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Fear of death

64 posts in this topic

38 minutes ago, Someone here said:


38 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Gesundheit sometimes it's hard to take you seriously bro.



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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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13 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

I guess we can debate the meaning of the word 'death'.  

Yeah that was kinda my point. Since you didn't experience death yet... You have no idea what it is. 

@Gesundheit gtfo. 

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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Someone here

You could speculate for enternity about what Death is, but you won't get it until you are willing to die for it. 
Let go of this I that thinks they are awake, such silliness, there is no I. 
Come back home to the Love that You are, it is here, it is right underneath this story of "I", & thoughts about how things are a certain way. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Death of the body.  Ever heard of that? 

Ahh not really, what is that? lol

Even those who had "actual"  near death experience caused by any accidents or whatsoever who returned after, their body was still in operative state to some degrees and was not stopped working completely. even if it was stopped working completely the body was still there and not annihilated. are you bunch of flesh and bone or beyond that? because you can die and everyone consider you dead while your body still have it's normal functioning, blood still flowing normally in veins, body alive "you" dead!


Edited by m0hsen

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Those who say they are not afraid of death I would like to see them walking towards the gallows. no one gets rid of the fear of death. but it can be minimized. the more identified you are with your mortal part (body, mind, identity) the more fearful. the closer to your immortal part, which really is who you are since the other is in some way an illusion, the less fear. solution: awakening and detachment

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The fear of death is one of the reasons I'm not enlightened.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5Meo removed the fear of death. I can't fully let go if this is not fully embodied before each trip: I am ready to die. I am dieing. I am dead.


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5 hours ago, m0hsen said:

Because it's not direct and very badly fucks with your subconscious mind and memory! you gonna feel like you fucked your life FOREVER and damaged you psyche ,and you gonna be insane like this and psychologically damaged for fucking ever!

Hmm, I don't know, I think it varies from person to person. I had an absolutely amazing ego death experience on mushrooms. Granted, it probably wasn't the 'deepest ego death experience possible', so I don't know what it'd look like with dosages beyond the 5g threshold. But I see where you're coming from, as I felt like I was completely losing my mind on 3g's, which was rough.

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@Someone here 


Okay. I apologize for last night. I was kinda sarcastic where I shouldn't have been, and it was immature of me.

Most of the comments here are basically giving you pointers and insights on the level of context, but it seems you're having problems rather at the level of content.

Sometimes, it helps to flow with fear instead of resisting it, so I wanna discuss the various scenarios that you might have in your mind about death, and then you tell me where exactly you are facing problems.

  1. Western/atheistic/nihilistic pov (materialistic paradigm): You die, screen go black, and you never come back.
  2. Abrahamic religions' pov (test paradigm): You die, get resurrected, judged, and then get sent either to hell or heaven for eternity.
  3. Eastern religions' pov (dream paradigm): You die, reincarnate into a new form, and that cycle keeps repeating for eternity.
  4. Kind of a Leo pov (stuck-in-a-loop paradigm): You die, get reincarnated into the same body and same life as if you're stuck on repeat in this life for eternity. Perhaps he changed/updated his mind, idk.

I don't know if there are other beliefs about death, and I certainly don't know about the less popular ones. But these will provide a good infrastructure for deconstructing the fear of death on the level of content. If you're having problems with any of these things I listed, I will be glad to discuss further with you.


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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18 hours ago, m0hsen said:

Ahh not really, what is that? lol

Even those who had "actual"  near death experience caused by any accidents or whatsoever who returned after, their body was still in operative state to some degrees and was not stopped working completely. even if it was stopped working completely the body was still there and not annihilated. are you bunch of flesh and bone or beyond that? because you can die and everyone consider you dead while your body still have it's normal functioning, blood still flowing normally in veins, body alive "you" dead!


I haven't had such experiences. So I can't speak with certainty about it. 

However there is a difference between losing consciousness and physical death.. You lose consciousness daily when you sleep.. That doesn't equal physical death. It happens when either your brain stops functioning.. Or your heart stops pumping blood.. Or your oxygen levels are eliminated. 

Near-death experiences are usually triggered during singular life-threatening episodes when the body is injured by a heart attack.. shock.. or blunt trauma such as an explosion or a fall. At least as far as I did quick research on it. 

Most NDE's describe.. . seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel.. or detaching from one's body and floating above it and even flying off into space.

Why the mind should experience the struggle to sustain its operations in the face of a loss of blood flow and oxygen as positive and blissful rather than as panic-inducing remains a mystery.

Of course religious people tend to use NDE's to argue of the existence of the soul leaving the body...taking flight and then returning. To me.. All that is still in realm of hearsay and speculation.. Since I haven't experienced NDE myself.. So I can't trust any of these stories. My epistemological position only allows for direct experience. And this means My own direct experience. And my own experience of death up untill now is zero. 


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19 minutes ago, Someone here said:

My epistemological position only allows for direct experience. And this means My own direct experience. And my own experience of death up untill now is zero. 

Since you have no direct experience of death, to be consistent with your epistemological position, you have to realize death does not exist...

Any thoughts about the fear of death, like all thoughts, appear out of nothingness/emptiness, they are not yours, recognize them as such... and fear falls away having no substance.

