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How do you deal with Wars/horrible things ?

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Hi guys my mood went down, I feel anxious and sad. I'll tell you why.

A friend of mine is very well informed on wars and politics. He saw videos on deep web and things related to wars.
He talked about the situation in Syria, he mentioned some horribles things like chemical attacks, kids who were forced to attack people with rusted knifes, rapes, torture....

Now I feel really bad because I think about that and I'm sad that such things exist and I'm afraid to have to live through their eyes.

How do you deal with knowing that reality contains this ?

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2 minutes ago, Tim R said:

Your thoughts are making you sad, nothing else. 

I know that haha.

Maybe I should medidate ? I had an awakening days ago but now I'm back in my ego and I'm afraid I don't want to live forever, I don't want to know what is like to be raped/tortured.... reality is harsh when you see it from the ego perspective...

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We have to be strong, and we can help others, we don't have to be passive. If you are strong and a good person, then others will get inspired. Being a light-warrior soul is not easy, we always incarnate into these lower realms, help others and get killed for it. Then we have to deal with the trauma in our next incarnation. But we get stronger, and we are blessed and protected by our spirit friends, and eventually our mission is complete and we ascend into the higher realms.

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