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I've never hypnotized my self by guiding myself through Hypnosis but I've been using Self-hypnosis tapes that you can buy every night for the last month and a week or so. It's basically a Hypnotist that recorded a Hypnosis session about a topic like "Losing Weight" or "Money Success" or something like that. He first relaxes your mind/body into a meditative trance so that your Conscious mind is less active, making your Subconscious mind more available for the positive affirmations and messages he implants in your mind. 

They're generally at least 40 minutes long, and are a much cheaper than private sessions. I'd say it works and the results are more notable over time, like a few months up to a few years depending on the outcome your after following a month run of a tape. Reason being because say you program your mind to believe your a millionaire, you'll likely need to learn a lot before you learn how to manifest this reality. The programming is like the engine that gets you there. 

I'm not sure if its for everybody.. Reason because of something I've been wondering which is if it's suitable for people seeking enlightenment because it programs your mind for success. Where inner work towards enlightenent is designed to shed beliefs and mental programs. Maybe someone will know how to answer my question.




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it seems to me like meditation is very similar to hypnosis, especially guided meditations. meditation is more like self-hypnosis

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There is a lot of different types of meditations for sure. Though good Hypnosis puts you in similar brain wave frequencies as meditation, (Alpha and Theta usually)  to relax your conscious mind.

There is deeper states of meditation that I believe are usually only reached from focused meditations (like the Delta and Epilison) that probably are not reached in most people through hypnosis unless they fall in deep sleep.  Hypnosis has a different purpose and focus than other meditations. 

But really it's not really important to know the details of either too much anyway. id say experiment with them both and be your own scientist. That's the only way to truly learn something I think information is just a guide. 

but if you're interested in different brain wave states check out this chart. People's brain waves can be tested with EEG machines and I'm pretty sure that's how they learned about the different states the mind can go into and the benefits of each one. Here's a basic chart that you a better intellectual understanding. Enjoy :)



Edited by Fabio

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