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1 hour ago, Chris365 said:

Since you have no direct experience of death, to be consistent with your epistemological position, you have to realize death does not exist...

Any thoughts about the fear of death, like all thoughts, appear out of nothingness/emptiness, they are not yours, recognize them as such... and fear falls away having no substance.

That's what I meant by 'I didn't find any evidence of death'... 


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@Gesundheit apology accepted. 

All these scenarios are uncertain beliefs. The kicker as I said is in that you don't know. If you did know you wouldn't be afraid to die. 

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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:


All these scenarios are uncertain beliefs. The kicker as I said is in that you don't know. If you did know you wouldn't be afraid to die. 

Not-knowing is not supposed to trigger fear. Rather, it's supposed to trigger interest & curiosity.

Why would you fear the unknown? What makes you think that it's something to be afraid of? After all, you didn't know anything back when you were a baby, and you still don't know anything right now, but if I'm not mistaken, you're comfortable living in a completely mysterious world. Perhaps it's too much comfortable that it made you want to stay here forever.

There's a lot that I could say to you about this topic, but you gotta be precise and specific with what you're afraid of. I don't have access to your experience, so I can't pinpoint your fears. But you can, and then maybe I can provide some insight.

What is it exactly that you're afraid of happening?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

Not-knowing is not supposed to trigger fear. Rather, it's supposed to trigger interest & curiosity.

Why would you fear the unknown? What makes you think that it's something to be afraid of? After all, you didn't know anything back when you were a baby, and you still don't know anything right now, but if I'm not mistaken, you're comfortable living in a completely mysterious world. Perhaps it's too much comfortable that it made you want to stay here forever.

Of course not knowing can sometimes be extremely fear-triggering. Think about finding yourself in a place or a house and you know absolutely nothing about it.. . You would be afraid until you can get certain about where you are and who brought you there and so forth.  And it happened a lot during one's life where you are forced to deal with uncertainty.. It feels uncomfortable.. Those the rare occasion when everyone’s life gets sideswiped and we are forced to sit in a vast uncertainty for an extended period of time. How deadly is the virus? (Corona) We don’t know. How long will this last? No idea. Are the drastic social precautions worth it? Maybe—maybe not. Are there effective treatments? Perhaps. Also perhaps not. Is the virus influenced by the weather.. by genetics.. by geography? Probably.. maybe.. and.. uh… shrug? 

1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

What is it exactly that you're afraid of happening?

Most scenarios (from what you presented) seem to trigger some sort of fear.. For example the idea of hell seems to cause existential crisis when reflected upon long enough. The idea of eternal annihilation seems to drive me crazy.. The idea of eternal life via reincarnation seems to equal eternal suffering. Etc.  It seems like whatever is gonna happen causes some anxiety.  And once again the kicker is you don't even know. You are completely clueless. You will only know when you die. 

1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

but if I'm not mistaken, you're comfortable living in a completely mysterious world. Perhaps it's too much comfortable that it made you want to stay here forever.

In a sense yes.. You could say I know nothing. But there is a some level.. Experiencing something =knowing it. I have experienced this world.. So it can be said that I know about It at some level. But I  have no experience of death.. It's completely unknown.. As I mentioned in OP.. You can even get skeptical about whether death is even real. 

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@Someone here I would advise some cemetary meditation. It may not be as effective as in the Buddha’s time, when you’d literally be sitting with the bones of decomposing corpses, but it’s still good. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

Of course not knowing can sometimes be extremely fear-triggering. Think about finding yourself in a place or a house and you know absolutely nothing about it.. . You would be afraid until you can get certain about where you are and who brought you there and so forth.  And it happened a lot during one's life where you are forced to deal with uncertainty.. It feels uncomfortable.. Those the rare occasion when everyone’s life gets sideswiped and we are forced to sit in a vast uncertainty for an extended period of time. How deadly is the virus? (Corona) We don’t know. How long will this last? No idea. Are the drastic social precautions worth it? Maybe—maybe not. Are there effective treatments? Perhaps. Also perhaps not. Is the virus influenced by the weather.. by genetics.. by geography? Probably.. maybe.. and.. uh… shrug? 

Most scenarios (from what you presented) seem to trigger some sort of fear.. For example the idea of hell seems to cause existential crisis when reflected upon long enough. The idea of eternal annihilation seems to drive me crazy.. The idea of eternal life via reincarnation seems to equal eternal suffering. Etc.  It seems like whatever is gonna happen causes some anxiety.  And once again the kicker is you don't even know. You are completely clueless. You will only know when you die. 

In a sense yes.. You could say I know nothing. But there is a some level.. Experiencing something =knowing it. I have experienced this world.. So it can be said that I know about It at some level. But I  have no experience of death.. It's completely unknown.. As I mentioned in OP.. You can even get skeptical about whether death is even real. 

Well, I'll leave this up to Nahm. He's the one who helped me get over my overthinking tendencies. Maybe contact him in private or tag him here. I can try to offer something from my experience, but it won't be as articulate or effective as his. Basically, it requires surrendering and letting go of the need to control everything, but it's easier said than done. And I myself haven't gotten over it completely yet (although not regarding death), so I'm probably not the best source for advice here.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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