
Negative spiritual beings

21 posts in this topic

There seems to be a lot of talk about "negative entities", "dark forces" or "negative energies" in some spiritual circles. 

What do you guys think about this subject? Usually the people who talk about these things don't seem very grounded, or smart to be honest. I don't vibe with them. But sometimes these things are mentioned by sources that I take more seriously.

I am especially interested in the Law of One series, and how Ra explains the negatively oriented beings and the Orion group. Do you find this information relevant? Have you studied it more deeply?

I have fear regarding this subject, obviously. Any tips, tricks, perspectives?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Idk but after reading some of The Law of One it jived so incredibly strongly with my past psychedelic work I honestly am tempted to believe it's basically entirely legit.

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Only encounter with any sort of "negative" entities I've had were those "shadow people" often seen in sleep paralysis. They have a palpably scary presence about them. But, I really don't know much about them.

There was also the experience of having some sort of creature screaming at the top of its lungs into my right ear during sleep paralysis, which is definitely what I would attribute as a negative characteristic, to say the least.

It seems plausible though. There are acclaimed entities that can be found on psychedelic trips which are apparently here to help us and give us advice, why wouldn't there be entities opposite to that?

Edited by Osaid

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Of course there's negative entities.

They're still all figments of God's imagination. But God can imagine some pretty wild shit xD.

I wouldn't get hung up on it. Stick with your spiritual practice, learn how to control your energy and you'll be fine.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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5 hours ago, roopepa said:

What do you guys think about this subject? Usually the people who talk about these things don't seem very grounded, or smart to be honest. I don't vibe with them. But sometimes these things are mentioned by sources that I take more seriously.

No shit.  They're dealing with negative entities. B|  1*rIoU_3Z4nzNT-67Vq4CfEQ.jpeg

The whole point is to go within and find it for yourself.  No one can really give you any tips or tricks that you don't already know that you should be unraveling and doing right now in the present moment.
Read the material and see if you can bring a guide into your life and go from there; keep yourself as open as possible and read material like this from the heart.  Humans are not the best teachers. 
Follow written material; books - that's the best way.  Because your soul can interpret it how it was meant to be for YOU.  It is all within you, we just forget while we are alive.  Like a mental rubix cube.

Currently I just bought the books and will be reading them soon.

If you go in with judgement, you won't channel the information properly and will just be furthering separation within yourself.  Be present without any ego at all and let your intuition piece it all together for you like a collage.  God works through hiding within stupidity and folly.  If you judge you can't get all the pieces.  It's like a trap door to keep stupid people out. ;) 


Edited by Keyhole

Don't invest in the virtual.
Focus on yourself.


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I think negative entities (energies) do exist but mainly they manifest inside of people. Some people really harbor hateful feelings in the heart and you can see they are riddled with darkness (call them whatever you want) that feeds off their negative emotion and fear.

That's my perspective, I just look after myself and keep myself healthy and I don't attach myself with anything bad

Edited by goldpower123

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"Law of One" contains amazing pointers that may help to see that you are Home. Look at "negative entities", "Ra", etc  as on characters inside a dream, but you are not a dream character, you are the Dreamer of the whole thing.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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8 hours ago, Keyhole said:

No shit.  They're dealing with negative entities. B|


Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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51 minutes ago, allislove said:


"Law of One" contains amazing pointers that may help to see that you are Home. Look at "negative entities", "Ra", etc  as on characters inside a dream, but you are not a dream character, you are the Dreamer of the whole thing.

Feeling good about this one. Thank you, love.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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@roopepa I have a little experience with encountering negative entities, they do exist. But they manifest based on the darkness that you carry in yourself, the more you are connected with these dark archetypes and the less you know about your own motivations in this the more vulnerable you are when encountering them. 
The thing to be careful with is taking in those stories which extend your superficial contact with negative archetypes. If you build up a lot of fears from watching the wrong kinds of movies, you make yourself more vulnerable. If on the other hand you start doing shadow work and explore those areas which cause you fear and especially find out why they do, then you can rob them of much of their power. 
Ultimately their power comes from your own fear of darkness. Reactions of worry, anxiety, fear, shock, horror, panic, all of these things work against you. An enlightened being has seen through to the heart of them and doesn’t suffer any of those, and finds that in encountering a negative entity there is just a “oh, it’s a negative entity” kind of reaction. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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15 hours ago, roopepa said:

There seems to be a lot of talk about "negative entities", "dark forces" or "negative energies" in some spiritual circles. 

What do you guys think about this subject? Usually the people who talk about these things don't seem very grounded, or smart to be honest. I don't vibe with them. But sometimes these things are mentioned by sources that I take more seriously.

