Meditation Practice

11 posts in this topic

Lately I've been struggling with meditation, I feel bored out of my mind, disgusted, frustrated, angry, sad and impatient. I always feel the need to check my timer and when I do it makes me even more frustrated. ( I use the "Do Nothing" technique )

Any advice?

Edited by Mr Lenny

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27 minutes ago, Mr Lenny said:

I've been struggling with meditation, I feel bored out of my mind

Facing boredom is meditation. 

Why people have invented alcohol, drugs. They are ways to escape from boredom. But you cannot really escape; you can only avoid for a while. Again and again the boredom will be coming, and again and again it will be more and more loud. You can escape in sex, in eating too much, in music - in a thousand and one kinds of things you can escape. But again and again the boredom will arise. It is not something that can be avoided; it is part of human growth. It has to be faced.

The other response is to face it, to meditate on it, to be with it, to be it. That's what Buddha was doing under the Bodhi Tree - that's what all Zen people have been doing down the ages.

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@Mr Lenny don't do anything without self love, otherwise your progress will be rather slow.

find a sangha.

in my case, i went out on the city where i live looking for many meditation groups. i found dozens of them. i practiced with all of them. i met awesome people.

you can try it. connect with people :)

Edited by iago iriarte arhatha

unborn Truth

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@Mr Lenny do you know people interested in meditation? you could create your own group. if you wish to do so, i can help you with the methodology if you want.

unborn Truth

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@Mr Lenny I think it will pass. You can try to break up your meditation. Eg. if you do for one hour you can try for few days just 30+30 minutes and see how it feels. Once it is ok just jump back in the bus.

This happened to me too. I really screwed up some of my meditation sessions but now its alright. It just passed. You can also try different technique for a month or so but I think you will be back on track soon. Read some stuff about benefits of meditation and get yourself motivated to do it. Try to do it in the best time possible (for me its easiest in the morning).

Hope it helps.

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17 minutes ago, Mr Lenny said:

@Dragallur It passed! :D

Great! =)

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I've been running into a bit of a problem lately, when I enter a relatively pure Being, egoless state from lots of meditation, it seems to turn off that rational/logical part of my brain (prefrontal cortext/left brain/whatever it is). This is a problem when I have to study and focus on abstract things. It's not like my usual ADHD lack of attention, but rather I can be fully present but not engage abstract thinking. Is there a way around this problem???

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@Joel3102  not engaging in thinking and surrendering to the Now is the aim of meditation and connecting to the one true Consciousness . I believe its possible to stay fully present while thinking but requires practice and Patients. Sometimes you have to use the mind,though Eckhart Tolle says that Originality and Creativity form beyond the mind so in your case you might be doing the best you can do and true creative expression has not yet started to flow. From My experience I have found that I was a lot more rational and emotional stable so I'm sorry I cant help you there..

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