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How do I let go of those I love?

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It's a mantra I repeat to myself when trying to let go, but I can never fully let go. I'll have thoughts of my family and friends. I love them too much and have experienced too much trauma to be ready to let them go. How do I let go of this? It is so difficult. 

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What are you letting go of? If you're referring to the need for others to make you happy, you first need to realize that you are already infinitely abundant.

That doesn't mean you stop loving people, though. Just the opposite. When you unconditionally love yourself, you will naturally begin to unconditionally love others. Why? Because you realize that there ultimately is no "you" or "them", and that we are all the same Consciousness. That realization of sameness is what Love actually is.


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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 So first of all, let's clarify what we're actually letting go of. We're not driving out to a cliff and forcing our loved ones over the edge and then dramatically letting go of their hand. We are not literally letting go of anything. So what are we letting go of? 

We're letting go of thoughts that aren't aligned with our Source. In this particular instance, thoughts about our loved ones that don't feel good and stem from mistake beliefs. 

When we think of letting go of something, we actually think of letting go OF  _____ whatever the fill in the blank is. We make that something a real thing, and don't see through the illusory nature of a thought OF that thing, which is already not that thing. It's as if the letting go and the thing being let go of were two real things. See how tricky that is? DON'T THINK OF A PINK ELEPHANT. Doesn't work, see? So in order for you to have a thought or feeling that there's something that must be let go of, you create a vision or idea of you not having that thing anymore, which is the thought itself you're wishing to let go of. You cannot think "I've finally let go of my obsessive thinking about ice cream" without thinking about ice cream.

"To use a finger to illustrate how "a 'finger' is not a finger" is not as good as using something other than a finger to illustrate how "a 'finger' is not a finger". -Chuang Tzu 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@NorthNow Listen you're just playing mostly with projections of your own mind outside the natural spiritual psychic space. So what's to let go of other than the images you have? You must focus on connecting with who they truly are and who you truly are then what will be will be. You must contemplate this. So deeply. So fucking deeply. Get right to the core of your awareness. You connect with RIGHT fucking now, leave the projective mind on the table like you would leave your keys and forget them as you go out into the world and feel at the visceral level the essence of existence.

Finally, what are you letting go of other than the fear of letting go? Are you afraid of not having love in your heart? What the fuck does love have to do with an image you have in your mind? When you see a person you truly and deeply love you don't connect with them purely through the image you have in your mind, you can feel it as you search in your mind there's something deeper. So how is that something deeper ever going to come into conflict with the trauma you've experienced? This layer within your psyche can be overcome by stretching limits of your being on a single point within awareness which is the centre of awareness itself. This shows you all of reality that you will ever have to deal with, this shows you all the love you will ever need to have in your heart and you can confidently say fuck off to everything else. Because right there, that's where you feel truth, that's where you make something at the beginning of existence which is creative, because where the fuck was anything else other than a memory of being the beginning of existence? We experience snapshots of time, you experience this in snapshots of time, who the fuck were you when you started reading this comment eh? No body to you now, just a memory, you're right fucking here. 

So what are you letting go other than the fear of letting go of something false? Be right here, be true. Then however anyone not just your family comes to you, like me after I press the submit button, you will experience them with all the love you're meant to give, because you're sitting with the truth of who you really are at the centre of your awareness in that moment. Who knows where the fuck this shit comes from, get out of your head, sit in your body and we say it comes from feeling, but fuck the labels as well, its your awareness. Does your awareness hold onto things? Or does it experience them as fully as you are aware? Do you think when your family sees you and let's say everything is good, do you think they want you to experience the memory of them or as they fucking fully are right then and there as your awareness if they're coming to you purely? You've got it. You're on your way now. The rest is your puzzle. Now you're a fucking real spiritual being, before you were just a wandering soul lost in the circus that was injected into your consciousness through the tunnel and social funnel of time perceived through the limitations of our growth up to this point. You've found yourself through these words. We use language to create worlds and here I am teaching you to get out of the one you've created for yourself to keep you a prisoner of your own mind about how you think not truly feel about the people you know. You may say, "but I feel!", search a little deeper in awareness, like really push it in your being, you will say that there is a boundary beyond that point that completely, totally and utterly understands where I am coming from and needs no further explanation after this full stop.

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11 hours ago, NorthNow said:

How do I let go of those I love?

You got it backwards, to let go is to love.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Some things you only let go of when you are ready... just try to develop the mind of letting go, so that when the time comes letting go is effortless and without suffering. It is good to look at places where you cling to things, where you feel a compulsion to hold on, and to relax those places in yourself and just mindfully be with them. 

Often clinging has a root, there are reasons why we cling. It could be an old fear, or a daydream, or an intense desire, something from your childhood perhaps. Finding these things and exposing them to full consciousness can alleviate them, allow them to relax and let go. 

But clinging is one of the links in the chain of suffering — as long as you cling, you suffer when the time of parting comes. So pay attention to where you cling, and to what makes you cling. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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On 2/25/2021 at 6:46 PM, Moksha said:

That doesn't mean you stop loving people, though. Just the opposite.

This. The love expands to include everything and everyone.

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