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Preety's Life System Course ? Course is Free for Everyone

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The last week I was busy developing a concept. I had called it the life system. I was coming up with insights and components to fill in this system with. 

I tediously worked to incorporate elements into it that would be helpful for my life and kept improvising and customizing it. it's a work in progress. 

Right now it's half assed, half baked and still in the works. 

I decided to name it Preety's Life System. 

It's not fully conceptualized yet. 

I'll continuously work towards completing it. 

This is my greatest work so far. 

My best work so far in all of my journals combined. After tedious work of 3 years, I finally arrive at this. 

Hopefully this ambitious project will take wings and soar higher than I expected. 





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The first part of this life system is going to be tracking. 

The First Step-

Mechanical Growth Tracking 








Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So the first step of the course is to focus on Mechanical Growth Tracking. 

This means you focus on certain aspects of your life that you can easily change without needing extreme changes in your consciousness. 

For example. Diet. You can change your diet. 

Track the progress on your diet everyday. I'll call this linear growth. 

You could improve your health, fitness, meditation, yoga, career, passion, hobbies, job etc.  

This is mechanical progress because you can do these things without much contemplation or mindset change. These are basic routine everyday things that you can work on to improve. So I'll call it mechanical growth. 

How to track this growth?

For example if you started dieting and exercising to improve your fitness like a week ago. Then give yourself points depending on your progress. These are not reward points. These are progress points or indicators of how much progress you did. 

For example for day 1,  you can say your progress point is 1. If on day 4 you made good progress, you could allot  yourself 10 points and so on. So let's say you get 100 points. This mean you made considerable progress. There is no end point. It's an infinite scale that will continue through and track your progress. 

This figure is good at understanding this concept. 



This is the first step of the Life System Course. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The Second step -

Plane based Growth Track


This growth is upwards. Means it is going through several planes or dimensions. It's about bringing a change in mindset through contemplation. Expanding your consciousness.  This requires deep work. This is not everyday mechanical progress. Here the progress is more spirituality and consciousness oriented. It's not about diet, fitness, dating or career. It's about a deeper understanding of the world, reality and the universe. It needs deeper knowledge. As your knowledge and awareness deepens (through insight, visualization and contemplation and experience ) you go from one plane of consciousness to the next higher plane. You can see changes in your perception of the world, gradual shifts in your mentality, perception and mindset, shifts in your level of awareness and consciousness and different paradigms getting integrated into your thinking, you will discover something new and insightful and your spiritual growth will happen in doses. You will feel you are on a new plane. On every new plane  you will feel like you know reality better and you will know something more about you, about life  about universe, about spirituality and you will outgrow your last phase or plane. 

I'll call this growth vertical growth. And it's more of a spiritual growth than mechanical. 

As you grow, you can number the planes. For example you might say that you are at plane 1 right now. Maybe a month later when you see a significant change,  you can say you are at plane 2, this change can happen in weeks as well. The higher the plane, the better you're doing progress wise. 

Keep a track of your progress by going through the planes, advancing through them, how you decide if you have reached the next plane is arbitrary and up to you. If you feel you have grown psychologically and spiritually, note it down and mark it. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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third step -

Mountain based Resolution track 

The third step involves keeping a track on the obstacles and challenges in life and keeping a record of how you deal with them.. 

Life is not just about linear growth or spiritual growth 

In the picture below, you can see mountain shaped triangular structures. These represent challenges. The numbers indicate the number of hurdles or challenges or obstacles resolved or dealt with. The black structures represent bigger or harder hurdles/problems/situations  and the blue structures indicate lighter hurdles. You can even write numbers at the bottom of these structures to keep a tab on the problems or the number of problems that were unresolved. That way you get a clearer picture of what problems were resolved and what weren't  you could leave a small description of this problem on your assessment paper. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Other components of the Life System 

The components are as follows -

Awareness of self and system




Resolution (of situations and hurdles)



Connection (to selves)

Understanding dynamic

Compensation (try to have which you don't have or are lacking )

Integration (integrate a little bit of everything )


You will include these components in your daily routine. Detailed Explanation of these components will be  given later. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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One component of the system is "understanding dynamic "


However dynamic operates on many levels. It's important to cultivate systems thinking. 

In understanding dynamic, whatever dynamic you're trying to understand  there's a crucial factor. 

And it's the level. Many dynamics are operating at different  levels.. 

For example I can say a current situation has a certain basic dynamic  operating in it. 

But I think of the situation from a distant angle, I can catch another dynamic hovering over this dynamic. I'll call it the secondary dynamic.. 

When I go further with my Meta analysis, I see another dynamic from top controlling and influencing all the dynamics below. I'll call this the Tertiary dynamic. 

So here we go. 

I've the Primary Dynamic. The Secondary Dynamic and the Tertiary Dynamic.. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The life system is going to be a combination of both survival and non survival components and an optimal balance between the two. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Here I'll try to emphasize two types of brains and therefore two types of loci. 

One is the reptilian brain 

And the higher is the higher brain 

Higher brain = rational brain + cognitive brain(analytical brain ) + reasoning brain (causative analysis ) + spiritual brain (absorbing brain )


One is locus of survival. 

And the other is locus of higher self. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The foundational  Principle of my Life System Program. 

This is not just a course it's also like a program. So in the beginning it's like a course because it teaches certain fundamental concepts and parts of the system. 

Later on in the practice session or implemention phase, you can use it like a program or system. That's why I call it a system. It embodies every component of life. 

The foundational  Principle of my Life System Program. 

The foundational principle of this system is that your life loves you infinitely. More than you'll ever know. So you need to love your life in the same way. Your life will love you back even more. Treat your life like this. Always remember that no matter how much you hate your life, your life loves you more than anyone in the world. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The other part of the life system is morality. 

Morality is an essential component of my life system because I've always believed that morality is a key component of living. Without which we are led astray. 

In regard to this, I've created two basic principles of morality in my life system 

These are - 1)  to Be a good person 

                      2)  to be an authentic or                             genuine person 


Now I classify people on the traits of goodness (moral traits ) and authenticity and the following is the scale to determine this classification 

  1. Good and genuine 
  2. Good and not genuine (faking good )
  3. Bad and genuine (openly declaring how bad you are )
  4. Bad and not genuine (trying to hide how bad you are )


In this classification, number 1 is very good.  Number 2 is slightly good or okay. Number 3 is a bit confusing. It could be that you're ignorant but honest about your bad nature. Maybe you don't have ill intent but just ignorant. Or you're totally shameless about being bad,   just extraordinarily bad. Extremely bad. Number 4 is bad. Extremely bad. 

While following the Life System Program, you will try your best to be a Good person and to be a Genuine person who is being honest about their intentions in life whether it's dating, career, spirituality. 

Which means you are going to focus on 2 major values 

  1. Being morally and ethically good
  2. Being Open hearted about yourself and your intentions. You will always express yourself authentically. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Another fundamental principle of my life system is - 

You need to take full responsibility and ownership of your life in every manner possible. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Another principle of my life system is to have an extraordinarily strong belief in God. 

You need to have faith, an invincible trust in God. 

Absolute faith and trust in a higher power. 

Four  key principles 

  • To love life 
  • To love self 
  • To treat life like a system 
  • To love God 

The other principle is to

to never take anything in life in a simplistic reductionist way, everything is infinitely complex. Even this present moment. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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