
How do you retain being constantly aware in the present moment?

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Would constant awareness on the breathing work?

I've tried a lot of times. And sometimes I get to that place of bliss. In that place, when thoughts arise, they can't touch me. Like...I see that they are just a thought. Not me.

But then , maybe after an hour, I just give up: it comes a strong thought of identification ( they can be about whatever but they usually have a sort of an implicit negative aurea of "if you identify with this thought you will come back to the ego, don't do it".

So fear arise in that fear I lose myself in the thought and I start to lose the bliss and awareness on the breath and so on.

Do you think is there a point in doing this or I should just let it go and accept life it's not permanent. 

The ego state sucks so much compared to that present moment bliss ?. It's difficult to accept I have to live that state too. And most of the time btw.

Edited by Javfly33

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Read some eckhart tolle. I still don't really practice this but what works really well is self inquiry as often as you can until you get a certain feeling of energy. Focus on that and continue feeling your inner body. When you breath focus on the empty spaces of each breath before inhaling or exhaling. If you practice this enough you will reach a point that you are present all the time. Meditation practice or feeling your body or self inquiry for some time everyday is good and all or should i say better than nothing but when you finish your practice and return to normal then it's not enough. All of these things are extremely effective once you decide to live like this. To be present all the time. Breath is one of the ways to do it. If you find the right feeling you can live from there. Why don't i do it? Because if i did i would have to leave my ego behind eventually. 

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Meditate your ass off and then don't even bother thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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From the absolute perspective, you're always present. You can't escape it. Even if you're distracted, blissful, suffering, relaxed.

However, I guess this is not really helpful in your case, so I'd say start working on your mindfulness skills. It's critical for this work. You can find countless resources on how to improve it, but great starting points are the breath, body awareness or just listen to the underlying silence at certain intervals.

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3 minutes ago, nistake said:

From the absolute perspective, you're always present. You can't escape it. Even if you're distracted, blissful, suffering, relaxed.

However, I guess this is not really helpful in your case, so I'd say start working on your mindfulness skills. It's critical for this work. You can find countless resources on how to improve it, but great starting points are the breath, body awareness or just listen to the underlying silence at certain intervals.

"From the absolute perspective". Damn how much I hate that phrase hahaha

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Just for the sake of conversation, nothing true about it.

Imagine, there is a light dimmer, you can increase it by 1%, 1% means 99% of ego/conditioning/reactiveness/ignorance  and 1% of seeing of the actual you. Over time, you may reach 51% mark, from that moment the Light can't be unseen anymore, so whatever you do you just is. How to increase the dimmer for this particular movie character? Impossible. Since you are the screen. ?

What comes to mind, live every moment fully, welcome it with a deep gratitude, doesn't matter the content of the moment, since that's the only place where you can enjoy yourself.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Javfly33 at least 4 hours meditation a day (silence and darkness), contemplation on letting go and surrendering the self (or life). Try to be aware every moment during the day, be aware of every thought that comes up to surface. Do not get attached the thoughts with constant thinking. It will be like thoughts are coming to present moment, instead of as regular human thinking process or thoughts.  

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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