finger toughing my skin as separate from the conceptual image of it (which, when combined, i find often is a powerfully strong thing to decouple). 

It's kinda weird.... not seeing, or rather, imagining, anything beyond your field of vision... it's like, crisper, yet... i dunno... almost as if sometimes, when i get more present, im putting my face right up on the tv screen instead of sitting further from it and having a bunch of "filler stuff" filling in the surroundings... and sometimes I've experienced it as almost going into the screen... hard to explain a bit.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Matt23 Too much blah-blah, not enough mindful practice.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Hehe, you sneaky bastard.


That's the point!

But there is Self, right?  I thought "me" is just the universe.

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