
Feeling like you're not making any progress

26 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Screw traditonal meditation. Get a beeper that beeps you into awareness every 30 seconds. That will skyroket your day to day awareness.

IDK actually, I haven't done it for a long time, so that's that.

@mmKay Which beeper did you use?

I found one that vibrates once in every 60 min so was thinking of making one myself.


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The reason nothing have been working for you it’s because you act from your mind. Ego attitude of you must try harder. Go all in etc..

Those are only words but are pointers to help connecting with your true self: Let go of control. Relax to what is. Surrender to God’s will. IMO That’s true meditation.

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42 minutes ago, captainamerica said:

@mmKay Which beeper did you use?

I found one that vibrates once in every 60 min so was thinking of making one myself.


smartphone app can do the trick. But it will do nothing unless your intention is dive into the present moment as deep as possible. Doing it for long periods of time is extremely difficult so choosing short blocks of time  to train is key. Like 5 mins or so. Still the beeper could be valuable to pull you to the present moment throughout the day.

Edited by mmKay

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4 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

@Girzo Progress does not happen by manipulating the external world. Rather, it happens by changing your relationship to it.

What do you mean by manipulating the external world?


You can fly to the moon and feel lighter, but don't fool yourself into thinking that have actually lost weight. You will know when you come back to the earth.

Ime, the experience of being weightless in space helped me to loose weight because I know what it feels like to be weightless. Just awesome.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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You can do something for many many  hours and not see improvement 

For me playing overwatch I was trying to get to a high rank and was playing a lot but saw no improvement over 150 hours of playtime. 

I knew what my sticking point was (anxiety during games) but I kept practicing other things. Eventually I had no choice but to surrender to the anxiety. I was avoiding the thing that would actually help me (because of the discomfort and change it would bring) and was doing things that had virtually no impact. 

Once I surrendered to the anxiety and committed to playing good i climbed several ranks 

So I think my lesson here was, you must do the thing that will actually help you. Def a great example of real work vs fake work. Like leo said - self honesty. It takes some courage and willingness to step into your greatness which will require discomfort and possibly some identity change 

I have many examples of this tbh in my life. It all depends on your conscious intent 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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I often feel this way but in my case I've found it to be an illusion, much like a frog in water that is heated to boiling and because the temp increase is so gradual is doesn't react and just stays there. Whenever I look at where I was a month ago, I almost always see quite a change when I honestly assess it. But I have to actually look carefully in order to see this, because the changes are very gradual. However, there are absolutely ups and downs, in terms of effectively embodying love and wisdom, on a monthly basis (occasionally drastic backslides; ego-backlash?), but on a yearly basis? Every year since starting this work I am a completely transformed individual. I never would have thought in the past, that I'd be in the state I'm in now -- utterly okay, with limitless options in front of me, and a penchant for contemplating literally anything -- this habit has had a snowball effect, and I'm very exited to see where it takes me. And the funny thing is, everything I've just said is actually fairly easy to overlook, because of the aforementioned slow, gradual nature of the development -- but it's getting harder and harder to overlook it.

Edited by The0Self

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