I am especially interested in the Law of One series, and how Ra explains the negatively oriented beings and the Orion group. Do you find this information relevant? Have you studied it more deeply?

I have fear regarding this subject, obviously. Any tips, tricks, perspectives?

Infinite being (you) forgets it’s own infinitude and total fucking awesomeness by appearing as experience, reality, or, creation. As awareness, infinite being is directly aware of thought, perception, and feeling. 

Some thoughts do not resonate simply because they are not true. Thoughts like “you’re a sinner”, or “God is judging you” etc. Thoughts like this are the natural product of the forgetting you are love...and thus believing there is fear. But there isn’t, that’s just another thought that doesn’t resonate, with the love that you Roopepa truly are. I can feel this love, and you can too, cause it’s what we actually are. 

Some folks really, really, really, got headstrong and suppressed the feeling which was ‘telling them’ some thoughts just are not true, and created collective beliefs, innocently. So rather than letting go of thoughts which don’t resonate, they convinced others their thoughts were true. 

This led to mass misunderstanding of what experience is, by misunderstanding what thought, perception, and feeling is. Thought is just for creation, for communication and preference. Your design, reality, which you are being, is actually effortless and incredibly simple. But some folks utilize thought to conceptual themself / our infinite self, and this is very confusing for people who hear this. 

When we listen to thoughts that don’t feel good to us, we are ignoring, and suppressing, feeling. We feel the discord of this when we do, which is essentially the love, which is infinite intelligence, which we are. Some folks do this anyways, selfishly, serving their self image or identity, ahead of togetherness, feeling, love & truth. That’s ok. It’s innocent, and all paths come from love, are love, and all paths return to love. 

This is gotten so out of hand, so to speak...that you have bought into it innocently. And now believe you are a separate physical object, which has “fear”. But really, that is the experience, the feeling, of the love that you are. If you listen to feeling, it is clear this “negative energies”, “dark forces”, “negatively oriented beings of the Orion group”, is just fictional, made up...from people attempting to “make sense”...while they are suppressing the very Guidance of sense-ation. If I was you, I wouldn’t do that. I’d listen to feeling, and have a laugh, and have as much fun and love today as is humanly possible.  



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16 hours ago, roopepa said:

I am especially interested in the Law of One series, and how Ra explains the negatively oriented beings and the Orion group. Do you find this information relevant? Have you studied it more deeply?

Yeah.  The Law of One material, if you accept its premise, totally blows up the ideas frequently bandied about on this forum and those of conventional nonduality teachings.  I mean, sure, you have "Zen Devilry" ("enlightened rogues") but that's typically considered a passing stage on the way to full enlightenment.

But here the fundamental premise is that you can be enlightened yet Service-To-Self (i.e. control/power as opposed to love-others-oriented.  The split is 95% to self for the first and 51% to others for the second.)

Now, most spiritual seekers and enlightened people are, in my experience, Service-To-Others oriented.  But definitely not everyone. 

Edited by Haumea2018

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@Nahm Bless you.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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6 hours ago, allislove said:

"Law of One" contains amazing pointers that may help to see that you are Home.


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3 hours ago, Haumea2018 said:

The Law of One material, if you accept its premise, totally blows up the ideas frequently bandied about on this forum and those of conventional nonduality teachings.  I mean, sure, you have "Zen Devilry" ("enlightened rogues") but that's typically considered a passing stage on the way to full enlightenment.

Even the Negatively polarized beings talked about in the Law of One, cannot maintain the negative polarization past the last half of 6th density... so it is a 'passing' stage ;)

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22 minutes ago, Chris365 said:

Even the Negatively polarized beings talked about in the Law of One, cannot maintain the negative polarization past the last half of 6th density... so it is a 'passing' stage ;)

Yeah, that's a good point.  In the long run, it is a passing stage.

Pretty long run, though - we're talking, what, billions of years in aggregate lifetimes or something of that order?

And I was referring more to the here-and-now, being in the 3rd density.  So as a practical matter, if a spiritual teacher looks suspect, and you're gaslighting yourself how he just MUST be wonderful -- well, it's something to consider.

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From my experience the people who talk most about this place way too much importance in this and yeah, kinda dumb. Yes, to a degree such a phenomenon exists, the say way if you spend a lot of time around really negative people you may feel yourself starting to feel drained, same phenomenon just conceptualized differently. It really isn’t something you should worry about or focus on. It won’t bother you if you don’t focus on it.

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Saying that entities do not exist is like saying people do not exist.

It's true from a higher perspective, but you still lock your house at night.

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