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Modern slavery, the significance of consciousness, and what you can do

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I have been doing a lot of research on modern slavery lately.  It is not a well know issue.  I think this is by design because of mankind were more conscious of how we are benefiting from people exploited for slave labor, then we would not be able to maintain our current way of life.  Shining a light on this issue is consciousness healing.  Slavery can only be maintained through unconsciousness.

There are estimated to be as many as 40 million slaves around the world.  400,000 of them are victims of human trafficking in the United States.  80% of slaves in the U.S. are women and children and are most often used for sexual exploitation.  This is hurt by the backwards laws and failures of the criminal justice system.

Because police officers in many countries are not properly trained to deal with the mentally ill, victims of slavery often end up being punished instead of helped.  Escaped slaves are deeply traumatized by what happened to them, and they often can't speak the language of the law enforcement.  This is because human traffickers target people who can't report them.  Human traffickers in the United States for example, use the fear of deportation on illegal immigrants in order to keep them from fleeing or talking to the police.  This is why the United States can help the issue of slavery through several policy changes.

The following site has recommendations.  For example, child marriage is still legal in the United States, and it creates an environment for sexual abuse.  The site recommends raising the minimum age of marriage to 18.

I found another site from an international abolitionist movement.  They have a petition to help get victims of slavery sufficient recovery from their abuse.  This petition is in the UK, so I am not sure if it would take my name.  Do you think we should sign petitions like these? 

Why I thought of this issue

I am attempting to recapture the spirit of the original Republican party.  The Republican party was originally formed to abolish slavery.  I have been following the news and I have seen how corrupt the Republican party is.  This party has degraded into the party of lawlessness and does not resemble the original Republican party at all.  Republicans used to be radical leftists for trying to free the slaves.  If the first republicans knew about modern slavery, they would be making posts like these.

The United States benefits by importing electronics and clothing made from slave labor.  I learned about a riot in an Apple factory located in India.  The riot happened because workers were not being properly paid.  Some people split hairs over wage theft vs. Slavery.  In either case, the United States still benefits from importing goods created through exploitation.  This riot is one thing that made me think of this.

I am not sure about when people should try to address this less well known issue.  There is currently a massive health pandemic and the vaccines have yet to be distributed.  When do you think this issue should addressed?  

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Riot does not mean slavery

They are underpaid but that's a government problem. I wouldn't call it slavery though. 


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I found another site on anti slavery.

There are a lot of petitions on this site as well.  I signed the one on I hope this helps to raise awareness of this unknown issue.

Do you think petitions like these should be spread?  I am considering adding these sorts of things to facebook.  I am trying to be careful not to do unconscious politics and turn this into a crusade.  This makes me very unsure of myself because I don't know how else to approach this issue.  I think I'm doing a good thing and I don't think there is harm in trying to free the slaves.

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