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Work ethic - What is your personal experience

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Since I started my first full time job, I have gotten a little bit bitter with how people are in general.

I had jobs in the past but maybe because of certain variables people in the workplace had their duties more clear so they weren't much option for "fighting".

But in the job I'm currently employed, people behave in such a way that I feel I'm in a pit of hyenas, instead of humans.

I know that is my responsibility to step up and defend what is mine, but still, I'm not used to that spiral dynamics stage red. That constant daily fighting. Sometimes I prefer to work a bit more just to avoid daily confrontation. As someone which gets inspired by the non dual understanding and that what excited me would be to create a company/life purpose which Unites people, share love, highest wisdom...etc, I find myself doubting if I should really do that. Since most people are in such a stage of development where they absolutely only think about them and have no problem at all in each day "fighting" to try to get you to work for them although that creates a toxic environment.


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