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Origins wonders why there is such urgency on mass vaccination of Australians around COVID-19.

Origins looks up top 50 richest people in Australia.

Origins notices that most people in the list are above the age of 60, many into their 70's and even some into their 90's.

Got it.

(as part of the real explanation if there was any a little more invisible than what's being portrayed)

The simplest explanation is usually the best, plain neuroticism makes sense first outside of imagining much more about conspiracy, although if I investigate further (haven't done a lot) and find something worthy of mentioning I shall.

Who profits most from the vaccinations?

Otherwise spending some time reciting all the countries and their visuals off by heart today (I mentioned a little while back that I was encoding all countries into memory, this was achieved). World knowledge continues.

The virus can still mutate as far as I know hence the necessity of still vaccinating everyone outside of the elderly. Regardless, I don't like the picture at all.

Edited by Origins

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Just appealing to your average conspiracy theorists narrative about our 21st century Netflix iPhone 9-5 working zombie apocalypse in the context of COVID. No this doesn't mean I'm pro-vaccination. I won't be getting it but in no way should that influence your opinion.

Haha spent about 5 minutes on this one in Photoshop. See if you can understand it fully (in light of prior comment as well).



Edited by Origins

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